Poetry Challenge #6: 25 Haiku

Nov 18, 2012 20:12

Title: DADA
Summary: 25 Haiku about different DADA teachers
Characters/Pairings: Several
Genre: Poetry
Rating/Warnings: G/none? IDK.
Word Count: under 30 each

Is it really cursed
The job many teachers got
DADA professor

Stammering teacher
Who had a thing for turbans
He had a secret

Would people have known
That he had a dark secret
Could they have noticed?

He knows very well
Travelling is dangerous
Just ask his turban

So incompetent
Still convinced he's always right
Very arrogant

He likes lavender
Of course he's a well dressed man
Knows what's good to wear

His memory charms
The only thing he's good at
He likes using them

Looking very good
And having a shining smile
Does not make heroes

What made you get it
The job you are so bad at
You do not teach well

The perfect teacher
With just a little problem
Allergic to moons?

He knows very well
That chocolate is medicine
Very helpful, too

Good to his students
Fantastic at his subject
They love him a lot

He had to resign
Because he was not perfect
Being a werewolf

He was not himself
During the time of teaching
A bit different

Never got to teach
Instead was kidnapped by him
A dangerous man

Supposed to teach them
He spent a year in a trunk
Not seeing students

What would he have done
If he'd actually seen them
Had he been teacher

Evil pink old toad
Hates children like they hate her
Still, she's a teacher

Really using spells
She does not approve of it
Teaches theory

Not a good teacher
She' s way too incompetent
To be succeeding

Being headmistress
She really destroyed too much
Wanted to destroy

Pretending sweetness
While being the most evil
Ruining it all

Got what he wanted
The position of his choice
Had to wait so long

Finally, it's his
Defense Against The Dark Arts
His subject to teach

Being substitute
Teaching it when other's can't
Not enough for him

25 poems for challenges x 5 = 125
Total: 125 points for Hufflepuff!

form: poetry, rating: g, creator: flyingharmony

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