Title: The Walls of the House
Summary: There are two parts to this story, but both times, Teddy stays.
Characters/Pairings: Teddy/James Sirius, James S/OFC, OCs
Genre: sort of muggle AU, angst
Beta: N/A
Rating/Warnings: G/none
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 520
Author's Notes: For
etacanis's prompt:
A Soft-edged Reed of Light by Julia Copus.
Here is your remedy - take it - here, your future. Title: Midnight Sport; Navy Blue; Easy to Love
Summary: Three unrelated ficlets.
Characters/Pairings: Oliver/Percy; Percy/Oliver + bb girl; Godric/Salazar + Helga
Genre: Gen, muggle AU, family/friendship, angst, romance
Rating/Warnings: G-PG/none
Medium: Ficlets
Word Count: (238+103+413) 754
Author's Notes: All prompts courtesy of
001. 002. 003. Nadia/Ravenclaw/42