3 fics, No Challenge

May 28, 2011 17:21

Title: Tie Swap
Summary: Al’s got something he want the world to know
Characters/Pairings: Al/Scorp, Rose, Lily
Genre: General
Rating/Warnings: PG. DH compliant. M/M relationship.
Word Count: 598

Albus smiled at his reflection in the mirror. He ran a hand through his hair as he thought about what the blonde would have to say about this. The Gryffindor grinned at himself one last time before heading out of the seventh year boy’s dorm and into the Common Room.

Rose shook her head and chuckled at her cousin as he approached, “Trying to subtly alert the entire world?”

Albus simply grinned at her for a moment, glad that at least someone would notice. “I have a feeling very few people will pick up on it.” He moved towards the portrait hole as he continued to speak to her, “Let’s go down to breakfast and she how many people are as observant as you.” He linked arms with his cousin and together they walked down to the Great Hall.

“He’s going to kill you,” Rose commented when they neared the large doors.

Albus smiled sweetly and pushed open one of the doors, ”He’d never hurt me. He loves me too much.”

As they entered the enormous room, Lily jogged up to her brother. “You’ll never guess what’s hap-“ She stopped mid-word as she gave Albus an once-over. “Well, I suppose you will guess what’s happened…”

Albus grinned at his little sister, “I suppose I will.”

“So the hot little thing you’ve been sleeping with was -“ Lily started.

“Yes it was,” Rose interrupted. “Is he furious?”

“You knew?” Lily asked her cousin. Rose nodded. “And you couldn’t even tell your own sister?” Lily pouted at the brunette.

“Ah, well, I didn’t want it getting back to James,” Albus said blushing slightly.

“Well, he’ll hear about it now I’m sure,” Lily said. She pulled her brother into a hug, “I think it’s great though.” Albus squeezed his sibling for a moment and then pulled away. “He’s actually not all that upset, though as far as I can tell very few people have noticed.” Lily grinned once more at Albus and Rose and then bounded off to the Slytherin table.

Albus watched his sister make her way over to her seat before heading towards his own table. He watched as she whispered to the girls sitting around her excitedly and knew that the entire school would be in on the secret before breakfast was over. He smiled to himself as whispering spread and soon the entire hall was filled with it.

Albus sat at the Gryffindor table happily ignoring the people staring at him as he ate his breakfast. After several long moments, he looked up from his plate and locked eyes with a certain blonde Slytherin. From across the room, the blonde glared at him and for a split second Albus wondered if this had been a good idea after all. The uncertainty left the moment that the Slytherin stood up and began walking towards him.

He looked back down at the table as the blonde neared and waited as he sat next to him. “Having fun with this?” the Slytherin asked.

Albus looked up and nodded, “Aren’t you, Scorp?”

Scorpius smiled and pushed a hair through the Gryffindor’s hair, letting his hand come to rest on the back of the brunette’s neck, “Actually, I am.” He pulled Albus towards him and kissed him hard. The excited whispering picked up speed and before long there were students all over the hall standing up to get a better look at the two supposed rivals.

One of Albus’s hands moved to the blonde’s chest and grasped the Gryffindor tie that he was wearing. Albus knew this had been a good idea.

Title: With Me
Summary: Scorp writes a letter and Al finds it.
Characters/Pairings: Al/Scorp, Al/OMC
Genre: Fluff
Rating/Warnings: PG. DH compliant. M/M relationship. Song fic.
Word Count: 1,170

Scorpius sat in his dorm room, safely enclosed in the curtains of his four poster bed, a silencing charm in place to keep his presence unnoticed. He looked over at the small table next to his bed, the one that was hidden in his curtains and charmed so that only he could see what it held. On top were various odds and ends, but the item that he stared at was in the center and was a picture of his best friend; the person who he just happened to be in love with.

He sighed and reached into the drawer in the table. He pulled out the small cd player that he had charmed to work on magic and turned on some rock music. He listened to the best for a few minutes, just thinking about everything and nothing at the same time. After some time, he picked up the quill and parchment that was lying next to him on the bed and began writing.


Your out with your boyfriend, even though earlier he went off on something that you said. He doesn’t get your humor like I do. I’m in our room, it’s a typical Tuesday night. I’m listening to the kind of music he doesn’t like. He’ll never know your story like I do. He’s Quidditch captain and I’m on the bleachers dreaming about the day when you wake up and find that what you’re looking for has been here the whole time. I wish you could see that I’m the one who understands you. I’ve been here all along, so why can’t you see?
Walking the grounds with you and your worn out jeans I can’t help thinking this is how it ought to be. Laughing in the Quidditch stands thinking to myself “Hey, isn’t this easy?” You’ve got a smile that could light up this whole school. I haven’t seen it in a while, since he brought you down. You say your fine but I know you better than that. Hey what are you doing with a boy like that?
I remember you coming to my bed in the middle of the night. I’m the one that makes you laugh when you know you’re about to cry. I know your favorite things and you tell me about your dreams. Have you ever thought just maybe you belong with me?


Scorpius looked over what he had written and sighed again. He’d never actually deliver the letter. He frowned and crumpled up the parchment. He held the balled up paper and listened to the music some more. His best friend’s favorite song started and he angrily threw the balled up parchment at the curtain at the end of the bed. It fell silently to the floor as Scorpius turned over and buried his face in his pillow.


Albus sat on the edge of his bed just staring at the floor in front of him. His boyfriend had started another fight about his friends, saying that he didn’t like the type of people Albus hung out with. It seemed like they were fighting more and more these days and it was really upsetting to him.

He sighed to himself and looked over at his best friend’s bed. The curtains were drawn closed, which meant the blonde was in one of his brooding moods. He let his eyes fall back down to the floor, where a balled up piece of parchment caught his attention. It was sticking out from under the edge of his best friend’s bed curtains and appeared to have some writing on it. He knew it was most likely some started and then discarded schoolwork, but he couldn’t help but be curious. He stood up and made his was over to the blonde’s bed. He grabbed the paper and smoothed it out. It turned out to be a letter. A letter addressed to him. He went back to his bed, sat down and read.


Scorpius decided it was time to come out of his little hide out and face the real world. Besides, he was starting to get really hungry because he had skipped dinner. He hadn’t felt like seeing his best friend and his boyfriend being all lovey-dovey. He turned his charmed cd player off and put it back into the drawer on his bedside table.

He cast the counter charm to the silencing charm and opened his bed curtains. He stood up and stretched as he took a quick look around the room. It was empty except for himself and his best friend. He smiled to himself for a moment before the look on the brunette’s face sunk in. He looked stunned. Scorpius looked him over, trying to figure out what was wrong. And that’s when he noticed the wrinkled piece of parchment he held in his hands.


Albus sat there in the quiet dorm room staring at the letter that his best friend had written to him in shock. He couldn’t believe what he’d just read. He heard some curtains rustle, but didn’t move. He scanned the letter again to make sure he wasn’t imagining it.

Scorpius watched his best friend carefully for a few moments, trying to figure out what he was thinking. He couldn’t believe he’d just left that letter lying there, where anyone could have picked it up. He took a quiet step towards the brunette and froze when green eyes looked up and locked onto his gray ones.

Albus held the blonde’s gaze for a long moment in silence. Then he held the letter up for Scorpius to see and whispered, “Is it true?”

Scorpius remained still and silent for a long while. Did he really want this to happen now? He took a deep calming breath and whispered back, “Yes.”

Albus stood up and took a step towards his best friend. “Were you ever going to tell me?”

Scorpius shook his head. “I never meant for you to see that. I…” he paused. “I didn’t want to hurt you.”

Albus couldn’t help but smile as he took another step towards the blonde. “How would this hurt me?” he asked, waving the parchment slightly in the air.

Scorpius finally broke eye contact and looked down at the floor. “You don’t care for me.”

“That’s not -“ Albus began, taking yet another step forward. He was now only an arms length away from his best friend.

“Not like that,” Scorpius elaborated. “Not like I care for you.”

“And how do you know that?” Albus asked, still smiling.

“I know you Al. Better than anyone,” Scorpius frowned, still looking down.

Albus took another step forward as he spoke, “You don’t know everything.” He reached out a hand and placed it on Scorpius’s chin, tilting it up so that the blonde was looking at him again. “Not nearly everything.”

Scorpius watched in mild shock as Albus leaned in and kissed him. Scorpius smiled, decided that he didn’t mind so much not knowing everything, and returned the kiss enthusiastically.

Title: Cold
Summary: It's cold in Harry and Draco's apartment
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Draco
Genre: Fluff
Rating/Warnings: PG. M/M relationship.
Word Count: 275

Harry Potter was tired. He had worked a double shift, trying to get everything straightened out after the raid the Aurors conducted on an illegal dark magic dealer. He was finally headed home and couldn't wait to see his lover. He entered their flat and reset the wards while calling out, "Draco! I'm home." There was no answer and Harry shrugged to himself. He took off his heavy winter robes and hung them by the door. He shivered, it was cold in there. "Draco!" he called again.

There was still no answer, so he went searching for the blonde. The other man wasn't in the study or the kitchen. Finally, he opened the door to the bedroom and laughed quietly. Laying on the bed was a large pile of blankets and somewhere in the middle of all of them was the blonde he'd been searching for. "Why are you using every single blanket we own?" Harry asked.

"It's cold in here," Draco stated simply, head emerging slightly from his cocoon.

"You know there's such a thing as a warming charm?" Harry chuckled, approaching the bed and sitting on the edge.

"Too cold to get my wand..." Draco mumbled. "It's all the way over there," he pointed to the dresser across the room.

Harry shook his head and with a wave of his wand cast the spell to warm the flat up. "There," he said, starting to pull blankets off the bed, "now it's plenty warm and I want my hello kiss."

Draco grinned and pushed the rest of the blankets away from him. He moved to where Harry was sitting and kissed the brunette passionately.

598 + 1170 + 275 = 2043 words
2043/30 = 68.1

68 points for Hufflepuff!

character: rose weasley, character: scorpius malfoy, character: draco malfoy, character: lily luna potter, character: hufflepuffs, form: fic, character: albus severus potter, genre: fluff, rating: pg, creator: hanson_phreek, character: harry potter

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