16 Drabble Challenges (1-8, 10-16, 18)

Jul 28, 2013 14:53

I've decided, as a challenge to myself, to try and do all the drabble challenges, so here are the first 16 (there are no numbers 9 and 17 for some reason!)

Title: Untitled
Summary: Drabble challenges 1-8, 10-16 and 18
Characters/Pairings: Various
Rating: PG
Word Count: All between 90 and 100 words
Warning(s): A lot of angst in 100 words!

Summary: Drabble Challenge 1 - Mundungus Fletcher
Characters/Pairing: Mundungus Fletcher
Word Count: 99

Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

If there were ever any words to live by, that was it for Mundungus Fletcher. (Unless, of course, it was Friends are great, but what your friends’ stuff can buy you is even better.) Everything in his life had taught him that. He had seen more people betray each other than he could count. He had seen people killed and lives destroyed because they trusted the wrong person.

But not Mundungus. He trusted only two people - himself and Albus Dumbledore - and he was damned sure not going to change that now.

Summary: Drabble Challenge 2 - One of the portraits
Characters/Pairing: The Fat Lady
Word Count: 98

Sometimes, between yelling at those nitwit students and seeing them squirm when she wouldn’t let them in to their precious tower and indulging in chatting and drinking with Violet, the Fat Lady tried to remember her life before she hung on a wall and guarded a door.

The memories, though, were hazy, growing more and more distant every day, almost as if they hadn’t happened at all.

She had brief flashes of parties and people, of friends and adventures, but nothing else. So instead, she went back to yelling at students and pretending her own life never mattered.

Summary: Drabble Challenge 3 - Neville Before Hogwarts
Characters/Pairing: Neville
Word Count: 100

He stared at the photo of his parents one last time, before hiding it away under his cloaks and books in his neatly organized trunk. Gran had made him re-do his packing five times to get it right. He couldn’t very well let people think he was a slob on first impression, now could he, she had reminded him over and over.

Neville closed his eyes, drawing a shallow breath. It was time to go. He should be excited, but all he felt was dread.

How could he ever live up to what his parents and his Gran had been?

Summary: Drabble Challenge 4 - Nymphadora Tonks
Characters/Pairing: Tonks/Remus
Word Count: 99

She watched with a sinking feeling in her chest as the light in his eyes faded.

“A baby,” he repeated, and there was no hint of joy or excitement.

“I thought you’d be happy.” She couldn’t help it. The words were out of her mouth in an instant, her hands moving protectively to her stomach. It wasn’t what she had dreamed about either, it wasn’t any sort of ideal timing, but from the second she had found out, her world had changed into something amazing.

She wanted him to share that with her.

Instead, he turned and walked away.

Summary: Drabble Challenge 5 - Percy Weasley during Hogwarts
Characters/Pairing: Percy, the twins
Word Count: 99

It was like they were purposely going out of their way just to spite him.

Everywhere Percy looked, there were his brothers - exploding fireworks in the Common Room, enchanting people’s bed sheets to attack them in the middle of the night, swapping people’s finished homework with empty sheets of parchment.

He had a desire to lock them up - or get their mum to send them a Howler - but instead Percy just adjusted his robes and held his head up a bit higher.

He was better than that. And now he was going to go take twenty points from Gryffindor.

Summary: Drabble Challenge 6 - Harry at the Dursleys (any age)
Characters/Pairing: Harry, Dudley, the Dursleys
Word Count: 99

His first memory of Dudley was of a pudgy kid with sticky fingers yanking a rattle out of his hand and screaming that it was his. Harry had a faint remembrance that somewhere out of his eyesight, two people had been cheering the kid on.

An early lesson that Dudley got everything and Harry got nothing.

Harry stared out the front window and sighed. He wanted to think there was something more out there for him, but how could that be?

His aunt was right. A scrawny, miserable, parent-less kid didn’t deserve anything more than he had right now.

Summary: Drabble Challenge 7 - Any character somehow dealing with bugs as the focus.
Characters/Pairing: Ron, Hermione
Word Count: 100

“Get it off me! Get it off me! GET IT OFF ME!”

Hermione barely looked up. “There is nothing on you,” she said, scribbling away at her parchment.


Ron was turning in circles now, trying to look over his shoulder. He could feel those creepy legs walking up and down his back. He had horrible visions of it making a nest there, having babies and then all the babies ….

“ARRRGGGHHHH!” The vision was so horrible he couldn’t help himself.

Still, Hermione didn’t stop her homework.

Sometimes Ron hated her as much as he hated spiders.

Summary: Drabble Challenge 8 - Minerva McGonagall (humor)
Characters/Pairing: Minerva McGonagall and the Gryffindor Quidditch team
Word Count: 100

It was a secret she would take to her grave, but every year before the final Quidditch game, Minerva McGonagall liked to pull a prank on the Gryffindor team.

Today, she watched from her spot behind the bleachers as the team discovered they were sticking to their broomsticks.

George Weasley cursed as he hung upside down, his cloak falling over his head, revealing pink boxers.

Angelina Johnson crashed into Fred, the two forming human pretzel up in the air.

Oliver Wood found himself stuck to a tree branch.

Minerva laughed. No one would ever suspect her (and she was right).

Summary: Drabble Challenge 10 - Dudley Dursley (angst or angst-like)
Characters/Pairing: Dudley, a bit of Harry
Word Count: 100

Dudley had never been scared before. Not really. Not like this.

Sure, he’d pretended to be terrified by Harry’s powers (it was better than showing he was curious and a bit envious), but this - this was real, a terror that left him numb.

As the car pulled out of the driveway for perhaps the final time, Dudley turned and looked back at Number Four, Privet Drive, his cousin still inside.

He didn’t know what the future would hold, but he was dreading it. For once, he wished Harry were coming with him.

But it was much too late for wishes.

Summary: Drabble Challenge 11: Sirius Black (humor)
Characters/Pairing: Sirius Black
Word Count: 100

His paws were covered with mud, and he was pretty sure it had gotten into his ears, too, but it was more than worth it.

He couldn’t wait for the moment the Slytherins headed out of the castle and saw the huge “SNIVELUS SNIVELS” written in mud on the grass. The looks on their faces would be glorious!

Sirius quickly transformed back into his human form and hurried into the castle.

Two minutes later he found himself being dragged by his ear by the headmaster.

“But how did you know!” he wailed.

“Well, your whole head is covered in mud.”

Summary: Drabble Challenge 12 - Peeves
Characters/Pairing: Peeves
Word Count: 98

Headmistress Minerva McGonagall would probably disagree, but the best day at Hogwarts for Peeves came down to the day the Great Hall erupted into one enormous food fight.

Started, of course, by him.

He’d been aiming for The Fat Friar, but, well, what can you do? Instead the tart landed squarely on a first year Gryffindor’s head.

And the fact that he accidentally said he thought it came from the Puff table? Well, sometimes the wrong words slip out.

And was it his fault that sometimes those wrong words cause the most beautiful retaliations ever?

Of course not.

Summary: Drabble Challenge 13 - The Weasley Twins (humor)
Characters/Pairing: Fred & George, with a little Percy and Lee Jordan
Word Count: 97

They found the hidden passageway their very first day at Hogwarts. Without even meaning to, really. They were just that good.

And for the next week, they hid in the passageway and shot spitballs and spiders and chocolate frogs and anything else they could get their hands on at passing students.

But the fact that one of the spitballs just happened to end up on Percy’s head and that he didn’t notice for an entire day while people laughed behind his back?

That, as Fred and George told Lee Jordan later, was just icing on the cake.

Summary: Drabble Challenge 14 - Severus Snape (Drama)
Characters/Pairing: Snape/Lily
Word Count: 97

“Please, Lily.” It was his last chance. He looked at her mournfully, fear and hope mingled together in his eyes. “We could be good together. Just give me a chance.”

She shook her head, her eyes downcast. “It’s too late.”

“It doesn’t have to be!” he pleaded.

“But it is. I’m in love with James.”

His world stopped. He couldn’t look at her. She didn’t look at him.

He didn’t know what to say, so he just whispered, “Please?”

But all she did was give him one last peck on the cheek, then turn and walk away.

Summary: Drabble Challenge 15: Viktor Krum (humor)
Characters/Pairing: Viktor/Hermione
Word Count: 100

He’d had it all planned. They would have a lovely picnic, watch the sun set, and then he would take her on a lovely ride on his broomstick.

Perhaps, they would even snog.

But Viktor hadn’t planned on the spiders in the picnic basket, causing them to have to discard the food. Nor had he planned on it being so cold, they couldn’t sit still without shivering.

And he definitely hadn’t planned on Hermione falling off the back of the broom as he soared upward.

“Worst first date ever,” he told his mates, as they failed to contain their laughter.

Summary: Drabble Challenge 16 - Ginny Weasley (angst)
Characters/Pairing: Ginny/Draco
Word Count: 99

They broke up on a Thursday night, sitting together by the Great Lake.

“You know it can’t work,” he said. “Not at a time like this.”

Ginny scoffed. “A time like this? You mean, a war? A war you’re fighting on the wrong side of?”

“Don’t say that,” Draco snapped.

“Why not? It’s true.” Ginny got to her feet. She knew she’d been asking for trouble the moment they first snogged, but she couldn’t help herself.

She knew he was better than he pretended to be, but she couldn’t change him. All she could do now was save herself.

Summary: Drabble Challenge 17 - Draco Malfoy (angst). Companion piece to Drabble Challenge 16
Characters/Pairing: Ginny/Draco
Word Count: 93

He couldn’t tell her what he had done, or what he was supposed to do. She kept telling him he could tell her everything, but there was no way he could tell her this.

If she knew what the Dark Lord was asking from him, if she knew he had all intentions of following through on it …

Draco had no choice. He had to break up with her. It was too late for him, but maybe, just maybe, he could still save her.

He just hoped one day she would forgive him.

16 drabbles at ~90 words: 48 points
16 drabble challenges x 5pts: 80 points

125 points for Hufflepuff!
Kristine | Puff

*challenge, genre: angst, form: drabble, genre: humor, creator: flipflop_diva, rating: pg

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