No Challenge [Bookshops and Pizza Parlors] Pt. 1

Aug 11, 2013 19:37

Title: [Book Shops and Pizza Parlors]
Summary: Harry is manning Hermione's bookstore while she is out of town. Draco hears of an up and coming bookstore on the edge of muggle London and goes to investigate.

Characters/Pairings: Drarry

Genre: Fluff/Romance/Snark snark should totally be a genre

Beta: lumoslaurie and anyone on my f-list cuz I posted it as a WIP on my personal journal as friends only before I finished it.

Rating/Warnings: m/m pairing, snark.

Word Count: Pt 1 ~1250 Pt. 2 X

Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Sure just credit me. daughterjudy@tumblr

Pizza Place name by Dani of Hufflepuff and Bookstore named by Laurie of Gryffindor. Thanks guys :) This is also a Gryff_Lions MadLib Challenge. My words were: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Screamed and Pizza Box

Working so close to muggle London had its perks. And being in charge of a bookstore that sells both muggle and wizard literature meant that the pizza people knew they were here and be none the wiser of the magic surrounding them should they ever come in to shop. Hermione was out of town for a book tour with one of the major wizarding booksellers, leaving Harry temporarily in charge of the store.

Each of the shelves in the store was split down the middle: Muggle literature was on the left side of the shelf and wizard literature to the right. The wizard literature was hidden from muggles, so to them it just looked like a small bookstore with half full shelves, to a wizard though, it was full of possibilities There were two large comfy chairs set up in the middle of the store in front of the fake fireplace that took some of the winter chill out of the air. And it made the whole shop feel more homey, between the chairs was a small table with magazines and a for customer use tea service. Harry had to admit that Hermione did really well with the decorating.

There was a phone at the desk to keep in touch with muggle book wholesalers and book reps, and in the back there were a couple owls to get in touch with wizards with the same jobs. Harry of course was familiar with how to work the phone, and was in the middle of ordering his pizza from The Slice up the block.

“I'd like a large pizza for pick-up please.” Harry spoke into the phone.

“Can I get a name?” asked the young lady on the other end.

“Potter at Libri Amatori.” Harry felt a draft from the door and heard the bell jingle.

“What kind of toppings would you like sir?” Harry could hear the sounds of pizzas being made and people yelling at each other behind her on the phone.

“Double cheese and no anchovies,” he turned toward the front door to check on the customer and his eyebrows shot up and he stopped talking mid-sentence. Draco Malfoy was standing in his shop.

“Sir?” Came a quiet question from the phone.

Draco looked up and smirked at Harry. “Surprise me.” He hung up the phone before the girl could respond.

("Hello?" She asked the other end "Mr. Potter?" She put the phone down. "Oh well" She scribbled the order on her pad and put it on the line to be made.)

"Fancy seeing you here, Potter." said Draco, walking toward the back of the shop his hand trailing along the book spines.

"Hermione is out of town, I'm doing her a favor and looking after the shop for her." Harry stood frozen next to the register. Malfoy, in muggle London, at Hermione's bookstore. Something was off.

He stopped walking, pausing to look at the art decorating the mantle piece. He reached a gloved hand up to the silver clasp holding his cloak to his throat, twisting it and removing the heavy fabric from his shoulders. He shook off the remaining snow and laid it over the back of one of the chairs. He removed his gloves and placed them with his cloak. He was dressed simply but still screamed designer: a slate gray cashmere turtleneck sweater, black slacks and matching leather belt, and shoes.

Harry was still standing behind the counter, staring at the blonde man, mouth slightly agape. There was something about Draco that made you feel under dressed no matter the situation. Draco smirked at Harry.

"What are you doing here, Malfoy?" Harry's voice was accusatory, on the offensive.

"Is this how you treat every customer Mr. Potter? I think I should complain to the manager." Malfoy sat on the edge of chair on which his cloak was strewn, careful to avoid the damp on the back. He pulled his wand out of his sleeve and pointed at the tea service conjuring tea for two.

"Er, no. I guess not," Harry came out from behind the counter. "I don't see you as the type to come into a book shop, let alone one that sells muggle books." He was standing next to the other chair. Steam curled above the tea invitingly. Harry swallowed dryly. He would wait to be invited to sit.

"Are you going to sit, or will you just stand there like an idiot?" he pointed at the empty chair. "Or am I wrong to assume you're always an idiot?"

Harry glared at Draco and sat in the other chair unceremoniously. His small frame not filling the chair in the least. He reached over for one of the cups, to have Draco rap on his knuckles with his wand.

"I didn't say the other cup was for you." He said reaching for the other cup and bringing it to his lips.

Harry side-eyed Draco. "What are you doing here, Malfoy?"

"Aren't we testy today, Potter? What's got your knickers in a twist?" he said smoothly taking a sip of his tea.

"A sarcastic git came into my shop for no reason just to annoy me."

"Your shop? I was under the impression that this shop belongs to Granger. And who said I had no reason to be here?" He settled back into the chair careful of the wet cloak. "I'm choosing not to acknowledge that 'git' remark. Are you going to ignore the tea I so lovingly made for you, Potter?"

Harry reddened at Draco's off-hand remark, reaching for the tea without looking at him.

"I'm here because I heard of an "up and coming" wizard book shop outside of Diagon Alley." Draco was eyeing the bad posture from the lion beside him. Ever the antithesis of himself. "Would you at lease have proper posture if you're going to sit there."

Harry sat up gruffly, annoyed. Now sitting properly he angled his posture toward the other man. He took a drink of his tea. "What's your interest in a book shop?"

"Believe it or not, I have interests outside of being evil," he laughed. "I do enjoy reading. I had a tutor when I was younger. He used to bring me muggle books. I hid them in my room. Father found them. I never saw him after that." He ended his story solemnly, looking down into his tea.

Harry cocked his head at the Slytherin, trying to glean the validity of his story.


The phone rang. Both wizards jumped out of their skin, tea went everywhere. Harry dashed to the phone, tea cup still in hand, picking the receiver up in a rush.

"Libri Amatori, Harry speaking." he answered breathlessly, placing the nearly empty teacup on the counter. Draco was in the background, vanishing all the spilled tea. He slipped his wand back into it's proper place in his sleeve.

"Mr. Potter? This is Melanie from The Slice?" She phrased it like a question.

"Yes?" Harry was holding the phone in one hand and using the other to try and straighten himself.

"We're just calling you to let you know that your order is ready. Your total is £10."

"Oh, thank you. I'll pop over in a minute." Harry reached around to open the drawer of the register, grabbing a £10 note. He turned back around, Draco was staring at him. Harry gave a small smile. "I need to go pick up my lunch. I can either kick you out, or you can come with me."


135 125 Total points this week :)

creator: daughterjudy, character: draco malfoy, character: harry potter

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