One Sentence Fics - No Challenge

May 26, 2012 13:31

Title: One.
Summary: Fifty one sentence fics devoted to the women of Harry Potter. Alternatively, an accidental ode to Ginny's angst.
Characters/Pairings: Check the tags for characters, pairings are mostly canon (Fleur/Bill, Ginny/Harry, Angelina/Fred, Angelina/George, etc) and Ginny/Astoria.
Genre: Gen, Angst, Romance
Rating/Warnings: PG-13, Infidelity in a couple.
Medium: ...Underfed drabbles.
Word Count: 894

Occasionally, she can't sleep for the memory of the flames.

It had always been unnerving the way her sister talked to herself.

She leaves him the day he asks if she's doing okay.

Sharing with her sister never was her strong suit.

Why is always burning on the edge of her tongue.

She prides herself on knowledge and science and truth, but that doesn't stop her from wishing three times a day.

There are too many weddings after the war, so she stops going to them.

The idea of having a house full of noise, of children, scares her too much after the war.

Somebody else believing in her is all she needs.

They stay in Budapest for three days and don't worry about anything.

Nobody asks why she paints the nursery pink.

Teddy looks just like his mother when he rolls his eyes at her, and she can never manage to punish him after that.

The arguments are always ridiculous, yet she still clings to the tiny suggestion of hope they give her.

She thinks about leaving him, two signatures and everything is finished, but she can't forget Scorpius' wide eyes and night night, mummy and dry pecks to her cheeks either.

She prefers to be alone these days.

He's still brave and beautiful and strong, but he's not what she thought he was at all.

Lily Luna
It's not fair, she wants to scream, that she's female.

She always hated the way he smirked.

She'd been so close, and somehow still she lost it.

He lets her have the party she wants to have, lets her pretend that they're normal too.

She watches James and Sirius, and keeps an eye out for blood.

She tells herself it's natural to worry as much as she does.

It's a success the first morning she wakes up and doesn't cry over breakfast.

The jokes are never quite as funny from one person.

When the birds sing the coming of spring, the manor feels less like a prison.

The students are a blessing, a breath of fresh air into a castle starting to feel stagnant.

She has her favourites, but she tries not to let it show.

Sometimes, at night, she holds her hand to his chest to make sure he's still breathing.

It's quiet in Hogsmeade at this time of night and it sets her skin on edge; it's too much like before.

Absentmindedly, she curls her hair around her fingers, tightens it into something more like her mother's, and cracks the book open.

It's just not natural, she thinks, as she watches her sister fly.

It's something special to find someone who doesn't mock your beliefs.

Her maman had always told her to be a good girl and she'd always listened, even though it wasn't what she wanted.

It's been ten years but the the grief is still overwhelming, it pulls at her chest and tears at her throat and refuses to let her live.

Lily holds her hand and whispers in her ear that it's going to be okay, they'll only get in a little bit of trouble.

The cottage is in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by fields and and quiet country roads, and it seems like the worst place on earth.

Helga Hufflepuff
The drink burns going down, claws at her throat like sorrow and grief, and it's exactly what she needs.

She thinks of what her mother would say as hands that are not her husband's press fingertip kisses to her thighs, and decides she doesn't care.

She holds her daughter in her arms - tiny toes and tiny eyes and a tiny pair of lungs for massive cries - and she cannot think of anything she is prouder of.

The ring feels heavy on her finger, like a curse instead of a gift.

There's cake in James' hair and all over his fingers but when he looks up at her, all Ginny can see is Harry.

Lily Luna
She stands tall with her team, and doesn't let her eyes burn with shame.

She turns her nightmares into dreams.

They honeymoon in Paris, stay in a room with a balcony and the most beautiful view, and it's everything and nothing like she thought it would be.

"I don't think I'm okay," she says.

They watch the sunrise together, marvel at the feel of a smaller, gentler hand held in theirs and smooth sweet legs pressed close on the roof.

In the kitchen of their cottage, bare feet gliding across slate, he gives her the dance she'd wanted so long ago.

The secrets they keep will be the death of her.

It's the little things, the subtle differences between a male lover and a female that trip her up most days.

The scars still hurt.

Emily/Gryffindor/30 points.

creator: etacanis, character: luna lovegood, character: rose weasley, character: molly weasley, character: lily (evans) potter, character: minerva mcgonagall, character: daphne greengrass, form: drabble, character: ginny weasley, character: katie bell, character: petunia dursley, character: hermione granger, character: astoria greengrass, character: helga hufflepuff, character: gabrielle delacour, character: cho chang, character: andromeda tonks, genre: romance, character: marietta edgecombe, genre: angst, character: hannah abbott, character: narcissa black-malfoy, character: lily luna potter, character: angelina johnson, genre: gen, character: millicent bulstrode, rating: pg, character: pansy parkinson, character: fleur delacour

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