Title: not titled
Summary: a bunch of haikus~
Characters/Pairings: one is from Gilderoy Lockhart’s POV, mention of Snape
Genre: gen.
Rating/Warnings: G?
Lilac I love so
Because it brings out my eyes
And goes on my toes
Is something I do the best
Though Snape may kill me
Looking in wonder
Watching, waiting, and hoping
My team catches it
Forbidden Forest
I shouldn’t have come in here
Running for my life
Looking up and down
Everyone is staring at
The raggedy hat
Purple paper zooms
Trying to find the right desk
Needing an answer
The lightning bolt scar
It must be him, am I right?
He looks much shorter
Down to the kitchen
We head, looking for some food
To have a party
The centaurs gather
for their monthly star-gazing
so they can compare
Red hair means you are
obviously a Weasley
Wait! You mean you’re not?
Title: One More Time
Summary: Nearly-Headless Nick is persistent in his attempts to join the Headless Hunt; for Ficlet Challenge #19
Characters/Pairings: Nearly-Headless Nick
Genre: gen/humor?
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 133
Nearly Headless Nick worked furiously on yet another application to join the Headless Hunt. Year after year since his death he attempted to join the prestigious group, and every year he was given a disappointing no. It wasn’t his fault his head was barely still attached to his body because of the botched job of his killer.
With a sigh, or as close to a sigh as a ghost could have, Nearly Headless Nick looked at his finished application. He hoped that his persistence would finally sway the selection committee and they would just simply give in and let him join. Otherwise, he would just keep on trying until they finally gave in and told him the yes he so desperately wanted. That would certainly show Sir Patrick Delaney-Podmore a thing or two.
Title: New Beginnings
Summary: Charlie’s first week on the job!; for Drabble Challenge #30
Characters/Pairings: Charlie Weasley
Genre: gen.
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 100
Charlie Weasley was excited to be working at the dragon reserve. It was also a bit of a relief that it was in Romania. While he did love his family very much but his siblings knew how to push his buttons. Especially the twins.
He walked around the dragon reserve, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. He had always loved magical creatures and he was glad that he could work with such majestic beasts as dragons. He couldn't wait to write about all the dragons that he saw and his growing burns collection, which was not that bad, at least not yet.
Title: Prime Real Estate
Summary: The Puff’s location provides for optimal snacking; for Drabble Challenge #47
Genre: gen.
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 99
One of the best things about being a Hufflepuff was the common room. Yes, for one thing, it was all warm and had the comfiest chairs that ever existed. But that was not the best thing. It was the location of the common room. The common room placed Hufflepuff right by the Hogwarts kitchens. So say, if you ever needed a snack to help out with that study session, it was but a short jaunt down the hall and into the kitchen. Once there, the house elves would provide you with everything that you ever desired, and then some.
Title: Newspaper Club
Summary: Colin tries to find the answer to a pressing question; for Ficlet Challenge #3
Characters/Pairings: Colin Creevy
Genre: humor?
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 226
Hello, this is Collin Creevy here for the newly formed Newspaper Club at Hogwarts. We are here to provide you with all sorts of unique information about your fellow students.
Today’s topic is going to be about why the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs support Gryffindor over Slytherin when it comes to Quidditch (and other things as well). I went out and did some field research to find this answer. Or well...I asked the two other people who helped me form this club because no one else would talk to me.
Sadly, the two people I talked to wanted their names not to be included in this article. I’m not sure why but I will respect their wishes and not say who they were.
The first person I asked was a third-year Ravenclaw. This is what he had to say: “Well, I support Gryffindor over Slytherin because this girl I like is in Gryffindor and I’m hoping to impress her. That’s it really.”
The next person I asked was a first-year Hufflepuff. She said: “I support Gryffindor because I like lions more than snakes. I’m sure Slytherins are lovely, but snakes give me the creeps.”
So basically, there is no conclusive reason as to why Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs prefer Gryffindor over Slytherin. I will continue my research and hope to provide a more conclusive reason for this preference.
Title: Insider Info
Summary: The Hufflepuff Common Room; for Ficlet Challenge #11
Genre: gen/description
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 180
Hufflepuff had a corner on prime real estate location when it came to their common room. Everyone knew this fact.
But what most people know was how amazing the common room was on the inside. Once you step inside the portrait, the first thing people noticed was the warm glow around the room. This was due, in part, to the large fire place in the middle of the room, which always had a nice fire. There were also numerous chandeliers and candelabras scattered throughout the common room. This also made the common room nice and bright.
There were a scattering of dark wood tables with dark wood chairs that had soft butter yellow cushions. There were also numerous couches and chairs that were stripped in different shades of yellow. And any current or former Puff could testify that these were the comfiest couches and chairs ever. The floor was carpeted and was nice and soft. So if you could never get there in time to snag one of the couches or any of the chairs, the floor wasn’t so bad.
Title: It’s a hardknock life
Summary: How Mundungus views his lifestyle; for Drabble Challenge #1
Characters/Pairings: Mundungus Fletcher
Genre: gen
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 100
Mundungus Fletcher did not like how he was treated by the Weasleys, or any of the other Order of the Phoenix members for that matter. They were always suspicious of him, just because of his lifestyle. So he stole sometimes, big deal. He was just doing what his mother and father had taught him: to provide for himself in any way possible. And if that meant stealing, well then he would. Sometimes stealing and selling those things was the only way that he could eat. He had tried to hold down a steady job, but it was just really boring.
Title: Summer Boredom
Summary: Hogwart’s during the summer; for Ficlet Challenge #63
Characters/Pairings: Argus Filch, Pomona Sprout, Albus Dumbledore, Hagrid, Madame Pomfrey
Genre: gen.
Rating/Warnings: G?/maybe PG. mention of alcohol and Filch being Filch
Word Count: 474
The only person happy once the students left for summer break was Filch. The halls were quiet, there were no kids tracking mud or other sticky substances all over the halls. No annoying pranksters using items that they were not suppose to. With their absence, Filch’s days were easy and pain free.
It also allowed him time to go and look around Hogsmeade, in particular Zonko’s, and see what else he could ban to try and make the student’s lives as miserable as possible. Because he knew there would be those crushed because they couldn’t use said item, as well as those that would sneak them in and use them. He would then catch them and punish them.
It also gave him plenty of time to try and reason with Dumbledore to allow him to go back to his preferred and traditional methods of dealing with unruly students. Unfortunately, he was always met with a no. But still, he hoped that one day he would see his reasoning and say yes.
He would also uses his trips to Hogsmeade to buy things for Mrs. Norris, because she was such a good cat and he loved spoiling her. As well as dressing her up in those cute little outfits, because she was just so freakin’ cute in them. He couldn’t resist. Plus, since there were no students around, he could do it as often as he pleased without anyone seeing. Though Peeves was always a worry. But so far he hadn’t been seen by Peeves, so all was well.
But for the rest of the staff, thing were very dull. Professors would occasionally go out on trips, leaving the castle quieter and emptier than before. Usually it was for academic purposes, such as going to see someone give a speech on such-and-such topic. There were occasional vacations, and you’d have to worry about the things Sprout brought back, because usually it was some sort of deadly plant. Why Dumbledore allowed her to bring back such things to a school full of curious students, most of the staff would never know.
And when Hagrid went on vacations, he was usually warned not to bring back anything as it was certain whatever he would bring back would kill. He would, however, tried to sneak something back in. Some much so, that it became a routine that the three professors who drew the shortest straw would be sent, along with whoever was the newest Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, to search Hagrid’s cabin and get rid of whatever it was that he brought back. It was on those days that Madame Pomfrey actually got to do her job, since usually the professors could deal with the minor things on their own.
But other than that, things were unreasonably mundane.
Except on Fridays, because Fridays are Firewhiskey Fridays.
total points: 50+9+8+8+13+11+8+ 21= 128 for Hufflepuff!! :D