Drabbles: Challenges #91 & #99

Nov 28, 2012 20:07

Title: Getting Hagrid in Trouble
Genre: Gen
Rating: G
Characters: Lee Jordan
Word Count: 99
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Summary: For drabble challenge #91: Who doesn't love Nifflers?

Lee Jordan had a Niffler under each arm. They were quiet. On each wrist he wore a gold bangle, borrowed from Katie; the Nifflers snuffled contentedly at the jewelry, their noses pressed up against the metal. He crept carefully around the outside of the castle. It was dinnertime; the whole school should be in the Great Hall. His fingers trembled as he levitated the Nifflers. A minute later, they had reached the window.

By the time he made his way back up to Gryffindor Tower, stomach beginning to complain about the lack of dinner, his whole body was shaking.

Title: Winter Is Coming
Genre: Gen
Rating: G
Characters: Fenrir Greyback
Word Count: 100
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Summary: For drabble challenge #99, "winter is coming".

Below him, cold mists spread out over the remote valley that he has lived in for the past year. The moon, only a sliver shy of full, shines down, turning the mists pearlescent and lighting his path. Autumn is giving way to winter, here in the remote Highlands, and he moves closer to civilization with every step.

He shivers when the wind strikes up, and pulls his cloak tighter around him, burying his nose in its generous cowl. The smell of wet wool fills his nostrils, the smell of prey, hock-deep in mud and bleating, and Fenrir Greyback smiles.


character: fenrir greyback, *challenge, form: drabble, creator: wasureneba, rating: g, character: lee jordan, genre: gen

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