Fic, No Challenge: Vows and Words

Dec 23, 2012 15:48

Title: Vows and Words
Summary: Fay's wedding vows. Written as a companion piece to a HP RP I'm in.
Characters/Pairings: Fay Dunbar/Ian Quigley, wedding attendants?
Genre: Fluff
Beta: N/A
Rating/Warnings: Rated G, no warnings
Word Count: 543
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: IDK sure

Fay was suddenly nervous, despite the nearly-unsettling calm she'd experienced since landing in Peru days before. This was it, the moment they'd been planning for for all of one month, the moment her parents (and elder sister) had apparently been waiting for all of her life.

She tugged at the hem of her dress, feeling her fingers skimming her thighs and worried that it was too short. Her other hand gripped her bouquet of white roses and she had to will herself to relax.

"It's just Ian." she told herself. "It's just Ian and his entire Quidditch team, and both of our families, and a bunch of our friends, and they're all staring at me and I hope my arse doesn't look too wide in this dress..."

As if he could sense her building panic, Ian reached over and linked fingers with her. She calmed immediately as he grinned at her. How'd he do that? How'd he know?

He said his vows. Only Ian would manage to insert profanity into the loveliest statement she'd hear in her life -- she snuck a peek at her older sister, Robin, only to see her hands clapped over Danny's ears while she attempted to hide the horror that was leaking through her normally-calm face. Disguising her sharp laugh with a cough into her flowers, Fay let the rest of his words sink in.

Ian was remarkably sentimental sometimes, and she loved him even more for the honesty he'd shown in his vows. She lost it when he promised to be brave, and to help her be brave, and she was grateful Robin had the foresight to sneak a handkerchief into the base of her bouquet.

And then it was her turn.

"Well." she began, nervous again.

He squeezed her hand, and when she met his eyes the world narrowed to just the two of them. She forgot everyone else and exhaled.

"I promise that your pancakes won't always be burnt. I'll never forget your favourite beer. I'll let you be the big spoon, and our house will always be filled with more love and happiness than anger or sadness. I can't promise that I'll be easy to live with, but I promise to try. I promise not to hide, and to be honest, and not to use any hexes that will permanently scar your pretty face when we fight," she said, reaching up and ruffling his hair at these words.

"I can't find my own words for what I feel for you, though I'd like to claim nobody ever felt the way we do now because we still feel so bright and new, but I found this poem and it says it better than I could:
I love you
because you made me
want to love you
more than I love my privacy
my freedom my commitments
and responsibilities
I love you 'cause I changed my life
to love you
because you saw me one friday
afternoon and decided that I would
love you
I love you I love you I love you*"

By the time she finished, tears were streaming down her cheeks, though she'd sworn not to cry. The world widened again, and she remembered everyone else that was sitting around them, and it didn't matter whether she'd been nervous minutes prior -- there was no other group of people she'd wished to spend this day with.

* Excerpt from Nikki Giovanni's poem Resignation. Can be read here in its entirety.

543 words = 18 points for Slytherin

Christa / Slytherin

creator: dontjudgeme, genre: fluff, form: ficlet, rating: g, character: original

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