4 Drabbles, 1 Ficlet (All Challenges!)

Nov 21, 2012 14:20

Title: I'd Rather Date the Giant Squid
Summary: Drabble Challenge 67: Lily Evans dates the Giant Squid. (Kind of...I hope this is close enough to count for the challenge!)
Characters/Pairings: Lily, James
Genre: Gen/humor
Rating/Warnings: G
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 100
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: No, thanks.

"Come on, Evans. If you want me to stop pestering you so much, just agree to go out with me," James said.

"Potter," Lily cried, stamping her foot, "I'd rather date the Giant Squid than go out with you!"

It was, of course, an exaggeration, born out of frustration. But unfortunately, Lily had shouted the words out in the middle of a crowded Hogwarts corridor.

And so she found herself surrounded by giggling questions for the rest of the week, about what it was like to date the Giant Squid. It was not a very fun week. Potter would pay.

Title: Fear and Hatred
Summary: Drabble Challenge 31: Pansy Parkinson, Angst
Characters/Pairings: Pansy
Genre: Angst
Rating/Warnings: PG
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 100
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: No, thanks.

Pansy Parkinson didn't really hate Harry Potter.

She was frightened. If the Dark Lord won now, Pansy would be spared. She didn't know what would happen if he breached the castle. And so she called for Potter, begged for them to turn him in, just so she could be safe again. She was just so scared, and the room was so dark and cold around her.

Still, despite her fear, Pansy felt her stomach twist with something else entirely, as she watched Harry's brilliant green eyes narrow when he looked at her. He hated her.

But she didn't hate him.

Title: The Look
Summary: Drabble Challenge 54: Allergic Reactions
Characters/Pairings: Zacharias/Marietta
Genre: Gen/het/humor
Rating/Warnings: G
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 100
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: No, thanks.

Zacharias opened the door and a gigantic dog burst through, rushing and leaping at Marietta, who shouted and flapped her hands, attempting to make the beast get off her. It didn't work, and she was quickly turned into a chew toy, nipped at and slobbered on.

"Isn't he great?" Zach asked, smiling, and seemingly oblivious to Mari's distress. "I picked him up after work."

In response, Marietta sneezed loudly and glared furiously at her boyfriend. "Get him out of here," she said tersely.

Zacharias knew what to do when confronted with that Look: the dog went back the same afternoon.

Title: Failure
Summary: Drabble Challenge 18: Draco Malfoy, Angst
Characters/Pairings: Draco
Genre: Angst
Rating/Warnings: PG
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 100
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: No, thanks.

Draco's shoulders trembled, and his eyes watered, but he would not cry. He could hear his father's voice, admonishing Draco that Real Malfoys Never Cried. And so he wouldn't. He would swallow his tears and frustration, and he would fix that Vanishing Cabinet. He had to.

Draco could see it in his mind's eye, the Dark Lord standing over the Malfoys as they begged for their lives. But Draco was going to fail everything, and then both of his parents would die, and Draco too. He couldn't do it. He couldn't fix the cabinet.

Draco's shoulders trembled, and he cried.

Title: Unspeakable
Summary: Ficlet Challenge 56: Halloween at the Dursleys
Characters/Pairings: The Dursley family
Genre: Gen
Rating/Warnings: G
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 325
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: No, thanks.

The freaks were out, and Petunia was glaring at them from between the slats of her pristine white venetian blinds, silently judging every house that opened its doors to those frolicking maniacs.

Vernon had his head buried in the paper, and grunted every time Petunia tutted, as though to reassure his wife that he agreed entirely with her scornful judgment of the freaks (because he most certainly did).

Dudley wasn't home, but he certainly wasn't out and about with those types. No respectable Dursley would ever immerse himself in such despicable activities. No, sweet little Dudders had only gone to have tea at the home of one of his little friends, and if he asked for a few pounds before he left that was perfectly fine, because Petunia knew her Sweetums would never use Mummy's money to pay for anything of that sort.

The final resident of the home was, of course, locked away in his cupboard, and the Dursleys were trying their best not to even think of him.

And then something horrible happened. "Vernon," Petunia hissed, moving over to touch her husband's shoulder, her eyes wide with fright. "There are children coming."

Vernon rustled his paper, his mustache quivering with distaste. "Don't you answer to them," he said sternly. "We'll have none of that frivolity around this house, and I don't care what day of the year it is!"

And so Petunia cowered by the windows, her eyes narrowed in suspicion, as a small group of costumed children made their way up the perfectly normal path of 4 Privet Drive. They were dressed in sparkling capes and ghoulish masks, with bags of candy in their hands and giggling whispers passing amongst them. But there was no candy to be had from the Dursley home, and the children would move along feeling sorely disappointed.

Halloween just came too close for that family; it was too similar to things which were Unspeakable in that home.

Total Word Count: 725
Crystal/Hufflepuff/29 Points

character: vernon dursley, character: draco malfoy, *challenge, character: lily (evans) potter, form: drabble, character: petunia dursley, creator: bluemermaid, rating: g, character: zacharias smith, form: ficlet, genre: angst, character: marietta edgecombe, genre: gen, rating: pg, character: pansy parkinson, character: james potter

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