Green Eyes
Rating: HARD R, but not line-crossing
Series: Harry Potter
Genre: Horror/Angst
Pairings: HP/DM
Characters: Draco and Harry
Warnings: Slash, horror, tiny cross-over, mature themes, character death in a way.
By Moon Faery
Summary: There's only one thing in the world that Draco's always wanted but could never have, and Voldemort will be the one to give it to him. But the price tag is too high, and by the time he realizes it, it's too late.
Author Notes: I wrote this just recently for New Years... I'm working on a different cross-over fic with both of these series, where Harry Potter is the sub-series in a major way. So I thought it might be nice to flip it about. The cross-over isn't easily aparent unless you know the series.
Green Eyes