Six drabbles (challenge)

Dec 29, 2012 20:55

Title: In the Middle of the Night
Characters/Pairings: Albus Dumbledore
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 94
Author's notes: For drabble challenge #20, "Albus Dumbledore".
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Sure

Albus poured his cup of midnight tea and placed it on the small table next to his armchair. He sat back, fingers steepled under his chin, and stared at the Pensieve sitting in its cabinet. It was cast in shadow, the firelight dancing feebly over its surface like an old woman no longer light-footed. Some day, he knew, that device would reveal to him the secrets that he searched for so desperately. For now, it taunted him, a living memory of broken memories.

He sat, deep in thought, and his tea went cold.

Title: Everything Has Changed, and Nothing Has Changed at All
Characters/Pairings: Luna Lovegood
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 100
Author's notes: For drabble challenge #32, "Luna Lovegood".
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Sure

Luna reads the Daily Prophet every day of her seventh year. She has decided that it is a mirror. In its pages the wizarding world fakes revolution, but she can see the same crookedness, the same censure and limitations, when she reads between the Prophet's lines, and she knows that Shacklebolt's efforts are just a new coat of paint on a dirty wall. She feels rage taking hold of her guts.

Every day, she charms the paper into the shape of a phoenix, and watches it burn.

Title: All the Wasted Time in Between
Characters/Pairings: Petunia Dursley
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 99
Author's notes: For drabble challenge #78, "Petunia's diary".
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Sure

At the age of forty-three, Petunia reads the diary she wrote when she was fifteen. She spends the whole afternoon going through the diary, reliving memories, ruminating on the transition between her fifteen and forty-three year-old selves, and as she puts the chicken in the oven to bake before Vernon and Dudders get home, she starts weeping. Fifteen year old Petunia didn't know that her sister would be dead in less than a decade, or that forty-three year old Petunia would be just starting to grieve the loss, and all the wasted time in between.

Title: The Unrecorded Superstitions of the Poltergeist
Characters/Pairings: Peeves
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 101
Author's notes: For drabble challenge #12, "Peeves".
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Sure

Peeves was a poltergeist. As a poltergeist, he was fundamentally incapable of experiencing things like love and loss and despair. Poltergeists are made of trickery and vengeance, and nothing else.

Still, Peeves avoided the end of the seventh-floor corridor near the portrait of Barnabas the Barmy. If anyone could have ever wheedled truth out of a poltergeist (not to be done), he would have explained simply that a great mischief had died there, and that such places are anathema to a poltergeist.

Title: A Secret Taste for Snow
Characters/Pairings: Argus Filch
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 99
Author's notes: For drabble challenge #84, "Filch really likes snow".
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Sure

Filch dislikes dirt. He hates slush, and he positively loathes mud. Even outside of the castle, he finds himself gravitating towards gravel and stone paths, and away from grassy walkways, finds himself headed towards buildings instead of gardens. He makes no particular effort to hide this distaste; expressing such distaste is nearly a professional requirement for a good caretaker.

Secretly, though, he waits for the Christmas holiday, when he walks outside and tramps through the snow, shedding white fluff in the Entrance Hall when he returns. He loves forgoing the mop bucket for a scattering of fresh, clean snow.

Title: The Time James Potter Changed the Gryffindor Password
Characters/Pairings: Minerva McGonagall, The Fat Lady, Peter Pettigrew
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 100
Author's notes: For drabble challenge #46, "The Fat Lady won't let someone in".
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Sure

"NO!" the Fat Lady shouted. "I will not let you in!"

"Now, really---"

"NO! Do you think I may be taken for a fool? No password, no entrance!"

"---I do think that the last password change was really quite exceptional, out of order, one might say---"

"It doesn't matter. No password, no entrance! Other portraits may be lackadaisical, but I take my job seriously!"

"Speaking of jobs, it is incumbent upon me to remind you that---"

"Are you threatening me?"

"---your job happens to rest upon---"


"Oh, hello, Professor McGonagall."

. . .

"Hello, Pettigrew."

"Ginger Newt. See you in class, Professor."


character: luna lovegood, *challenge, character: minerva mcgonagall, form: drabble, character: petunia dursley, creator: wasureneba, rating: g, genre: gen, character: argus filch, *tumblr allowed, character: peter pettigrew, character: albus dumbledore

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