Title: A little buggy
Summary: Neville makes a bug friend
Characters/Pairings: Neville
Genre: Gen?
Rating/Warnings: Rated G
Word Count: 100
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Sure
Neville spent a lot of his break periods hiding in the greenhouses. He found that he understood the plants better than he understood most of his peers. There was dirt and water and sunlight and they worked together in specific proportions to make seeds blossom into beautiful plants. There was such variety there, and there were huge differences between each species. Greenhouse Three was his favourite, with its slug infestation that drove everyone else crazy. Neville named some of them, obvious and uncreative names like Slimy and Squishy. When Professor Sprout asked him to get rid of them, he refused.
100 words = 3 points
Christa / Slytherin / 8 points (3 words + 5 challenge)