Fic: That Incident With the Cupcake (That We'll Never Speak of Again) Part 2

Jun 10, 2012 17:46

Title: That Incident With the Cupcake (That We'll Never Speak of Again)
Summary: Hermione is very fond of her red velvet cupcake and everyone knows it. When Draco decides to steal it one day, things get slightly out of hand.
Characters/Pairings: Draco/Hermione
Genre: uh, humour/slight romance I suppoooose.
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for slight swearing.
Word Count: 1,367 (4,605 in total with Part 1)


Hermione was completely unable to concentrate. She tapped her fingers against her desk in a nonsensical rhythm, staring at the sea of scrolls in front of her. Harry and Ron were going to suffer dearly for ruining an entire workday for her. It wasn’t that Malfoy was still under the effects of the serum, because that had been fixed several hours ago. Harry had come out of Malfoy’s office wincing and muttering that George would probably have to reduce the effects just a smidge, but Malfoy had been back to normal after that. Well, except he had barricaded himself in his office, but Hermione would have done that too if she were him.

She couldn’t stop thinking about it all, though. What if it really was true that the serum had made Malfoy declare his affections for someone he liked? It was a really ludicrous thought, but it stuck with her anyway and that was confusing. She didn’t care about Malfoy in the least, except that wasn’t true. She’d been angry that he surpassed her for the office space and that he seemed to have more influence in the department than her. That wasn’t indifference. He annoyed her, he got on her nerves, he... damn. Admittedly, she wasn’t mad that he had gotten promoted. She thought that was great for him, but she wish she had been too. And she kind of...sort of... missed him being in the cubicle next to hers, but she would be eaten by a dragon before she admitted that out loud. Of course her pride was wounded since that they hadn’t chosen her for the promotion, but that was only part of it.

Hermione groaned and looked over at the closed door to his office. She supposed she’d have to talk to him in any case. It would be really awkward if she didn’t. Ignoring the knowing looks she got from the rest of them, she walked up and considered whether she should knock or just walk right in. She caught Belby staring at her and narrowed her eyes at him until he looked down, a flush creeping up the back of his neck.

She knocked quickly without waiting for an answer and slipped inside, feeling incredibly relieved to be away from prying eyes. Malfoy looked up from the parchment he was reading and quickly looked away when he saw who it was.

“I just wanted to...” What did she want to exactly? She fidgeted slightly, noting how drawn Malfoy looked in the daylight from the enchanted windows. “I know you didn’t mean it, or anything. It was that stupid serum Harry and Ron got from George.”

“Yeah, I know how pranks work, Granger. I think it’d be painfully obvious that I didn’t mean it,” he said flatly, not looking at her as he spoke. His hair looked dishevelled - as if he’d been running his hands through it over and over.

“It was meant for me, though. The prank.”

“Do you really expect me to believe that? It’s Potter and Weasley after all.”

“Don’t you dare pin this on them as if they’re out to get you,” she said, frowning at him. “It was the cupcake you stole from my desk, Malfoy. Maybe if you’d stop taking things that are mine, you wouldn’t be in this situation. Some would even say you had it coming.”

His head jerked up then, his eyes narrow and angry.

“Taking things that are yours? You’re bloody delusional.”

“Really? Is that why you’re stealing cupcakes from my desk like some childish git?” she asked, suddenly feeling the bubble of righteous anger burst in her chest. “And steal this office from right under my nose?”

She regretted that one the minute she said it. Merlin, she sounded like a petty teenager.

Malfoy looked at her disbelievingly. “I didn’t ask for this promotion. I was offered it and I took it, because I’m not a fool.”

“Yeah, and fine. It’s great for you. But I’ve been here a year longer and I’m stuck researching crystal ball regulations!” It was difficult to stop when she’d opened the flood gates. Damn it. “And these dead end projects, they were fine when I thought they valued what I do and that I’d move up in the ranks. And we’d laugh about them together and you’d be a git about it and that was how we did it and...”

She forced herself to shut up, biting back the even more embarrassing things that were threatening to spill out of her mouth.

“Nevermind,” she said quickly. “I just came to let you know that I know you’re not in love with my chocolate coloured eyes or anything. Hope you enjoyed the cupcake.”


The next day, Hermione stared at her desk completely dumbfounded. Not only were all her things not on it, but someone else was sitting by it arranging their quills neatly. Great. Now she had been fired for letting Harry and Ron into the department to wreak havoc. That was just was she needed.

“Excuse me,” she said, pushing her shoulder bag further up. “This is my seat.”

“Uh, I was assigned here this morning,” the guy said, looking pale as a ghost. “I’m new and they told me this is my desk. I didn’t mean to, I just...”

She held up her hand to stop him. “No, it’s fine! I’ll check what happened. You just sit.”

He visibly relaxed, his shoulders slumping slightly forwards.

“I’m Hermione Granger,” she said, holding her hand out.

“David Summers.”

She returned his grateful smile. “Welcome to the department! It’s... not as bad as it seems.”

“Hey, Granger,” Malfoy said and she looked in the direction of his voice. “Stop harassing the newcomer.”

“I would if he wasn’t sitting in my seat.”

Malfoy gave a lop-sided smile. “He’s not in your seat.”

“Really. I’ve worked in the department for four years and I don’t know where my desk is? I’m so glad your opinion of me is so stellar.”

“Granger, quit whinging and get your arse in here.” He rolled his eyes and stepped aside, pointing at the door to his office.

“What...” The question died on her lips when she stepped into the office, finding it equipped with two desks facing each other and all her things were strewn across one of them.

She whipped around, staring at Malfoy with wide eyes. There was no way he had...had he?

“Yeah, yeah,” he said dismissively, looking uncomfortable. “Welcome to the office. It’s a bit cramped, but it’s not like we’re not used to that. Half the shelves are cleared for you. Gave your scrolls of parchment about crystal balls to Summers. Figured you wouldn’t mind.”

Sitting heavily down in the chair by her desk, she tried to wrap her head around what was going on. She ran her hand over the dark wooden desk, looking around the room. How long had she wanted this office? Probably ever since she started working in the department. She couldn’t stop smiling even though she knew it would probably be awkward.

“But this is yours,” she said softly, after the shock had settled and Malfoy had long since gotten back to work. “I can’t take it from you.”

He shrugged, pausing the quill in mid-movement. “I’m not that fond of operating alone anyway.”

“Are you saying we’re partners?” she asked, quirking an eyebrow at that.

“Unless you mind.”

“Well, we kind of have been since you started, I guess.”

“To my great mortification, yes.”

She shook her head, still unable to fully believe that he was voluntarily sharing his office with her. It wasn’t a proclamation about their epic love or her chocolate coloured eyes, but it was definitely...something. Yes, it was something. And maybe that should have made her uncomfortable, but it didn’t really. Hermione smiled widely at him as she dropped her shoulder bag by the desk, reaching for some of the parchments he’d left for her to read up on.

“Stop grinning like a fool, Granger. It’s making me change my mind.”

“Afraid I might bring some happiness into your life?”

“Yes. I’m very afraid of that, actually.”

“Well, get used to it.”



character: draco malfoy, genre: humor, rating: pg-13, creator: xfortytwo, character: hermione granger, genre: romance

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