(no subject)

Oct 04, 2012 01:45

Title: Adventure
Summary: A young Luna working at home with her mother on some basic potions info.
Characters/Pairings: the Lovegood family
Genre: gen
Beta: n/a
Rating/Warnings: n/a
Word Count: 759 (and fills a challenge!)
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: swn

An eight year old Luna sat quietly in the kitchen. She knew that her mother was going to start another experiment soon and if she was lucky she would be allowed to help gather materials for the potion. She sat with parchment spread across the table and a quill and was diligently drawing pictures. Luna was impatient to get her wand and attend Hogwarts. She was mostly impatient because then she could switch colours more easily when she was drawing. Well that and she would be able to learn so much more to help her mother. Granted she wouldn’t be able to use her wand to assist directly for years still but she would understand more of the potions preparation process and could at least cut items or ground them when asked.

“Luna, come here love.”

She stood up and carefully got off her chair, leaving her drawing half finished, and walked over to the beautiful blond woman who she was told she very closely resembled. “Yes, mum?” The young girl continued to watch carefully as her mother removed a small stone from a collection of what, to Luna, appeared to be several dozen identical stones.

“Do you know what stone this is?”

Luna and her mother had been having more remedial lessons for her school preparation, now just over two years away. Carefully Luna took it from her mother’s hand and examined it. She turned it over and watched how it reflected light. It varied from milky white to opalescence to then having an almost blue tinge. “Moonstone?” she asked, tipping it to and from the light to admire it.


Luna smiled up at her mother, beaming. She was very pleased with herself. “The Romans thought that the stone was a detatched beam from the moon itself. They said that moonstone helped in emotional balance.” The young girl recited the small history from memory and began to wonder why they were stabilizing moods. “Mum, how do you say the thing in Latin again?”

“Moonstone auxiliis permotionem statera.”

The young blond head nodded and repeated the phrase several times to herself, attempting to commit it to memory. She closed her fist around the white stone and waited. Her mother was moving around through the rooms surrounding the kitchen gathering things to assist her.

“Come Luna. Hop up on the stool, we need to chop some belladonna as well.” Luna carefully placed the stone in her trouser pocket and move as her mother directed her. “Belladonna is a basic part of a potions kit so it’s something you’ll see a lot, probably more than that moonstone.”

Very carefully Luna picked up her small knife. She began to cut the plant while attempting to mimic her mother’s practiced strokes perfectly. Engrossed fully in the activity she did not bother the question the fact that so many other times her mother used her wand to set the knife chopping while she worked on some other more detailed matter. If her mum asked her to do it, it was probably very important indeed. Luna was only ever asked to help on the most important non-wand activities.

“Well there are my fantastic potions makers!” Xenophilius swept in to the room wearing a (for him) subdued color of lime green. “And what are we cutting up now, hmm?” He peered over Luna’s shoulder to see her move the belladonna in to a mortar and pick up some scurvy grass.

“What are you going to do now, da?” Luna beamed a smile up at her father, hoping to hear of some new and amazing creature which she had not seen yet but was undoubtedly out in the great wide world.

“Today, my dear, I am going to be looking for the Weetimorousbeastie in Scotland. I don’t expect to see one, as they are shy, but the more I frequent there the more they will learn me and gain confidence.”

Taking a deep breath, Luna fished the moonstone out of her pocket. “Mum! I’m going with da. He needs help looking for little creatures. Little creatures would be much happier with a little girl than a da.” She nodded once decisively and handed the stone carefully back to her mother. With a playful giggle she grabbed her shoes and went off chasing her father, prepared to see the world.

After the commotion of two of the Lovegoods exiting the house, Luna’s mother went over to tidy her daughter’s drawing space before she continued with her own work. Carefully penned on the parchment was one single sock.

Kerri//Gryffindor//30 points

character: luna lovegood, creator: klef, character: xenophilius lovegood, rating: g, genre: gen, form: fic

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