Dec 09, 2011 23:11

Title: Draco Malfoy's Sorting
Summary: In just about every Sorting community I have been in, people have debated whether or not Draco Malfoy would get Sorted into Slytherin. I attempt to solve this issue by giving us Draco Malfoy's long-lost application to Hogwarts is Home from September 1, 1991!
Characters/Pairings: Draco Malfoy
Genre: semi-crack but I try to stay as true to character as possible
Beta: scortum_lupa *crucios her in thanks*
Rating/Warnings: G
Medium: fic
Word Count: 2072

Before going to the LJ-cut: first I would like to thank madlybewildered for helping inspire the idea for this fic.

Also, I should note that this is a gift for slumber; I really hope she enjoys it!

  • What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why? I am a bit insulted by this question: Malfoys do not need to choose “professions” as we are wealthy enough to support ourselves without needing to work. However, if I had to choose a job I would definitely choose one like Father’s position at the Ministry of Magic. He has enough influence to make the government do exactly what he wants and can buy and sell people when he feels like it. Also, being behind the scenes, Father is largely invisible from blame when things do not go according to plan.

  • You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one Harry Potter character other than Hagrid and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you'd want with you. If anyone at Hogwarts made me venture into that scary place, as soon as I got out I would owl Father and he would make sure whoever sent me into the Forest had to pay for it somehow. That said, I don’t trust that oaf Hagrid at all. Instead, I would bring my friends Crabbe and Goyle with me. They are loyal enough to me that they would position themselves to defend me with their own lives, which would be necessary if I was somewhere like that. I would also probably be very hungry so I’d take a package of those exotic sweets that Mother says she wants to send me.

  • If you had the opportunity to live forever, but your family and friends did not, what would you choose? And if you did choose to live forever, what would you do with eternity? Why would anyone choose not to live forever? That decision is obvious! With eternity, I would do exactly what I plan on doing with my adult life as it is: secretly influencing the Wizarding world from behind the scenes just as the Malfoy and Black families have done since before they first crossed over the English Channel from France. Oh, and somewhere along the line I would be a world-famous Quidditch Seeker as well.

  • If you could travel back in time to one point, when and where would you go? Why?
    I would go to the estate owned by Mother’s family, 12 Grimmauld Place, sometime back in the 1970s. As an only child, I enjoy being pampered by my family; on the other hand, sometimes I wish I had brothers (or even male cousins) to play with. I would spend my time in the 1970s hanging out with my second cousin Regulus Black. According to Mother, Regulus was a lot like me: able to appear docile and studious when he wants to, but very sneaky and able to manipulate things behind the scenes. I would have loved to had the chance to play with him, but sadly he died the year before I was born. The only time I have EVER seen Mother cry was when she told me the story of how Regulus died… I believe he sacrificed himself for our family, as far as I can tell.
  • What HP character do you identify with most and why? You mean the Golden Boy-Who-Lived, right? I don’t identify with that “Harry Potter” character in the slightest! You see, I had two chances to talk to him. I tried to get to know him - by trying to impress him or by finding common ground to agree with him on (and there’s no way he didn’t agree with me on thinking first years like he and I should be allowed to fly our own brooms) but for some reason he seemed really put off by me. In fact, he decided he’d rather hang out with a red-haired, freckle-faced Weasley… and what type of sane person would ever choose to do that? I’d rather talk to a filthy little Mudblood than a Weasley!

  • What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised? I am wearing a Quidditch outfit as I sit on my broom in the air and suddenly spot a golden winged object which I grab. All of a sudden, the announcer yells: “AND DRACO MALFOY GRABS THE SNITCH! THE WIMBOURNE WASPS WIN THE QUIDDITCH LEAGUE TROPHY!”

  • Do you believe that moral actions should be judged by the intentions behind them, or by the consequences they create? Definitely by what happens - not why it happens. I don’t care if your motives are for the greater good: if you change the rules so that I lose when I deserve to win, I will hate you forever for it!

  • What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
    As I said way back at the beginning with Question One… MALFOYS DO NOT NEED TO WORK FOR MONEY. But I would still love the power from behind the scenes that Father seems to have, and I would also enjoy being the best Quidditch Seeker in the known universe. None of this has changed since as far back as I can remember, and I don’t see any of it changing again in the future either.
  • If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it? I would definitely want to make Potions! The potions instructor at Hogwarts, Professor Severus Snape, is a fairly close associate of Father’s. I have met Professor Snape several times over the past few years. Although he seems to be a very intimidating man with very high standards, he was actually cordial to me and seems to imply that I have a knack for Potions!
  • If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus? After meeting Harry Potter and seeing what he had turned into, my answer is clear. My Boggart would be Father and Mother dying and leaving me with filthy Muggle relatives who hated everything magical. After all, look at what the same thing turned Harry into - something I would never want to be! And when I cast Riddikulus, the Muggles would turn into goats and monkeys: monkeys are hilarious and goats… well… have you not heard the connection of the Dumbledore family to them?

  • What do you look for in a friend?
    Sometimes, I wish that I had friends who could hold their own in a debate with me and stand up for themselves. However, when I look at the two close friends I do have - Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle - I can’t really complain all that much. They may not be particularly outspoken or even seem to be intelligent; however, they will always have my back when I need it and will always listen to what I say.
  • What trait most annoys you about other people? I am most annoyed when people try to insist that there is nothing special about me (despite the fact that I am a Malfoy and also connected to the Most Noble and Ancient House of Black on Mother’s side) and that I am no better than common Muggle filth. Some people might even suggest that certain Muggle-borns are better than me because it’s so “impressive” to be the first in your family to go to Hogwarts. Worst of all is when people with such a warped view on reality have power over me, such as the Muggle-loving headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore! Father says that he’s going senile, is trying to cover up his own lack of blood purity as well as being related to Squibs, and will definitely be gone before I graduate, which I am definitely looking forward to…
  • What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
    1) I am a Malfoy. Not only am I pure-blooded, which means that I come into Hogwarts knowing how to be a wizard already instead of having to be trained all the basics like an unborn baby, but I am a member of the most successful family in the history of Wizarding Britain.
    2) I am well-connected. Father and Mother have introduced me to all of the important people in the Wizarding World already (so many of them, like the Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge, are merely puppets of Father) and through them, I have learned how to establish networks of my own.
    3) I am rich. Whenever I want or need something, I merely need to ask Father or Mother and it will be mine! Also, I stand to inherit two wealthy estates: the Malfoy Manor and the top-secret home of the Most Noble and Ancient House of Black when I get older. Mother may be a youngest daughter, but with one sister disowned from the family and the other in Azkaban, it is she who stands to inherit it and then pass it down to me.
    4) I am an amazing flier. Father has taught me how to fly on his old Nimbus model when I was younger and he thinks that I have the potential to be a top Seeker. I am definitely looking forward to competing against Harry Potter on the Quidditch pitch next year and snatching the Golden Snitch from under his nose!
    5) I am extremely sneaky. When I plan something, no matter how big, no one will find out about it (unless, of course, I want them to learn about it in advance because they are part of the plan) until the exact moment that it is time to show off my work to the world. Whether that be creating a top-secret passageway or teaching hundreds of people a new song while keeping it secret from dozens of other people nearby, I am definitely up to the job.
  • What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
    This is a trick, isn’t it? Father always told me that Malfoys never have weaknesses, and in the rare event that they do, they never admit it. So, like every Malfoy (including my perfectly healthy grandfather Abraxas who MOST DEFINITELY does NOT have dragon pox), I do not have any weaknesses and definitely not enough to make a “top five” list like I did of my strengths.
  • Define in your own words the following key traits:
    • Courage: When you decide to stand for yourself and blaze your own path. This is a very risky thing to do and should only be reserved for special occasions: otherwise you’ll end up like Mother’s cousins Sirius (in Azkaban) and Regulus (sadly, dead) or her Aunt Walburga (screamed her way to insanity, which is too bad - since she did have a soft spot for me in her last years.)
    • Loyalty: How all Malfoys must be to one another and how all of my friends must be to me. In other words: willing to stand up for and support the people one is loyal to, even when they make crazy decisions.
    • Intelligence: Being able to reason things out when you do not know them. This is a very useful skill when you want to plan anything, especially since no one is going to spoon-feed you everything you might possibly need to know and tell you exactly when it may be useful!
    • Ambition: The absolute most important thing you can possibly have: it is what made both Father’s and Mother’s families as great and successful as they are. Of course, as a Malfoy, I don’t actually need to aspire to anything in an ambitious way as I already stand to inherit success. That said, ambition is still useful for me because there are a handful of powerful people who, for some reason, do not respect the Malfoy name!

  • Name: Malfoy… Draco Malfoy.
  • Age: Eleven
  • Where did you find out about us? Father and Mother have told me stories about their days at Hogwarts for as long as I can remember, and quite possibly since I was born.
  • Do you plan on being active in the communities once you are sorted? I don’t know what you mean by “communities”, but I obviously plan on being as much of an asset to my house as possible. And during my second year, when I am finally allowed to play Quidditch, I plan on catching three Golden Snitches a year until I graduate!

    William//Slytherin//69.07 --> 69 points for Slytherin
  • character: draco malfoy, rating: g, !special term event, creator: mmailliw

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