FIC: Salvation by Slytherin - No Challenge

Dec 02, 2011 13:00

Title: Salvation by Slytherin
Summary: All Terry Boot wants to do is author a book and perhaps rewrite history as wizarding society remembers it, but the Slytherins just won't cooperate. When a civil war erupts and Terry's only chance of escape involves working with a poorly-acronymed rebel group and an army of questionable professionals to take down the largest magical empire in the world, is his potential bestseller really worth all the trouble? (Theodore/Blaise, Draco/Terry, shades of Draco/Theodore.)
Characters/Pairings: Theodore/Blaise, Draco/Terry, something that's kind of Draco/Theodore
Beta: ccharlotte
Rating/Warnings: NC17
Word Count: 8675
Notes: Originally written for hpvalensmut and posted here.

For all intents and purposes, it does appear as though we are steps closer to achieving the harmony that Professor Albus Dumbledore… once dreamed of. However, it has been too easy to forget that, above those unlike ourselves…, Professor Dumbledore also encouraged us to embrace those who are, [all else] aside, just like ourselves.

Evy//Ravenclaw//289 points (fest fic)

character: draco malfoy, character: theodore nott, character: blaise zabini, creator: slumber, character: terry boot, rating: nc-17

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