1 fic, No challenge

Jun 02, 2011 11:43

Title: For a Time
Characters/Pairings: James Sirius/Scorpius, Albus Severus, Lilly Luna
Rating/Warnings: PG
Word Count: 964
Notes: Written for the totally amazing Stephanie (aka lotrangel17) who was the grand prize winner in my writing challenge for my puffs last month. Being totally amazing, Stephanie maxed out at SQ and WB each week in May.

When Scorpius Malfoy first arrived at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry he was very timid and shy. He tried desperately to blend into the crow and not draw attention to himself. It worked, for a few minutes. When his name was called for sorting he could feel every eye in the room on him. The hat announced “Gryffindor” and the Great Hall was instantly filled with chatter as people wondered how a Malfoy had tricked the Sorting Hat into saying the wrong house. Everyone knew that Malfoys belonged in Slytherin.

Scorpius had hung his head and sat quietly at the far end of the long Gryffindor table. He remained perfectly still and silent, not even bothering to eat, just in case someone thought he was doing something nefarious. He followed behind his fellow first years all the way up to Gryffindor Tower and then attempted to fade into the nearest corner of the Common Room. Scorpius kept his head down and watched the carpet under his feet as the rest of the students mingled happily.

“It’s Scorpius, right?” a voice asked. Scorpius looked up and saw two dark-haired boys standing in front of him. They were smiling widely and the older of the two was holing what looked like a napkin folded up into a makeshift bag. Scorpius nodded slightly. “I’m James,” the older boy said, holding out a hand. Scorpius shook it tentatively. “And this is my little brother, Albus. He’s a first year too.”

Scorpius’s gaze shifted to the shorter boy, who continued to smile as he also held out his hand. Scorpius shook this one as well. “Call me Al.” He paused. “James is a third year,” Albus told Scorpius.

James held out the napkin. “I snagged some food off the table,” he said, shrugging, “when I saw that you weren’t eating.”

“Thanks,” Scorpius responded, voice barely above a whisper. He took the packet of food and ate a few bites while the other two boys watched him. “Are you two the welcoming committee?” Scorpius asked sarcastically.

James and Albus chuckled. “No. You looked kind of lonely over here,” Albus said.

“And we know what it’s like to want to disappear,” James added.

Scorpius wasn’t sure how the brunet had known that, but it made him smile slightly. “You’re Potters, aren’t you?” The smiles on James’s and Albus’s faces fells as Scorpius’s grew. “That’s fine by me.”


Scorpius became fast friends with the two Potter boys and over time they helped him gain confidence. He slowly became more and more outgoing. Scorpius spent nearly all of his free time with one or the other Potter and when their younger sister joined them at Hogwarts their trio became a foursome.

The three Potters and Scorpius were best friends. Scorpius was readily accepted into the Potter home and became practically part of their family almost immediately. Even Scorpius’s father was able to put the past behind him and befriend Mr. and Mrs. Potter.

All was well...for a time. And then Albus grew apart from them. He found other friends and spent less time with Scorpius and his siblings. And then four became three again.

All was well...for a time. And then Lily discovered boys. It started with a simple crush and then a first date. And soon she was spending all her time with her boyfriend of the week. And then three became two.

All was well...for a time. And then James started to distance himself from Scorpius. He spent more time alone and less time with his best friend. When they were together James said very little. And then two became one and Scorpius was very lonely.



Scorpius was sitting alone in the Gryffindor Common Room one afternoon. It was nearing the end of his fifth year and he was frantically studying for his O.W.L.s. Scorpius turned the page of his Charms textbook and didn’t look up when he heard the chair next to his move. When no one spoke he assumed the noise was nothing and continued to study.

Someone chuckled, a low deep rumble, and Scorpius looked up. “Aren’t you even going to check who’s sitting with you?”

Scorpius’s heart nearly skipped a beat when he saw James sitting there next to him. He mentally cursed himself for it before he spoke. “James. What are you doing here?”

James smiled his crooked smile and chuckled again. “This is my Common Room too.”

Scorpius rolled his eyes. “You know what I meant.” He paused. “Wouldn’t you rather be anywhere else but with me?” he asked harshly.

James looked hurt for a second before he was smiling again. “No, I like it just fine right here.” He added a wink just for the effect.

Scorpius’s stomach fluttered and he couldn’t help but smile back. They sat that way for a long moment, simply smiling at each other, in silence before Scorpius spoke again. “I haven’t seen much of you lately.”

James’s smile faltered. “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking.”

Scorpius tilted his head slightly, “About what?”


Scorpius furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, “Me?”

James leaned closer to the other boy and nodded gently. “You,” he breathed when there was barely an inch of space between his face and Scorpius’s. Scorpius swallowed, unsure of what to do or say next. He was spared having to come up with something when James closed the small gap and pressed their lips together in a quick chaste kiss.

Scorpius smiled, he didn’t think he’d be lonely again for a long time. James returned the smile before kissing Scorpius again.

964/30 = 32.1

32 points for Hufflepuff!

character: scorpius malfoy, character: lily luna potter, character: hufflepuffs, form: fic, character: albus severus potter, rating: pg, creator: hanson_phreek, character: james potter

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