Fic: March 1.0: Beach Vacation

Mar 02, 2013 23:08

Title: Beach Vacation
Rating: G
Character/Pairing: Teddy/Victoire, Remus/Sirius
Summary: Extended family summer vacation at Shell Cottage with some teenage Shenanigans.
Genre: Sit-com.
Word Count: 1023

Teddy waded in up to his waste, the cool waves lapping at his swim shorts. He turned to shout up the sand, "Come on in! It's not too cold."

Along the beach, Teddy's extended family didn't pay him much notice. They were busy setting up tents, sun shades, umbrellas, chairs, and in the case of Uncle Ron a rather large and ugly recliner that looked like it belonged more in an old pub's back room than on the stretch of beach that ran in front of Shell Cottage. Teddy's eyes met Victoire's and she rolled hers to indicate her frustrations with the whole mess. He smiles.

One person, however, had been paying him notice. Sirius Black-- who was, for all intents and purposes Teddy's step-da now, not that there were any papers to say anything of the sort-- had laid down no blanket or towel, had propped up no umbrella. He was sauntering down to the water. His pale skin stood in stark contrast to the dark tattoos that criss-crossed his chest. Teddy knew that once the summer came in full, Sirius's skin would brown and the tattoos would seem to fade. They made Teddy uncomfortable somehow and he liked it when they disappeared.

Sirius stepped one foot into the surf, then hooted and jumped in an exaggerated reaction and jumped back out of the ocean just as quickly. "Not cold?" he howled. "No wonder your hair is blue! It's colder than the North Sea, and I should know!"

Teddy knew it was an exaggeration, and just to carry the joke a bit further, he plunged himself under the water until it was over his head. When he re-emerged, though, he immediately forgot the play with his step-dad: Victoire had wandered down to the surf and was eyeing the waves skeptically.

"You live here. You must swim all the time," Teddy called over the crashing of the waves.

"I don't like the water," she answered. "I almost never swim."

Just then, Sirius caught Teddy's eye and made a subtle motion. Teddy was afraid that he gaped at Sirius while trying to puzzle what the motion meant, but he did eventually decide that Sirius was trying to instruct him to come out of the water and help Victoire into the water himself. That seemed to him, a boy of fifteen years, a bit too obvious even if you liked the girl. Even when Teddy shook his head in the negative, though, Sirius did not stop signaling. Teddy glanced at Victoire and saw that she was very politely trying not to notice the exchange. Well, bugger. If he didn't retrieve her now she would think he was rude. He groaned with annoyance, glowering at Sirius, and left the water to help Victoire into the cold ocean.

Sirius seemed quite pleased with himself and left Teddy Victoire alone, walking back up the dune to where Teddy's dad was helping Harry and his clan unfold an enormous blanket with a canopy top.

When he offered Victoire his arm, she leaned on it, but she did not follow him into the surf. Instead, she followed his gaze to where everyone was scurrying about like so many sand crabs. "Wouldn't it be nice to get away for a while?" she asked.

"We could walk along the beach," he suggested, immediately regretting the suggestion. It sounded so romantic. Yuck.

She turned her mischievous violet eyes on him. "My father told me that your... that Sirius's motorbike flies. Is that true?"

"Yeah, but--"

"We should take it for a ride!"

"I'm not allowed to fly it. I'm not even allowed to ride on it. My dad would kill me."

"I thought you were a Gryffindor?" Her pale eyebrow arched in challenge.

"I am!" he said, his chest puffing out with pride. It was true that his mother had been a Hufflepuff, and in reality he should have been just as proud to go into that house, but he didn't remember his mother. She had died when he was just a baby. He had been raised by his father and Sirius-- both Gryffindors. His godfather was Harry Potter-- probably the most famous Gryffindor after Godric himself. Nearly everyone in their family was a Gryffindor! Victoire Weasley was in Ravenclaw, but she was like the first Weasley sorted outside of Gryffindor in a generation or something crazy. Not that Teddy was a Weasley, but it must be odd for Victoire to not be a Gryffindor. It certainly had not kept her from having a Gryffindor steak of daring, though.

"Let's go," she said, grasping his hand and pulling him along the beach.

"The bike's parked behind the cottage." He was confused as to why they were walking in a different direction.

"I know, silly. But if we walked back that way we'd have to answer a lot of questions. This way they'll think we are taking a romantic walk along the beach. You know, like you wanted to do."

Teddy blushed a red so fierce that even the fringe of his hair went pink. "I did not."

"Look, just pretend to be romantic." She clung harder to his arm.

Teddy glanced back at the blankets. Everyone was done applying sun protection spells and the children were moving towards the water with various pails and shovels. His father looked up and waved. Teddy felt devious as he waved back and linked his arm a bit tighter to Victoire's. Victoire turned him down the beach away from the cottage and they began walking.


"That's quite sweet," Hermione said, indicating Teddy and Victoire.

Bill, standing to her one side, tilted his head. "It would be, but if I know Victoire, she is up to something."

Remus groaned. "Not again."

"Again?" Hermione asked.

"She always lures him into trouble," Bill explained.

"Sirius," Remus called, "You were supposed to keep an eye on them."

"What, me?" Sirius was the picture of feigned innocence. Everyone stared at him for a moment before Remus asked, "What did you do?"




When the motorbike took off from Shell Cottage and promptly crashed into the ocean in front of them, only Sirius seemed unsurprised. He shrugged and said, "I'm just glad that when I decided to leave the keys in the ignition, I also decided to cast a waterproof charm on the engine."

Jess | Gryffindor | 34 points

creator: rhye, character: teddy lupin, character: victoire weasley, character: sirius black, rating: g, !saturday special, form: fic

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