Fic: no challenge

Jun 06, 2012 17:51

Title: The Sister
Summary: Zacharias Smith goes to see his sister.
Characters/Pairings: Zacharias Smith
Genre: Gen
Beta: N/A
Rating/Warnings: G
Medium: Story
Word Count: 431

Zacharias lays his head down at the bedside, closing his eyes tightly against the shining lights of the St. Mungo's, the white walls. The sterile surroundings as the quiet breathing of the occupant in the bed before him falls upon his ears.

He hates this place, hates the people, the walls, the rooms. He hates that it's necessary. Necessary to help people. Help people who are sick, damaged. Help people who hurt themselves, who forget what it’s like to cherish their life. Who forget that they have family and friends who care, by virtue being brave.

There's a quiet sound before him, a shuffling, as a sweet sigh falls from young lips, "Zach?"

Shaking his head, he forces himself up, glancing at the occupant, "Hey, sis."

She grins at him, face pale, her breath scuttling up her throat in rattles. "Glad you could come," She says sweetly, reaching out to take Zach's hand with her frail one. Tan, muscled skin contrasting harshly with her pale complexion.

He closes his eyes, feeling the pain seep through his skin, clenching around his heart as he carefully holds her hand in his. Clearing his throat, he looks at her once more, forcing a smile, "Me too."

She grins, and Zach winces in preparation for the next question, the question that always comes, "Do you think dad will come visit me soon?"

"Yeah," the lie sticks in his throat, the blatant dishonesty to the only person who matters to him. "Of course."

"Good," She says, as though she doesn't know it's not true, doesn't know that it's never been true, no matter how many times he's said it.

He never knew how to lie before she got hurt.

Now, he’s a pro.

Zach runs his thumb across her hand, comfort, before he looks at her quietly, "Did the healers find anything new?" The question comes off his tongue easily, habit, a necessary question, always necessary. Just in case.

She shakes her head, smiling softly, acceptance of her fate, "Not this time. Don't worry, Zach, it'll be okay."

Zach frowns.

Bravery in the face of defeat. That's a Gryffindor trait right?

Why'd she have to be a Gryffindor?

Zach shifts himself to rest more comfortably next to her, preparing to stay as long as he can, as long as he can see her, it’ll be okay, "If you ever need me, I'm here, okay? Whenever, wherever. Just call me. Nothing else matters."

His sister laughs, blonde hair curling around her face as she beams at him, her only support.


Anne/Hufflepuff/14 earned

form: ficlet, creator: mistressteacup, rating: g, character: zacharias smith, genre: gen

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