3 fics, No Challenge

May 28, 2011 17:01

Title: I Know
Summary: Al knows something.
Characters/Pairings: Albus Severus Potter, Scorpius Malfoy, Rose Weasley
Genre: General
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 485
Notes: Written for 33randomfics using the prompt of “knowledge”. Part 29 of my Years series. Previous parts can be found here.

“I know where the Room of Requirement is!” Albus Severus Potter announced one afternoon to his friends. He sat down at the table the two other fourth years occupied, grinning.

Rose Maria Weasley looked at her cousin skeptically for a moment before looking back at her potions notes. They had a quiz coming up and she wanted to be ready.

Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy grinned at the brunette, “Where is it?”

“Seventh floor,” Albus whispered, in case anyone was listening in on their conversation. “Wanna go check it out?”

Scorpius nodded excitedly. He’d wanted to see the Room of Requirement since he’d first heard about it back in first year.

“How about you Rose? You want to come too?” Albus asked the redhead.

Rose set her notes down and thought for a moment. “I really need to be studying…”

“You’ve been studying all day! Take a break and come with us,” Scorpius said to his friend.

Rose sighed dramatically and then spoke,” All right. Fine.” The two boys smiled at her as she got up, they knew she was just as curious about it as they were. “Let’s go,” she said moving towards the door.

Albus and Scorpius stood up as well and followed Rose out of the portrait hole and towards the seventh floor. Albus took the lead and led the two other fourth years to the correct stretch of wall. “James said you have to concentrate really hard on what you want and walk past three times.”

“Wait. ‘James said’? You think he told the truth?” Scorpius asked, not fully trusting Albus’s older brother.

“Well, after he told me I wrote Uncle Ron and he confirmed” Albus explained.

“Ok. Show us how, oh knowledgeable one,” Rose said, rolling her eyes.

Albus nodded, “Ok.” He took a deep breath and concentrated. After a moment he began pacing back and forth.

All three students looked at the stretch of wall. Nothing happened.

Albus pouted. Scorpius patted the brunette’s shoulder. “It’s ok. Let me try.” Albus nodded. The blonde closed his eyes for a moment to think, and then he began walking.

Again they watched the wall. Nothing happened.

“Well, that sucks,” Scorpius commented.

Rose sighed. This was taking far too long for her liking. “Step aside and let the smart one try.” She concentrated and walked quickly.

The three teens looked at the wall expectantly and almost immediately a door started to appear. Rose smiled and the boys cheered, “Way to go Rose!”

Rose pushed the door open and stepped inside, followed closely by Albus and Scorpius. They looked around the large room. The boys rolled their eyes and gave Rose a look that said, “You’re mental.”

The walls were lined with book shelves that were full of what appeared to be books about potions. In the center of the room stood a fully stocked potions lab. Rose chuckled, “I was worried about studying for Potions…”

Title: Hush
Summary: Rose and Lily are intrigued by the boys
Characters/Pairings: Albus Severus Potter, Scorpius Malfoy, Rose Weasley, Lily Potter
Genre: General
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 236
Notes: Written for 33randomfics using the prompt of “hush”. Part 30 of my Years series. Previous parts can be found here.

Rose Maria Weasley sat at a small round table in the Gryffindor Common Room with one of her best friends. They were chatting quietly about their other best friends. “Al’s such a player,” she commented.

Lily Luna Potter nodded her agreement from where she sat on the opposite side of the table. “He’s dated how many girls since the start of the year? Like five?”

“Four. But he told me last night that he’s going to break up with Jessica,” Rose told the younger girl.

“Already?” Lily shook her head, “They’ve only been dating for a week!”

“Yeah, and then in the next breath he was thinking about asking Christine out,” Rose stated.

Lily sighed, “Those poor girls. They never see it coming do they?”

Rose shook her head ‘no’. The two students were silent for a long moment and then Rose spoke again. “And Scorp’s just the opposite. He never even mentions girls.”

“I’ve noticed that,” Lily mused. “Either he’s not interested in any right now, or he doesn’t want to share with us.”

“I know. It’s a bit odd” Rose agreed.

“But Scorp’s not much of a talker, at least not with us…”

“Hush! Here they come,” Rose whispered.

Albus Severus Potter and Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy approached the table and sat down with their friends. “So what were you two talking about?” Albus asked.

The girls shared a look and spoke in unison, “Nothing.”

Title: Time
Summary: Scorpius wants some time alone with Albus
Characters/Pairings: Albus Severus Potter, Scorpius Malfoy
Genre: General
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 448
Notes: Written for 33randomfics using the prompt of “glass”. Part 31 of my Years series. Previous parts can be found here.

Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy sat at the window in the fourth year Gryffindor boy’s dormitory, tapping on the lass softly. He sighed. He was missing his best friend…again.

Albus Severus Potter was in the library with his girlfriend, Christine. She was working on her Defense Against the Dark Arts homework and he was staring at the floor.

Scorpius stopped tapping the window and laid his head against the pane of glass, glaring at the cloudless sky. Why did his best friend have to be with his girlfriend all the time?

Albus looked up and found the nearest window. It was beautiful outside. He sighed and glanced sideways at Christine.

“If you want to go, that’s fine,” the girl told Albus. “I’m just going to be writing essays all afternoon.”

Albus’s smile lit up the entire room. He stood up, gave Christine a quick kiss and said, “Thanks. I’ll see you at supper.” Then he practically ran out of the library.

Scorpius frowned. He wanted his Al back. He was tired of Albus never being around. It seemed like the brunette was dating someone new each week and Scorpius hardly ever got time alone with him.

Albus rushed to Gryffindor Tower and through the portrait hole. He quickly searched the room for his best friend, but didn’t see the familiar blonde head anywhere. He called out to another of his dorm mates, “Hey Jacob, where’s Scorp?”

“He’s in the room, moping,” Jacob told the brunette.

“Thanks,” Albus said as he made his way up the stairs. He quietly opened the door to his dorm and watched the other student for a long moment.

Scorpius sighed again. He closed his eyes and tried hard not to think about the brunette. But that was nearly impossible to do. Pretty much all of his thoughts led back to Albus eventually.

Albus frowned. He knew that the blonde was sad because they hadn’t spent any time together recently, but he was going to fix that. He walked over to where Scorpius was sitting, grabbed the blonde’s wrist, and started pulling him across the room.

“Al!” Scorpius said, surprised. “Where are we going?”

Albus said nothing, simply continued leading his best friend down the stairs and through the common room. Scorpius smiled and allowed Albus to drag him through the school and out onto the grounds. They walked in silence for a long time, Albus still holding onto Scorpius’s wrist.

Eventually Albus stopped walking and let go of the blonde. They were standing in a small clearing in the woods around the Black Lake. Scorpius looked around and smiled brightly.

“The afternoon is all yours, Scorp. What would you like to do with the time?”

485 + 236 + 448 = 1169 words
1169/30 = 38.9

39 points for Hufflepuff

character: rose weasley, character: scorpius malfoy, rating: g, character: lily luna potter, character: hufflepuffs, genre: gen, form: fic, character: albus severus potter, creator: hanson_phreek

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