Poetry Challenge #6: 25 Haiku

Oct 14, 2012 23:32

Title: Professor
Summary: 25 desperate last-minute Haiku, describing different Hogwarts professors
Characters/Pairings: Several Hogwarts Professors
Genre: Poetry
Rating/Warnings: G/none? IDK.
Word Count: under 30 each

Does he use shampoo
All his students ask themselves
When they look at him

He's not popular
Except amongst Slytherins
He's not very loved

He's the Half Blood Prince
A mastermind in potions
Can he teach them, too?

The spectacled cat
Transforms whenever she likes
Knows so many spells

Gryffindor's teacher
Knows how to stun her students
Is she popular?

She'll teach how to fly
And takes care about Quidditch
Does she play herself?

He was asked to teach
Did he ever do his job?
He just knows one charm

The girls fancied him
Were happy when they saw him
Did he deserve this?

He forgot it all
Would even forget his fame
Will he be the same?

He came back and knew
His contacts would be improved
He revived his club

Potions are his love
But what about pineapple?
Does he like it too?

They had been old friends
When he was asked to come back
So he did agree

They all want his shelf
Want to find themselves on it
But can they make it?

They don't believe her
Not when she makes predictions
She's only laughed at

Sometimes she is right
When she sees what they don't see
She is not a fraud

When she really sees
Only few know that she's right
Only few believe

She did lose her job
Didn't lose her residence
Would have been homeless

Terrorize the school
Was all that she seemed to do
They had to obey

They all were questioned
Whether they wanted or not
Had to tell the truth

She was headmistress
Not for a very long time
She'd destroy the school

Yes, he was the best
Really was the best of all
But he had to leave

He was a werewolf
But still accepted at school
A brilliant teacher

They were enemies
As children and then, grown up
Hated each other

She adores her plants
But does she love teaching more?
She has two passions

Hufflepuffs love her
Other students like her too
She loves them as well

25 poems for challenges x 5 = 125
Total: 125 points for Hufflepuff!

form: poetry, character: remus lupin, character: minerva mcgonagall, rating: g, character: sybill trelawney, character: horace slughorn, creator: flyingharmony, character: dolores umbridge, character: gilderoy lockhart, character: severus snape

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