Fic: No Challenge: Ron's Amusement Park Adventure (Part 1/not sure how many yet)

Jun 20, 2012 11:49

Title: Ron's Amusement Park Adventure
Summary: Hermione has booked a trip to Disney World. But what happens when you mix Ron, flying and a giant mouse?
Characters/Pairings: Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
Genre: General/Fluff
Rating/Warnings: G
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 2204 words

Hermione stood at the end of the bed, going through her suitcase.

“Toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, clothes. All set.” She went to the top of the staircase and hollered down, “Ron! Have you packed yet?”

Ron, who was in the living room reading the Evening Prophet, had of course not packed yet.

“Uh, yeah ‘Mione. I have.”

Hermione went over to the wardrobe and opened it, seeing all his socks and underwear exactly where she had folded them after the last wash. She sighed and closed the drawer and went back over to the stairs.

“Ronald, if you don’t pack now, I’m leaving you behind!”

Ron sighed and got up from the couch. “Alright, Alright. I’ll pack! Don’t see why you can’t do it though!”

“Because Ron. I have a million other things to do. Now hurry up!” Hermione gave him one of her looks and flounced down the stairs to the kitchen.

Ron resisted an eyeroll as he went to the closet and brought out a suitcase and went to the wardrobe and grabbed all he could in one armload and dumped it in. Not really caring what he grabbed and didn’t grab. Ron gave a deep, heavy sigh.


He locked the suitcase and went down to find Hermione.

Hermione was in the kitchen, waving her wand at the refrigerator, using cleaning spells to clean out the food that would spoil while they were gone. Ron’s eyes went wide when he saw what she was doing.

“Oi! Hermione! What are you doing?!”

Hermione sighed.

“I’m taking out the food that will spoil and putting an anti-spoiling charm on them. Or would you rather the chicken just go bad?”

Ron gave her a sheepish look.

“That’s what I thought. Have you finished packing?”

“Good. As soon as I’m done here, we can go.”

“What’s the name of the place we’re going again?”


“And you’re sure we can’t ride brooms or Apperate or use Floo Powder?”

“Yes, Ronald. I’m sure.”

Hermione had told Ron that they were flying on an airplane to America. Ron was very nervous about the plane. He had heard stories from George about how they went down sometimes, and he didn’t like the sound of that.

“But what if…”

“Ron, the chance of the plane going down is one in a thousand. I thought you would’ve known by now NOT to listen to George about these things.”

She sighed and shook her head at him and finished up her spells in the refrigerator and took one last look around the house, making sure everything was neat and tidy.

“You remembered to cancel the post while we’re gone?”

“Yes Hermione, I did.”

“Good. Now come on then. Let’s go.”

Ron nodded and summoned the suitcases down and out the door to the car. Hermione was driving, as Ron still hadn’t gotten the hang of it. She had been teaching him, but after he drove it into the nearby pond a time or two, her patience for teaching him had started wearing thin.

Ron opened the trunk and placed the suitcases in. Hermione got in the drivers seat and buckled up, waiting for Ron to get in next to her. Once he did, she started the car and started the drive to the airport.

“Mione…when the plane takes off…”

“They’ll go through all the safety issues Ron. You’ll be fine.”

Ron nodded. “Yeah. Right.”

He sat in silence till they pulled up to the airport. Hermione parked the car and got out, while Ron got the suitcases out. Hermione spoke in a hushed tone “No magic Ron.” Ron nodded again and pulled the suitcases out and carried them up to the check in.
The woman at the counter was busy typing and didn’t notice Ron and Hermione. Ron cleared his throat. The woman looked up.

“Can I help you?”

“Uh…yeah…we want to check in.”

“Names please?”

“Ron and Hermione Weasley.”

The woman typed in their names.

“Ah. Going to Orlando, Florida?”

“Uh…yeah, we are.” Ron looked over to Hermione; she gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.

“Passports and I.D.’s please.”

Ron suddenly looked panic stricken and began to pat around his shirt.

“I…uh…have them…somewhere…”

Hermione reached into her bag and pulled them out.


“Thank you ma’am.”

The woman went about typing their information into the computer. Ron looked over to Hermione.

“Oi. Hermione, you’re a life saver. Don’t know what I’d do without you.”

Hermione smiled and laughed.

“Lose your head?”


Hermione laughed again. The woman turned back to them.

“Alright. Here’s your boarding passes. You’ll be leaving from Gate 9.”

Ron took the boarding passes.
“Thank you.”

The woman didn’t answer and went to back to typing on the computer.

Hermione gave the woman a look of disproval at the lack of kindness and walked to security with Ron. The line was very long and wrapped all the way down to the vending machines near the entrance to the airport.

“Say, Hermione. What time does our plane leave?”

“It’s on the boarding passes Ron.”


Ron looked down at the passes. “It says 11:30.”

Hermione looked up to the clock on the wall. It was just now 10:45.

“You think we’ll make it?”

Hermione took a deep breath. “Yes, I do.”

“But Hermione! Look at the size of this line!”

“I know Ron. I know.”

Hermione looked around.

“There’s only one thing we can do.”

“But I thought you said-“

“Never mind what I said! This is an emergency.”

Ron’s mouth dropped.

“Always the look of surprise.”

“Well yeah. Just…I didn’t think…”

“Well never mind that.”

Hermione very carefully pulled her wand out of her jacket and whispered Immobulus. Everything around them froze. Hermione grabbed Ron’s hand and ran up to the front of the line. A few minutes later, the charm wore off. The man who was leading people through the line blinked, feeling the effects ware off. He looked at Hermione and Ron confused.

Hermione smiled warmly.

“This is the security line, is it not?”

“Er…yes, it is. Take your shoes off and empty your pockets.”

Hermione complied, taking off her shoes and put her shoulder bag onto the conveyer belt and stepped through the metal detector without beeping. Ron watched her with his mouth gapping open. Hermione collected her things at the end and slipped her shoes back on, turning back to Ron.


Ron gave her a confused look. Hermione sighed, and the security agent looked at Ron.

“Well then, off with your shoes and empty your pockets. Come on come on! Haven’t got all day!”


Ron slipped off his shoes and handed them to the security agent.

“Not to me! Put them on the conveyer belt!”

Ron looked over to Hermione, his face full of fear.

Hermione sighed. “You’ll have to excuse him, he’s never flown before.”

The security guard shook his head. “You wouldn’t believe how many of first timers we get. But they’re nowhere near as bad as your loverboy here!”

Ron suddenly turned to the security guard. “I’m her husband! Not her loverboy!”

“Yeah. Whatever. Come on now and get a move on! If you haven’t noticed, there’s a line!”

Ron glared at the security agent and emptied all his change into the little bowl and set his shoes on the conveyer belt and walked through the metal detector. As he was walking through, the detector went off. Ron jumped.

“What the bloody hell is that?!”

“That’s the metal detector Ron. Did you take out everything from your pockets?”
Ron put his hands in his pockets.


Hermione looked at him. “Ron. Your watch. Take it off.”


Ron took off his watch and put it in with his change and slowly walked back through the metal detector. Protecting himself as he walked through, this time, without incident. He let out a sigh of relief and went to the end of the belt waiting to pick up his shoes and change that came out the other end a minute after Ron walked through.

“Come on Ron! Hurry up! We don’t have much time!”

Ron sighed and put his shoes on and the change back in his pocket and the watch back on his wrist and walked with Hermione down to gate 9.

Hermione was half dragging having pulling Ron down the terminal to the gate.

“Oi! Hermione! We’ve got plenty of time!”

“No, not really Ron. We need to hurry up!”

“But Hermione…” his voice trailed off as he was trying to tell her that gate 9 was really closer than she thought.

“The gate could be halfway across the airport for all we know!”

“But Hermione!”

“Ron, we don’t have time for antics now.”

“I’m trying to tell you that gate 9 is really close.”

Hermione stopped and looked at Ron.

“Oh. Sorry Ron.”

“S’Okay Hermione,” he smiled at her warmly, “now can we slow down a bit?”

Hermione sighed and nodded.


Just as he was about to start walking again, his stomach gave a loud grumble.
“Uh, Hermione?”

“What is it now, Ronald?” she said, giving him a look of impatience.

“I’m uh…hungry.” Ron gave her a sheepish look.

“Didn’t you eat before we left?”

“Yeah, a little bit of chicken. But I’m hungry again!”

Hermione sighed and walked with Ron down the concourse, looking for a place to eat. Finally stopping in front of a pretzel stand.

“This will have to do, Ronald. We’re going to be late!”

Ron sighed. “Alright, Hermione.”

They stood in line for a couple of minutes. While they were standing there, Hermione anxiously grabbed his hand and kept looking at his watch. Ron sighed.

“’Mione! Stop doing that! We won’t be late!”

“How can you be so sure, Ronald?”

“I just know, ‘Mione. We’ll be fine, I promise. Just relax!”

Hermione took a deep breath, “Right. Relax.”

Ron and Hermione stepped up to the pretzel stand.

“What do you want?” said a bored blonde.

“Uh…a pretzel?”

“What kind?” she sighed, resting her hand on her cheek, looking at both Ron and Hermione.

“Just a pretzel?”

“You want salt on that?”

The blonde sighed and got a pretzel out of the warmer, and then spritzed it with water and rolled it with salt, sticking it in a paper and thrusting it at Ron.

“Here you go. That’ll be three Euros.”
Ron looked at her incredulously. “THREE EUROS?!”

“Yeah…three Euros.”

Hermione rolled her eyes and sighed and thrust three Euros at the blonde.
“Thank you.”
She grabbed Ron and yanked him down the concourse as an announcement went on overhead.

“Now boarding, Gate 9 to Orlando, Florida. Now boarding, Gate 9 to Orlando, Florida.”

Ron started to take a big bite out of his pretzel when Hermione yanked him.

“Oi! Hermione!”

“That’s our gate, Ronald! Come on! Hurry up!”

Hermione half dragged Ron through the concourse to their gate. She ran up to the ticket booth.

“Is this the plane going to Orlando, Florida?” she asked in a rushed voice.

“Yes.” The flight attendant said. “Do you have your boarding passes?”

Ron patted his shirt and pockets.

“Uh…Hermione…do you have them?”

Hermione looked through her purse. “I thought you had them?”

“No. You had them, after we passed through security. Remember?”

Hermione’s eyes went wide.

“Oh no!”


“We lost them!”

Ron sighed, knowing that he was about to get dragged over the concourse again. He thought he should go look for them before that happened.

“You stay here Hermione. I’ll go look for them.”

Hermione nodded. “Okay. Hurry Ronald!”
“I will!”

Ron hurried off, retracing his steps. He went back to the pretzel stand first, looking on the ground. He didn’t see them anywhere on the ground. He looked up to the counter. That’s where he spotted them. He rushed forward and grabbed them and ran back to the gate. Ron waved them at Hermione.

“’Mione! I found them!” Ron rushed forward to Hermione, but when he got there, he tripped over his own shoelaces. Hermione’s eyes went wide and rushed over to Ron.

“Ron! Are you alright?” she leaned down to help him up.

Ron nodded, “Yeah. Fine. I’m fine.” He smiled warmly at her.

“We better get on that plane.”


Ron got up and grabbed the boarding passes and walked with Hermione to the flight attendant taking the tickets. She scanned them and handed them back.

Ron marveled at the machine.

“Oi! I’ve never seen anything like that before.”

The flight attendant gave her a strange look.

“He’s never flown before. Don’t mind him.”

The flight attendant nodded and Hermione and Ron walked down the tunnel to the plane, stepping over the small crack onto the plane. Ron looked around, clearly amazed.

Hermione pushed him forward. “Go on Ronald. Go sit. Row 24, Seats B and C. The numbers are right there.” Hermione pointed to the plates on the overhead compartments.

Ron started walking down the rows, to about the middle of the plane.

“Right here?”

“Yes. Now sit.”

Ron threw Hermione a look and sat down by the window. Hermione sat down next to him. Ron took a deep breath and looked out the window. He had to relax, he’d be just fine. He was sure.

Kaitlyn//Hufflepuff//2204 words/30=78 points for Hufflepuff! (maxed out for the week)

character: ron weasley, rating: g, character: hermione granger, creator: kaitydid33087, genre: gen, form: fic

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