Fic Challenges - 15 & 60

Jun 30, 2011 16:13

Title: Disarmed
Summary: Draco remembers how Harry Potter returned his wand.
Characters/Pairings: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy
Genre: Gen
Beta: None
Rating/Warnings: PG; None
Medium: fic
Word Count: 676
A/N: For Fic Challenge # 15 - Flashbacks. The fic can be about anything, but it must include a flashback. Continuation of Reassemble.

Draco settled in to the bed, exhausted. Traveling always made him weary. He was visiting a small muggle town in rural Scotland, looking in to a few pieces of private property that would make lovely summer homes.

Not for him, of course. He’d fix them up and sell them for a profit. But, nothing had looked very promising and so he had stopped in at a bed and breakfast, forgoing returning to his own empty home or worse, the only slightly empty Malfoy Manor.

He put one arm behind his head and twirled his wand in his free hand. He knew every part, every notch of the hawthorn wood wand that had chosen him at Ollivander’s shop so many years ago. When it was taken from him, by Potter none the less, he had felt naked.

But then, Potter had done something unexpected.

He had returned it.

That was almost worse than him taking it in the first place.

A buzzing sound filled the Great Hall when Harry Potter re-entered. He had been gone for hours and the survivors of the war had just sat around and waited for their hero to reemerge.

Draco was huddled in the corner with his parents; they felt trapped. Where were they supposed to go? If they stayed too long at Hogwarts, someone might notice them - someone might care that they were there. And they could be thrown into jail for being former Death Eaters. But if they left there was a chance they would be ambushed in their home for being former Death Eaters. For the time being at least, they were safe from immediate conflict.

Harry stopped to say hi to a few people. He didn’t smile. He shook a lot of hands and hugged those who were red-haired. Weasley was practically glued to his elbow and Draco was surprised that Granger was no where to be seen.

Potter, the hero, scanned the room, his keen green eyes landing on the Malfoys.

Draco could feel both his mother and father stiffen on either side of him as Potter (and Weasley) approached.

When Harry stopped directly in front of the Malfoys, Draco stood, ignoring the fact that most of the Great Hall had stopped buzzing and were watching them.

For a moment, the two just stared at each other; Draco was too tired to muster any sort of contempt, and he assumed so was Harry. The hero sighed and glanced at Narcissa and Lucius before pulling out a wand.

Draco’s mother gasped.

Harry’s full attention was on Draco as he pulled out a second wand - this one Draco recognized as his own.

He stood as straight as he could, the silence of the room absolutely deafening.

“I have your wand,” Harry stated.

Draco raised both eyebrows in agreement.

Harry sighed again and handed Ron his own wand.

“Disarm me.”

He looked from Potter to Weasley, quite unsure what to do. For starters, he was weaponless. Second, the entire Great Hall was watching. And third, Weasley was staring at him with a fire burning in his eyes, his hands wrapped around two wands like fists.

Honestly, what did Weasley expect him to do without a weapon and no possible means of escape? Was he really that daft?

Draco was caught off guard when his mother rose next to him and placed her wand in his hand.

He looked at the foreign wand for a moment before looking back at Harry.

“Disarm me,” Harry nodded.

“Expelliarmus,” Draco mumbled. His wand flew out of Harry’s hand and into his own. He handed his mother back her wand and grasped his tightly in his hand, relief filling him.

Potter walked away without saying another word.

Weasley, however, glared at said, “You’re welcome!” before storming after him.

Draco just watched them go, unable to reply. Having his wand back was a welcome relief, but it wasn’t enough.

Draco grunted and stuck his wand in his pocket, deciding instead of going to bed early that he would raid the kitchens of the B&B for dinner.

Title: Doppelganger
Summary: Draco is forced to make tacos.
Characters/Pairings: Draco Malfoy
Genre: Gen
Beta: None
Rating/Warnings: PG; None
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 619
A/N: For Fic Challenge # 60 - A pureblood is forced to cook a foreign Muggle dish. Continuation of Reassemble.

The sun was still fighting its way through the frilly, overly patterned curtains in the hallways of the bed and breakfast as Draco stalked down to the kitchen. He wasn't actually sure if he could just take food, but really wasn't too concerned about rules. He was hungry. And what muggle would be able to stop him, anyway?

He was happy to see that their pantry was fully stocked with the junk foods he had been forced to familiarize himself with in his line of work. He was just reaching for a box of white cheddar Cheez Its when an older woman walked in.

Draco's hand froze and his eyes went wide. He didn't expect to be caught and hadn't thought of an escape plan.

The older woman was stocky in build with short, curly brown hair and sharp, brown eyes that studied him for a few moments. After a while she nodded and wiped her hands on the white apron around her waist.

"You make the tacos."

Her voice was heavy with an accent he didn't recognize. He took his hands off the Cheez Its and turned to face her fully.


“You make the tacos,” she repeated slowly, as if she was speaking to a child or a mentally handicapped person. “Now. Go.”

“I-I don’t…” Draco puckered his lips and stared at her. “Pardon?”

She sighed. “You. Make. The. Tacos.” The woman pointed at the stove top.

Draco followed her point and stared at the stove, hoping perhaps it contained answers. He took a couple of deep breaths before shaking his head. “I have no idea what you are saying right now.”

The woman looked at him as if he was crazy and opened the fridge, pulling out several large packages of ground meat. She thrust them into Draco’s hands and he was rather disgusted with how wet and slimy they were.

“You make the tacos.”

He blinked down at the meat helplessly before looking into the woman’s eyes. “I don’t know what tacos even are.”

She grunted and pulled out a couple of pans. With an angry glare she took the packages of meat from him, opened them, and dumped their contents into the pans. Then she grabbed a wooden spoon, stuck it in his hand, and guided him in the act of browning the meat on the stove top.

Draco huffed indignantly.

“Do you know who I am?” He demanded, still stirring the meat with the wooden spoon even after she let go of him. “Do you know who my father is?”

When she simply shrugged he furrowed his brow.

“Yes, I suppose Father won’t be much help…but, still! Do you know who I am? Why, I’m going to buy this hellhole and then I’m going to fire you! Oh, you will get your comeuppance. Not right away of course, depending on the market and the paper work….but, within four to twelve months - you will get your comeuppance!”

“Eh?” She said, her lip snarling in confusion.

At that moment, a young boy about his own age, with blond hair and pale skin walked into the kitchen.

Draco almost dropped the spoon. It was like looking in a mirror.

A muggle mirror.

The boy looked scarily like Draco’s own reflection. Apparently, he had a muggle doppelganger.

The woman gasped and grabbed at her chest.

Draco’s doppelganger grabbed an apron off a shelf and tied it around his waist, never taking his eyes off of Draco.

Finally, Draco sighed. “Let me guess. You make the tacos?”

“Yeah,” he replied easily. “I make the tacos.”

Draco handed the boy his spoon, grabbed the Cheez Its out of the pantry, and rushed out of the room without another word.

676/30 = 22.5 + 5 = 27.5 = 28
619/30 = 20.6 + 5 = 25.6 = 26
28+26 = 54 points for Hufflepuff!

character: draco malfoy, *challenge, character: narcissa black-malfoy, character: lucius malfoy, genre: gen, form: fic, character: ron weasley, rating: pg, creator: touchofviolet, character: harry potter

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