1 ficlet (no challenge), 2 fics (challenges 70 & 30)

Jan 28, 2012 01:04

Title: The Boys With Dragon Tattoos
Summary: Texts From Last Night: (206): This is your Morning Wood Report: I have it. Charlie wakes up to a pleasant surprise.
Characters/Pairings: Charlie Weasley/James Potter
Genre: non-specific AU
Beta: N/A
Rating/Warnings: NC-17 to be safe I guess; non-graphic sexy times, swearing
Medium: ficlet
Word Count: 632

the boys with dragon tattoos @ badglue

Title: Three Witches, Two Ghosts, and a Tiger
Summary: Chapter 1 of idk how many. A HiH-HP crossover fic. Eventual Christa/Ron, Nadia/Oliver, Carol/Harry, Severus/Hermione. As the wizarding world continues to heal after the War, Hogwarts makes some changes to its staff. I'll add more about the plot as it continues to unfold. There are sections which are like… character breaks. I don't even know why. Just roll with it. Apparently, it's going to be a subtle 'Love Actually' thing.

Fits Fic Challenge 70: The Harry Potter universe meets HiH.
Characters/Pairings: Christa/c_hrista, Nadia/pointblankdarcy, Hermione Granger, Minerva McGonagall, Nearly Headless Nick, Helena Ravenclaw
Genre: gen, friendship, au
Beta: N/A
Rating/Warnings: G/none
Medium: fic
Word Count: 1063

three witches, two ghosts, and a tiger @ badglue


Title: Snapshots
Summary: Bits of how their relationship progressed. I know McGonagall's a canon Gryffindor, but idk I felt like putting her in Ravenclaw~ Fits Fic Challenge 30: Friends or lovers from two different Houses -- can it really work?
Characters/Pairings: Albus Severus Potter/Scorpius Malfoy
Genre: Romance
Beta: N/A
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/swearing
Medium: fic
Word Count: 941

It was a strange day when a son of Malfoy was sorted into Ravenclaw. To her credit, Minerva just raised her eyebrows higher than usual and nodded genially to the blond boy, who crept down from the stool, nervously heading to the Ravenclaw table.

When Albus Severus Potter was sorted into Slytherin however, the Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry decided that she would have a good talk with the damned Sorting Hat, cranky attitude or no. It wasn't that she didn't trust its judgement (Merlin knew that she was glad that Harry Potter was sent to Gryffindor instead of Slytherin) but she needed to know. As Headmistress as well as an old alumni of the House of Ravenclaw.

She didn't give a damn about curiosity killing the cat, so to speak.


When Albus Severus and Scorpius Malfoy first met, the other students waited for bated breath to see if anything explosive was going to happen. They'd heard of Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter. They knew about the infamous rivalry between those two.

The students and Professor Longbottom were frankly quite disappointed.

Albus and Scorpius were designated partners in their first Herbology assignment, which was to maintain and track the progress of a baby Mandrake. (Neville tried very hard to convince his own enchanted parchment to change its mind but it was adamant and even threatened to spontaneously combust if he continued to pester it with trivial requests.) The boys merely exchanged greetings during that first encounter with each other and got on with their work.

But then again, the students and the Professor didn't have to know that they'd met before.


"Hi, I'm Albus Severus. Potter, I mean," Albus said cheerfully, holding his hand out.

Scorpius looked up from his book, swallowing anxiously. "Scorpius Malfoy. You got my note?"

"Yeah, I think it's a good idea of yours, to meet first. Everyone's on tenterhooks right now, for some reason. They think that we're our dads and that we'll turn Hogwarts upside-down in a new generation of inter-house hate." Albus snorted rather loudly, which made Scorpius smile and flinch at the same time. (Pince was on the prowl as usual. Scorpius had seen what she could do to students who disrupted the silence of the library.)

"I hate it when people do that," he said, glancing over at Albus. "I'm not my dad. I mean, I'm like him in some ways, but not in others. It's unfair that everyone else doesn't understand that."

Albus nodded fervently. "I know! It's nice that we're on the same frequency." A smirk appeared on the Potter boy's face. "I think we'll be just fine. We might even become good friends. Bet that will mess with their heads quite a bit."

The two boys chuckled until Madam Pince swooped down on the both of them and ordered them to get out of her library.


Good friends? Yeah, they were good friends all right. And then some.

Albus and Scorpius weren't too surprised when they found themselves snogging on the fifth floor after Christmas dinner in the Great Hall. In fact, after it had happened, Scorpius said out loud, "Why haven't we done this before?" before letting out a goofy smile and allowing Albus to press him against the stone walls again.

"Seven years I've known you, and I've never known that you could kiss so well," Albus mused one lazy afternoon, leaning against Scorpius' back, staring out of the window. "Of course, I knew all along that I was a good kisser, but Merlin you do snog well."

"Thanks for the compliment." Scorpius chuckled as he tried to refocus and continue his reading. "Do try to keep your loud mouth shut about us when we're in public though. I'd hate to see my dad's reaction when people start reporting to him about us."

"I don't know why you're so fussed about that. They'd be happy for us, really. Finally, the chapter of the previous generation's shite closed. Really, Scorp, you're a coward sometimes. If we keep this quiet like your bossy self keeps nagging me to, we'd create even more shite and-"


Albus knew that he'd utterly fucked things up when Scorpius' face turned stony and the boy walked away, back straight. Thing was, Albus had no idea what the hell to do or say to make things better, since in retrospect his words had been unusually harsh and unthinking.

He managed to track down Scorpius in the library. Who knew.

"I... I didn't mean all that crap I said," Albus whispered, nudging closer to the Ravenclaw, who was obstinately staring at his Potions homework. "I was a prick, Scorpius, and I'm sorry. I am."

It hurt when he got up and walked away.

Albus really hated that sight.

He tried again during breakfast, not caring as the other students began staring at him as he sat down next to the Malfoy boy.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Scorpius hissed frantically, and Albus suppressed a smile because fuck yes there was communication again.

"I'm trying to apologise. As mature people do, love." He heard gasps all around and smirked as he saw Scorpius' face turn red.

"Don't call me that. And okay, apology accepted. Go away."

"Don't be insincere, love." Albus pouted, snatching the goblet of juice away. "I did make a good effort at saying sorry, didn't I?"

Scorpius sighed and nodded. "Okay. Fine. Thank you for your apology, you prick."

Albus grinned and moved along, his mouth curving upwards even more when he read the note that had surreptitiously changed hands.

'Library. Restricted Section. Nine. Don't be late.'

632/30 = 21
1063/30 = 35 + 5
941/30 = 31 + 5

Nadia/Ravenclaw/97 points

*challenge, character: minerva mcgonagall, creator: pointblankdarcy, character: charlie weasley, rating: g, character: hermione granger, form: fic, form: ficlet, genre: romance, character: helena ravenclaw, rating: nc-17, character: scorpius malfoy, genre: gen, character: albus severus potter, genre: au, rating: pg-13, character: james potter

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