6 Drabbles: No challenge

Oct 06, 2011 00:58

Continuing in the Autumn relationship series (originally for fandomwords100)
Title: Autumn Days
Summary: Harry and Draco start up a friendship.
Characters/Pairings: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Genre: pre-slash
Rating/Warnings: None/G
Medium: Drabble
Word Count: 100

The orange light of late autumn saw a welcome change in Harry and Draco. It started with them “accidentally” running into each other during their weekly shopping that became an invitation for coffee. Every couple of days they would meet up at the local coffee shop and bond over their pumpkin lattes and noting how the orange and gold leaves had fallen, and how sad it was that winter was coming. Their interactions became easier with each day, and before long they had formed an easy friendship. Harry enjoyed Draco’s smiles, and did what he could to bring them out.
Title: Autumn Days pt. 2
Summary: Harry and Draco start up a friendship.
Characters/Pairings: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Genre: pre-slash
Rating/Warnings: None/G
Medium: Drabble
Word Count: 100

Their meetings continued as the days wore on, often taking walks in the late afternoon sun, the gold rays of light tinting Draco’s, and Scorpius’ when he was present, hair orange, which Harry found endearing. They had been meeting for a few weeks the first time that Harry asked Draco to his home for dinner. The Jack O Lantern that had once been on Harry’s stoop was now rotting in the gutter, abandoned after Samhain. Draco passed vampire faced gourd as he approached the door. Harry opened the door with a smile, ushering his new friend inside his home gently.

Title: Autumn Days pt. 3
Summary: Harry and Draco start up a friendship.
Characters/Pairings: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Genre: pre-slash
Rating/Warnings: None/G
Medium: Drabble
Word Count: 100

Harry had created a colourful dish of butternut squash and roasted bell peppers in a rainbow of colours, finished off with some gourmet sausage, and tossed with angel hair in a lemon butter sauce. The mostly orange dish was wonderful, and Draco moaned as the flavours burst over his tongue. Harry looked up at the sound, the small noise travelling straight to his groin, much to his dismay. He would be stupid to try to deny the attraction he felt for the fair haired man, but he still felt it was too soon. Draco looked up and smiled at Harry.

Title: Autumn Days pt. 4
Summary: Harry and Draco start up a friendship.
Characters/Pairings: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Genre: pre-slash
Rating/Warnings: None/G
Medium: Drabble
Word Count: 100

Harry’s heart melted at the smile and returned it with a shy one of his own. Before running into Draco again, Harry had never thought that Draco’s eyes would be so beautiful, the orange candlelight reflected in them, the soft glow enhancing his soft skin. Harry longed to reach over and stroke that velvet cheek, to trace the fine cheekbone. He startled as Draco spoke, drawing him out of his reverie with a question about where Harry had learned to cook. Harry thought for a moment, unsure how much of his past he wished to reveal to this beautiful man.

Title: Autumn Days pt. 5
Summary: Harry and Draco start up a friendship.
Characters/Pairings: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Genre: pre-slash
Rating/Warnings: None/G
Medium: Drabble
Word Count: 100

Harry was silent for a moment sitting in the orange light. He never really spoke of his childhood anymore, only his closest friends knew more than the barest details, but something made him want to open up to Draco. He spoke briefly about how he was forced to learn to cook while he was still very young, sketching out the barest outline of the abuse he endured at the hands of those charged with the task of protecting him. Draco tried to protest, to give some comfort, but Harry brushed him aside. He had dealt with his wounds long ago.

Title: Autumn Days pt. 6
Summary: Harry and Draco start up a friendship.
Characters/Pairings: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Genre: pre-slash
Rating/Warnings: None/G
Medium: Drabble
Word Count: 100

Draco sat stunned in front of Harry. He had always thought that Harry had lived a charmed life. His father had made it seem that he was nothing more than a spoiled brat. He looked at his new friend in a different light. Not for the first time since they began their friendship he realized that they had so much more in common than he ever realized. He stared at the orange poppies resting in their vase on the table, gathering his thoughts. He looked over at Harry, who was nervously chewing on his lip and began his own story.

Summer//Hufflepuff//100x6=600/30 = 20 points

form: drabble, creator: singlemomsummer

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