4 Ficlets (2 for challenges)

Aug 10, 2013 19:45

Title: Watermelons
Rating: G
Character: Madam Hooch, Ron Weasley
Summary: Madam Hooch coaches Ron at Quidditch.
Word Count: 151
Author's Notes: For ficlet challenge #77 "He didn't let the Quaffle in."
She claimed it was good practice for Quidditch, and he had no reason to disbelieve Madam Hooch, as she was the Quidditch sponsor. She attended most teams' practices and gave hints to all four teams, but she had been a Hufflepuff and stressed fair play and, of course, hard work. Ron was discovering just how hard she intended to work him even now, while she beamed watermelons at him faster than he could respond.

"No!" she barked. "Don't just put your arm out, hit the melon."

Ron cringed, trying to smack the next melon hard. It exploded. "I don't want to be covered in juice!" he shouted back.

"Then you want to be a loser. Juice is how I know you are hitting them hard enough!"

Ron gritted his teeth and kept swatting.

Weeks later, when he prevented even a single Quaffle from sliding past his goal posts, he thought that he could have kissed her.

Title: Paternity
Rating: PG-13
Character: Sirius/Lily, James/Lily
Summary: Sirius and James share everything.
Word Count: 161
They lay in bed, fingers tangled around each others’ in a celibate embrace.

"James will know," Lily protested. She was beautiful when she worried, which was almost always these days.

"He does know," Sirius objected.

"How--" Lily sat up as much as she could without help. Her belly didn't let her do much on her own anymore.

"I told him," Sirius answered, shrugging.

"And he-- what did he say?"

"You worry too much." Sirius laid a finger over Lily's bottom lip and kissed her softly, slipping his finger into her blouse. "It's probably his," Sirius whispered. He knew he was right. Sirius never wanted to breed little Blacklings; he took more precautions than people gave him credit for. James had no need for precautions. Lily was his wife.

"If it is his, maybe we shouldn't continue this, after," Lily suggested.

"Probably not." But Sirius was smiling, because he knew that 'shouldn't' and 'wouldn't' kept different company more often than not, and he knew that it would never, ever stop.

Title: Full Moon Kiss
Rating: G
Character: Sirius/Remus
Summary: Sirius delivers Remus the impossible.
Word Count: 208
Author's Notes: For ficlet challenge #39.
Full Moon Kiss
Sirius was quite clearly impressed with himself. His chest puffed out as he pointed to the centerpiece of their June evening. Above them in the sky hunt a ball of fireflies perhaps thousands strong, and the yellow glow washed over them. Individual insects twinkled, but the illumination they cast was steady and bright thanks to the sheer multitude of fireflies.

"How did you manage that?" Remus said flatly, struggling not to show how truly touched he was.

"They're bugs. They aren't hard to influence." Sirius grinned again.

"Ok then, why? Why on earth do you think I would find a huge swarm of bugs even slightly romantic."

That did seem to wound Sirius for a moment, but Sirius was not going to buy completely into Remus's unaffected game. "Murderous Moony," Sirius pouted. "I've got you the one thing you could never have. I've done the impossible!"

"I'm sure you think you have."

Sirius, though, was not fooled. He slipped closer to Remus, slipped an arm around him. "Tell me how amazing I am," Sirius laughed.

Remus merely grinned, but he had to admit, Sirius had done it. The impossible. Remus turned and slowly and steadily did the one thing he thought he would never be able to do-- he kissed Sirius underneath a full moon.

Title: King of the World
Rating: G
Character: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley
Summary: A scene from Deathly Hallows... only I added Felix Felicis.
Word Count: 134
King of the World
As the dragon took to the air, Harry heard an undignified giggle escape his lips. “This is brilliant,” he exclaimed. “Much better than being on a broom!”

Ron, meanwhile, was dangling over the side of the dragon on his back, balanced precariously. “Do you reckon this is safe?” he shouted over the screaming wind. “I don’t think it would be, I mean, except that we’re awfully lucky to even have got this far.”

Hermione kicked him, and Ron nearly fell but manage to catch his balance at the last second. “Of course it’s dangerous,” she huffed. Then she too laughed. “I can’t imagine doing this without the Felix Felicis, Harry. That was inspired.”

“You’re inspired,” Harry countered. He spread his arms wide in mimic of a Muggle film he’d seen once, shouting, “I’m king of the world!”

Jess | Gryffindor | 31 points

creator: rhye, character: remus lupin, *challenge, character: lily (evans) potter, character: sirius black, character: hermione granger, character: ron weasley, form: ficlet, character: harry potter

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