Title: A Collection of Ramblings
Summary: 25 haikus that focus on a variety of normal things in the wizarding world. Some are sort of Muggle-born POVs to Wizarding things for the first time.
Characters/Pairings: mentions of Hagrid, Neville, McGonagall, Mrs. Norris, Trelawney, Crookshanks, Hermione, Nearly-Headless Nick
Genre: gen
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Word Count: total for all: 319
Swooping through the sky
Preparing to deliver
All of the kids’ maill
Trevor is missing
For what must be the third time
This happened this week
Sneaking through the place
Mrs. Norris watches for
students out of bed
Going up the stairs
Crookshanks looks for his next prey
As he was starving
Flying through the night
The owl is free from duty
Free to enjoy life
Always asked why she
would pick a cat to be her
Animagus form
Neville watches all
of the eager young faces
of the new students
They had been warned of
the moving staircases but
it still surprised them
Walking when all of
a sudden there is a lurch
as the staircase moves
The first time she tried
butterbeer it was the best
drink she ever had
To her pumpkin juice
was just a bizarre idea,
that worked really well
Butterflies in her
stomach. Why did she agree
to use a broomstick.
Shiny, sleek, and new.
It is the most amazing
broomstick ever made
Fast-paced, confusing
Bludgers, Quaffles, and the Snitch
New and exciting
So the seeker does
what? He catches the Snitch. And
what is that again?
It hates when its knot
is pressed. Frozen, unable
to cause some damage.
Twisting and turning
looks like it is attacking
nothing and anything.
Every year there is
that one student that will ask:
Nearly headless?
Nearly headless
is a sensitive subject
thank you very much
Full of grace and
beauty, they are like nothing
you have ever seen.
Hagrid felt bad for
the poor unicorns that were
hunted down.
Looking around the
store, there are a lot of options.
how will he find one?
The wand chooses the
wizard. How does it do that?
Simple: it’s magic.
Tea leaves, crystal balls.
It was all a load of crock,
in Hermione’s mind.
Many doubted her,
said she didn’t have the Gift.
But she knew she did.
25 haikus x 5 pts = 125 points for Hufflepuff!! :D