Title: Various haiku
Summary: In which Jackie writes 25 ridiculous haiku of the Harry Potter variety.
Characters/Pairings: Assorted
Genre: Haiku
Rating/Warnings: PG for silliness
1. The giant squid swims
Gracefully across the lake
Lovely and scary
2. Dobby, the free elf,
Lived an honorable life
Never forget him
3. Snape versus shampoo
An epic battle rages
Greasy hair triumphs
4. Identical twins
Surely that means everywhere
Not the case, Freddy
5. A new spark plug found
Arthur's eyes dance merrily
Molly just rolls hers
6. Luna and Neville
Really should have had babies
Most awkward family
7. Father Gryffindor
I wave my banner proudly
Red-gold forever
8. Logic and reason
The mighty Ravenclaw caws
There's no argument
9. Hufflepuffs are sweet
Or so they like you to think
Badgers have claws, too
10. Oh, dear Slytherin.
Thou art most misunderstood
Subtlety and wit
11. Say it properly
Or transfer to potions class
Swishing and flicking
12. Seven Horcruxes
And the three Deathly Hallows
Perfect ten, J.K.
13. July 31st
An ordinary day, yes,
Beginning of end.
14. The Beaters, they beat
Chasers handle the Quaffle
Keepers: underloved.
15. Hermy and Viktor
Star-crossed lovers, to be sure
She belongs with Ron
16. Dragons are cuddly
If your name is Rubeus.
Crazy half-giant man.
17. "Do you wanna make out?"
One Dementor said to me.
"Thanks," I said. "I'll pass."
18. Accurate Quibbler?
Not sure such a thing exists.
X-ray glasses, though!!
19. Cat, toad or owl.
Who chooses to bring a toad?
Only Neville L.
20. Sirius Black and
His faithful friend, Lupin, are
Clearly together.
21. The Little Mermaid
Is not canon in Potter
Those things are scary.
22. What a pompous fool.
Totally annoying man.
Gilderoy Lockhart.
23. Unicorns are real
I would like one as a pet
Bane says no. Meanie.
24. Apparition is
the most useful thing ever.
Saves on gas money.
25. Professor Vector
He teaches the math classes
Unseen character.
125 points