Saturday Special: May 3.0

May 19, 2013 15:57

~saturday special~


*I'll post a prompt each Saturday. Or Sunday. One day I'm going to be on time, I promise!
*You then have a bit over 24 hours to submit your work. Today's deadline: May 20th, 03.00 pm UTC.
*For the underlying piece, point calculations shall follow the regular Sugarquill point schedule (word/30; quality of art). However, per the (b) exception to Rule 3, Rule 3(b)(1) Saturday Specials are not subject to the cap. They are a bonus challenge given every Saturday worth 10 extra points and added at the end of the month. Meaning, while the underlying work may only extend upwards to the 125 point ceiling, the 10 point bonus for participating in a Saturday Special may exceed 125 (unlike normal challenge bonuses which are calculated in conjunction with the underlying piece and subject to the 125 restraints). So, for example, you can post 92 points this week, post a Saturday Special story worth 33 points (which would be the minimum at 1000/30), reach 125 for the week AND then get an additional 10 points (for a total of 135) for doing the Saturday Special. The 10 extra points will probably have a special column on the spreadsheet to delineate it from the normal weekly cap.
*Your work must meet the following minimum requirements to get them the lovely bonus points:
Writing: 1000+ words
Art: Finished - Good or better

*Do not add the 10 extra points yourself, I'll do it for you. Think of this as a "no challenge" piece. :)
*Label your submission with "MAY 3.0" somewhere in the subject line AND use the "!saturday special" tag.
*Please post your submissions per the standard formatting requirements of all Sugarquill posts.
*Feel free to ask questions in the comments below because damn, I know that this can be confusing!
*Most importantly: GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN! ♥


!mod post, !saturday special

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