Title: Awaiting the Dark Lord's Return
Summary: Bellatrix was never a patient woman, not even when it would serve her best, and never was she so painfully aware of her own impatience as when she was waiting for her Master to come for her.
Characters/Pairings: Bellatrix
Genre: Gen
Rating/Warnings: PG - Azkaban and insanity and such
Word Count: 2 137
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Sure, please tag it "gamma orionis"
Awaiting the Dark Lord's Return @ ff.net
71 points
Title: Worthless
Summary: "Silly girl." His voice was low and soft in her ear, almost gentle, almost patronizing, instead of angry, as it should have been. "This is why you know that you have no place among my men. You cannot stand to hear the truth."
Characters/Pairings: Bellatrix/Voldemort
Genre: Angst
Rating/Warnings: PG - misogyny
Word Count: 853
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Sure, please tag it "gamma orionis"
Worthless @ ff.net
28 points
Title: Pure, Sweet Blood
Summary: Bellatrix's blood is pure enough to please the Dark Lord.
Characters/Pairings: Bellatrix/Voldemort
Genre: Romance
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 - Bloodplay
Word Count: 1000
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Sure, please tag it "gamma orionis"
Pure, Sweet Blood @ ff.net
33 points
132 125 Points earned