Fic No Challenge: Stranger Things pt. 1

May 21, 2012 21:08

Title: Stranger Things

Author/Artist: singlemomsummer

Pairing(s): Harry/Draco

Word Count/Art Medium: 5156 total, this part 2265

Rating: PG

Contains (Highlight to view): *Slight AU (Fred Lives)*
Disclaimer:Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.

Notes: Thank you so much to my beta dxl and to the lovely ladies of Chatzy! Especially cpk, kf, cf, and tt!! You guys helped me so much and without you this never would have been finished. Originally written for hp-harlequin

Summary: Harry is successful in everything except one. His love life.

His quill scratched against the surface of final mark-up sheet. Only a little more and Harry would be able to go home. Home to his empty house. Fuck. At least being editor in chief of the Daily Prophet kept him busy most of the time. Finally he finished the proofing for the next day’s edition and leaned back in his chair while he stretched.

Harry’s thoughts turned to his cold, empty bed and just how long it had been since someone had warmed it. Far too long in his opinion. Unfortunately, being who he was, it wasn’t as easy as popping into a club and picking up a random bloke for the evening, not that he was interested in some meaningless encounter at all.

Not for the first time it occurred to him that maybe he should try out the twins’ new venture, ‘Madam Merryweather’s Mystical Matchmaking Service’ which was loosely affiliated with the Prophet. Just another smart investment Harry thought.

It wasn’t hard to access their database; after all he was the silent partner in all of Fred and George’s endeavours and as such he had the rights to access everything pertaining to the businesses even if he had never used it before. He easily found the new client entry form and for the next hour he poured over the questions, answering them as honestly as he could. Thankfully his identity would remain secret, the only identifier being an assigned number.

After finishing the last question he set the program to work and busied himself gathering his things and getting ready to go home. Just as he was filing the last of the paperwork on his desk the computer made a chiming noise and he looked up to see a dialogue flashing on the screen.

Match Found - 100%

View Matching Profile Now?

Harry’s heart pounded in his chest as he pointed the cursor to the button and clicked.


The next day Harry was distracted. No matter how hard he tried to focus on his job the thought of the mystery person’s profile wouldn’t leave him alone. It was no good; by the time he was closing in on the end of the day he found himself back in the system. 100% match. How often did that happen? Harry did a little bit of digging and found out that it wasn’t common. In fact it hadn’t ever happened before.

He looked up the profile from the night before and stared at the information laid out before him. It truly appeared that this mystery man could be his perfect match; he just had to take the next step and contact him.

Gearing himself up Harry began to compose a message to the man. He tried to keep things light, open and friendly, but knew he was coming off terribly awkward. Harry just hoped he wouldn’t scare away the other man.

Date: 22 May 2004
Subject: Hello

Hi there. This is really strange, isn’t it? I mean, we give them our information and some computer program tells us if we’re compatible? I don’t know; I’ve been alone a long time it seems. Oh wait, that sounds bad, huh? It’s not that I’m a troll or something, just that it’s hard for me to meet people. I think I should be upfront and say that I’m kind of in the public eye. So, I guess it’s a bit much for some people. Either they get scared off the first time they see themselves in a tabloid, or worse, they like it too much and my most private moments are sold for them to have some of their own, temporary, fame. I’ve pretty much given up which is why I decided to try this. Dammit, I’m probably saying too much too soon aren’t I? I guess I’ll leave off with this. I hope you write back, the service seems to think that we are perfectly compatible and I’m assuming if you’re here too you should be open, right? I just, I want to get to know someone without the burden of names for awhile. Is that okay?

Harry gathered his courage and pushed send, not sure what he was hoping for but knowing it was too late now.


It was sitting there, looking so innocent in the mess of memos cluttering his inbox. How Harry was supposed to get any work done he didn’t know but Harry was trying his best. He didn’t think his mystery man would reply that quickly but there it was, daring him to open it.

He prided himself for his ability to at least wait until lunchtime to open it. Harry left his office only to grab a sandwich and some chips from the cart downstairs before returning and informing his secretary that he wasn’t to be disturbed.

With trembling fingers he clicked open the message.

Date: 23 May 2004
Subject: Re: Hello

Yeah, it is rather strange. I have to admit, I had never even heard of a computer until a few months ago. I too am somewhat well known so I am used to having my activities reported on from time to time. My name comes with its own set of issues so yes; I too would like to meet someone without it getting in the way for once.

So where do we begin? I guess I will start by asking what you’re looking for. I prefer having our cards on the table as it were, so I will tell you that I want a real relationship, not just a brief fling. I’m looking for a partner to share my life, not just my bed. If you feel the same, then please respond.

I hope to hear from you soon, for now you may call me ‘Harry’.

Harry sat back and chuckled. His mystery man’s use of his name as a pseudonym was interesting to say the least. He wondered if he was someone that Harry knew; especially since he mentioned having his own bit of fame. Well, at least ‘Harry’ seemed to be on the same page, if everything worked out he hoped that he could find someone he really loved, not just lusted after. Harry thought for a bit before drafting out his reply.

Date: 23 May 2004
Subject: Nice to meet you

Well, at least we know we have some things in common. I am definitely looking for a relationship as well. I think I’ve had more than my fill of flings. Oh Merlin, now I sound like a slut. I’m not, I assure you! Just, sometimes it seems like people just want to be with me because of my name and I’m so sick and tired of that.

Okay, more about me. I’m pretty simple. I don’t really like my fame, in fact it’s kind of why I took my current job. I can’t tell you what I do because it might give me away but let’s just say it’s something that’s allowed me to take back a measure of control over my privacy. I like going out to nice places sometimes but I really prefer a home cooked meal and maybe a Muggle film. My house is set up with a pretty nice entertainment system. A lot of my Pureblood friends find it a novelty. If you can’t tell already, I grew up in the Muggle world, so I tend to drift towards things from there.

Okay, enough about me for now. What about you? What’s your idea of a perfect night? Anything specific you want to know about me?

I’ll be watching for your message, I guess you can call me James

Harry smiled as he hit send. Maybe this would work out after all.


Date: 24 May 2004
Subject: Hi, James

I’m interested to hear all about your Muggle hobbies. I was never allowed to know much about Muggles when I was growing up; my family were very traditional pure-bloods. I’ve only recently begun to appreciate how ingenious they can be. Take this computer for example. I still don’t know all it does but a friend helped me set it up and at least I can do this messaging thing. I have to admit I never had much respect for Muggles but that is changing!

Okay, now for your questions. My perfect night. Well, I admit I am used to finer things. I quite enjoy a nice meal out or taking in a show, Wizarding or otherwise. Lately though I’ve come to appreciate the comforts of a night at home. I have never cooked for myself; I suppose I should start at some point. I guess that makes me sound a bit spoiled and to be honest, I was for much of my life. I would certainly like to think that I don’t act so spoiled now that I am older, though. A home cooked meal still sounds wonderful. I take it you cook? What are your favourite foods?

Alright, I think I’ll volunteer some information here before asking for more. I’m from England, born and raised and have never left, other than vacations and the like. I’m 23 years old and I would like to think I am very handsome. I’ve never had any complaints at least. I know this is pretty basic information but I think we should start with some groundwork, yes? How about you?

Anticipating your reply,

Date: 25 May 2004
Subject: Never cooked?

I can’t believe you have never cooked for yourself. Seriously? How do you get to be our age (yes, I’m 23 as well) and never made yourself anything. Not even canned beans on toast? Oh wait, I think that’s only a Muggle thing. Anyway, if you wanted, I could teach you some things? No self respecting man, Wizard or no, should go without knowing how to properly feed himself. As for me, I learned through necessity. Growing up it was often my job to cook for my relatives and after awhile I started to enjoy it. I’m still learning some of the spells and such to make things easier, but I have to admit, I like cooking the Muggle way. Kind of strange really since all the chopping and measuring reminds me of potions and I was always pants at that. Granted I had a pretty harsh instructor so he didn’t make it any easier. Favourite foods? Well, I guess I would have to say pastas. I love making different sauces and learning to pair them with different types of pastas. I’m still learning the art of wine selection though. Hoping to get some lessons some day; definitely on my to-do list.

Well, like I said, I’m 23 as well, also from England, and have never left, (other than school in Scotland, I went to Hogwarts, I wonder if you did as well? Maybe we know each other?) We’ve already established my looks but I admit I’m kind of sloppy. I tend to lean more towards comfortable jeans and jumpers than tailored suits and robes, although I do own a few out of necessity. My friends say I have no fashion sense and I’m sure they’re right, but really I’ve never felt the need to learn and never had anyone to teach me either. I’m really not your stereotypically gay fashionista for sure. How about you? Do you dress to impress or for comfort? Do you have a preference?

Looking forward to your next message!

Date: 26 May 2004
Subject: Scruffy Chic?

I never had the need to cook for myself; our family has owned House-Elves for as long as there is a history. I still live in my family home but more to care for my parents than anything. I will take you up on those lessons though; I would love to learn how to do some cooking for sure! I do know a little about wines, especially elf made ones. I would be more than happy to teach you what I know in exchange for your cooking knowledge.

Hogwarts! Yes, I am also a former student! I’m sure that means that we are at least familiar with each other, but I think I’m going to steer clear of much school talk, lest we reveal too much too soon.

I am your typical ‘fashionista’. I wear all the latest styles with no regard to comfort. I don’t mind being around those who aren’t though, well, at least not all the time. To be quite honest I think that the scruffy look can be rather attractive on the right man. I might be a bit forward, but I hope you are him.

Well, I think it’s time to get to know more about each other. So, might as well jump in with both feet as it were. You should probably know that I wasn’t always the best person. I think the realities of the war woke me up and I am a far cry from the child I was but I’m still often judged based upon who I was before. It is extremely important to me that whoever I am with understand that I am not that person anymore and I have worked hard to overcome it. I really just want a second chance which most people seem unwilling to give. Are you willing to give me that?


2265 words = 76 pts for HUFFLEPUFF!!

character: draco malfoy, genre: humor, creator: singlemomsummer, form: fic, genre: fluff, rating: pg, character: harry potter, genre: romance

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