SS7! 1 fic.

Jun 19, 2011 01:06

Title: Secrets and change
Summary: Tonks doesnt want her parents to find out about her new boyf.
Characters/Pairings: Scabior/Tonks!
Genre: idk romance, angst
Rating/Warnings: pg 13
Word Count: 1099

“Which boy is it this time?”
Ted Tonks’ voice drifted loudly from Tonks’ bedroom door, and she jumped a little, almost falling off her chair before turning around, trying to keep her face neutral.
“What do you mean?”
He smiled that all knowing smile that fathers were so good at. “You’ve been sitting in front of that mirror changing your hair between blue and pink for the last hour. And you’re still not dressed yet!”
Tonks turned back to the mirror, blushing slightly. She hadn’t realized she’d been sitting there for that long.
“Hang on- an hour?!” standing and almost tripping over her slippers in her haste to reach her wardrobe she started pulling clothes out. Not that he would care what she wore; but she cared.
Her father laughed. “So. This boy. You don’t usually get so panicked.”
She shrugged, holding up a weird sisters t-shirt for evaluation.
“it’s no one you know.”
Sighing, Ted rolled his eyes. It was useless trying to weedle information out of her; she wouldn’t budge. She never did. She was too stubborn, like her mother.
“Alright then. And Dora, go pink. It suits you more.”
“Thanks.” She smiled, a little confused as he left, but glad he wasn’t pushing the issue.
She just knew that neither of her parents, particularly her mother, was going to approve of Scabior. He wasn’t exactly what they would think of as proper boy friend material. Although, come to think of it, she wasn’t altogether that sure he was her boyfriend. They didn’t date per say… Over summer they spent all their time together in their bedrooms; whoever’s parents were out. And at school they spent most of their time locked in broom closets. Sighing, she flung on jeans and the t-shirt in her hand, knowing it would all come off anyway, so it hardly mattered.
Her father might have given up easily; unfortunately he had mentioned it to Andromeda, who was not going to give in so easily- not without a name at least.
“Nymphadora, you tell me now!” her mother had blocked the door way, and didn’t look like she was going to move anytime soon.
“It’s no one you know mum, now can you please move? I’m going to be late!”
“Where are you going then?”
“He’s taking me out for lunch. Can you just drop it? I bet you didn’t tell your parents all about Dad.”
“That’s a completely different case, Nymphadora!”
Tonks sighed. “Is it really?”
“I don’t know. You tell me.”
Tonks stopped, a little distracted by how easily her mother could turn a conversation around.
“It’s nothing.”
“I want a name, Dora.”
She sighed. She wouldn’t be leaving until she gave a little. “Scabior. There, fine, can I go now?”
Andromeda narrowed her eyes. “Fine, go. But don’t be late back.”
Grabbing her bag off the kitchen bench, Tonks slipped around her mother and out the door, letting out a sigh of relief. She doubted her mother would have let her out if she’d known anything about him, or his family. She just hoped she didn’t owl round or anything, because if she found out… she’d be in for it when she got home.
“You’re late.”
“I know, I know…” Tonks smiled apologetically before letting his kiss her lightly. “my parents decided it was time to interrogate me. About you. Needless to say, I gave as little away as possible.”
She wondered if it hurt him, her refusal to tell her parents anything about him. His mother knew a lot more about her than her parents did of him. Apparently not though.
He smiled. “They’d love me, you know they would.”
She rolled her eyes, pushing his arm away from her shoulders. “You’re only charming at first, you know.”
It was true, mostly. He could be so entirely charming when he wanted. He’d been like that when they’d first met. But she’d since seen a different side of him, and now they were older- their last year of school approaching- she couldn’t help but wonder what side would become dominant. How much he would change. She’d seen the change begin, and if he carried on like this- being charming to get what he wanted, but being decidedly not so with almost everything else- he was going to turn into someone she would never be able to be with.
“That’s insulting. I could say the same for you.” She could tell he was joking, as he put his arm around her again and kissed her cheek, but there was truth in that too.
Either that or she was over-analyzing everything he ever said to her, which was very possible as well.
“So are we actually doing lunch, or…” she trailed off, raising her eyebrows. He grinned.
“On what?”
“On whether you would prefer me minty fresh or not.”
If she’d been drinking something, she would have choked. And probably died. But this was what she meant about being charming. He could say the absolutely funniest things and be completely lovely, but he’d hurt her before, lied to her, and really, they were keeping their relationship a secret from everyone. They only went out together in the muggle world, acting indifferent if they ran into each other with friends in the magical world. To everyone else, all they did together was help each other with transfiguration and potions study.
“I… I honestly cannot believe you just said that.”
He laughed. “I believe it’s called a joke. So. Lunch?”
She let him pull her closer.
“I’m not so sure I’m hungry after that.”
“Home it is then.”
They walked in silence- a comfortable silence- one of each of their hands in Scabior’s jacket pocket, his finger rubbing spirals across her knuckles. It was a cold summer, but neither of them minded. And Frankly, Tonks liked Scabior in a jacket. All rugged and… leather. Of course, the leather always came off though. But sometimes, when he was going away, or they weren’t going to see each other for a while, he’d give it to her, and at night she would curl up in it, surrounded by his smell. She wasn’t even sure what his smell was, but she liked it. It was better when it was him she was curled up with of course, not the jacket.
That was her favourite thing. Lying under sticky sheets, his arms around her, falling asleep on his chest. Times like that were perfect. She only hoped that there would be more of them. That he wasn’t going to change into someone she couldn’t love.
She hoped.

1099/30= 37 points for Gryffindor!

character: scabior, creator: native_spirit, character: nymphadora tonks

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