Poetry Challenge #6: 25 Haiku

Jul 29, 2013 17:17

Title: Untitled
Summary: 25 horrible Haiku about Narcissa&Lucius (mostly post-war), Hogwarts and random characters
Characters/Pairings: Narcissa Black-Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, etc.
Genre: Poetry
Rating/Warnings: G/none? IDK.
Word Count: under 30 each

When you married him
You knew what would await you
Didn't have a choice

Your fate's decided
But could you not change it
Living your own lives?

These worrisome nights
Constantly waiting for him
Are they over now?

The war is over
No more fighting, no more deaths
But the fear remains

How lucky she was
Marrying the man she loved
And not a stranger

She was desperate
Waiting for him every night
Praying he'd return

Once she did believe
That all would be well again
How foolish she was

It was her duty
To remain strong forever
To always go on

She had to fight, too
Fight her personal battle
Could she ever win?

Times had changed so much
They were no longer the same
And would never be


The cat is watching
Taking care of students
Always following

Favourite students
They will get a special place
In his collection

Cauldron is ready
To be filled with new potions
Waiting to be used

Getting up at night
Off to the highest tower
To study the stars

Can you see the grim?
He will be there to haunt you
Just look at your cup

Don't sneak out at night
Do not think you won't be seen
You sure will be caught

Boggarts? Don't be scared
You'll know to defend yourself
If you study hard

Learn to transform things
Like animals into cups
You know it is fun

It is not that hard
To remember all the runes
Just give it a try

Ignore the forest
Just don't think of going there
It's too dangerous


Pink and purple hair
Thousand different options
She always changes

When she ran away
She couldn't be happy first
Cried herself to sleep

She always knew it
That she was destined to teach
It is her passion

She could really see
Knew more about the future
Than anyone else

He loves animals
Understands them very well
Mistreated creatures

25 poems for challenges x 5 = 125
Total: 125 points for Hufflepuff!

form: poetry, character: minerva mcgonagall, rating: g, character: narcissa black-malfoy, character: lucius malfoy, character: sybill trelawney, character: mrs. norris, character: horace slughorn, character: rubeus hagrid, creator: flyingharmony, character: nymphadora tonks, character: andromeda tonks

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