2 fics, no challenge

May 08, 2011 16:21

Title: Peace Offering
Summary: Daphne brings Draco a peace offering.
Characters/Pairings: Draco Malfoy, Daphne Greengrass
Genre: gen
Rating/Warnings: G; none
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 487

Draco had just tucked in to his supper when there was a knock on the front door. Annoyed, he wiped his mouth and stood with a loud huff.

He was quite surprised to see Daphne Greengrass on the door step, a mailer clutched to her chest.

She didn't smile or offer any greeting. Instead, she said, "You are very hard to track down. This whole place smells like cheese. Why are you here?"

Draco was slack jawed for only a moment. "There is a piece of commercial property I'm looking into; this neighborhood is up and coming, smell aside - wait, why are you here?"

She offered him the mailer that was in her hands. "I found this in Astoria's room before she went back to Hogwarts."

Draco looked down at the page Daphne had the mailer turned to, surprised to see the letters "DM" next to a necklace.

"Those are your initials, are they not?" Daphne tapped her finger against the page. "And I'm sure you recognize her handwriting better than anyone at this point."

Draco suppressed a sigh. "So why are you here, Daphne?"

"I...I wanted to give you this," she pulled a small box out of her back pocket. "It's the same item she wanted from the Weasley's shop and, well, since her birthday is soon-"

"Her birthday is soon?"

"Yes, on the 16th."

Draco opened the box slowly, keeping an eye on Daphne just in case she decided to pull something. But she kept still, occasionally fiddling with the hem of her shirt, and he turned his full attention to the Weasley product.

It was actually a set of necklaces: one was a key that read "FRIEND" on the side; the other was a heart shaped locket with the word "BEST" on its front. When the key was inserted into the locket, it opened and shown multicolored light like from a prism set out in the sun and played soft, lilting music.

He snapped the locket closed and shoved both necklaces back into the box.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you here?" He demanded.

She shook the hair out of her face and stood up straight. "It's Astoria's birthday, and for some reason she wants to share this necklace with you. I do not approve but...I love her and I want her to be happy. So, consider this a peace offering."

He snorted but did not give the box back.

"I used to be afraid of you," Daphne said in a quiet voice. He rolled his eyes. "But I love Astoria more than words and I - I am not afraid anymore." She took a step forward, invading his personal space. He didn't budge. "Hurt her and I'll kill you."

Draco raised an eyebrow. Judging solely on the look she was giving him, he didn't doubt her for a second. He stuck the box in his pocket and nodded.

"Fair enough."

Title: Astoria's Birthday
Summary: It's Astoria's last birthday at Hogwarts, and some of her presents leave her speechless.
Characters/Pairings: Astoria Greengrass
Genre: gen
Rating/Warnings: G; none
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 1,076

Life back at Hogwarts after Easter break was normal. Days went by like they typically had for the past seven years and Astoria fell back into line.

With the end of the year approaching, classes were hectic and her schedule left her little time to dwell on anything besides double potions and transfiguration. But at night, sometimes, she couldn’t help but think and rethink the last conversation she had with Draco and with her sister.

She hadn’t heard from either of them since that awful day, but to be fair she hadn’t reached out either. She was too mad at Daphne to try and if Draco didn’t want her she didn’t want to be that desperate girl who never got the hint.

That being said, she was already making plans of what to get him for his birthday because sending him a small gift on his birthday wasn’t desperate, right?

The second anniversary of the final battle at Hogwarts was observed (because “celebrated” wasn’t the right word) and classes were cancelled that day. Still though, the day was so somber she really didn’t muse on her relationships. A memorial service took place in the great hall where all the students held lit candles and stood together, singing. That night there was a feast and the house elves had really outdone themselves, but there was very little joy or festivity. Rather, there was a sense of school wide comradery where everyone sat at whatever table they wanted and all the houses intermixed as they ate and even though no one was laughing, there was a comfort in just being around each other.

Headmistresses McGonagall had given a very small speech before dinner had been served. She said that, “even though the loss of our friends and school mates still weighs heavily on our hearts, we should never let our sadness dim our gratefulness.”

It had given Astoria a lot to think about.

She thought about it and the ever approaching finals so much she almost forgot that she was having a birthday. In fact, she would have forgotten completely if it weren’t for her two best friends who woke her up before the sunrise by singing.

Astoria was exhausted as she staggered to the great hall for breakfast, following behind Samantha and Olivia who would not stop talking and wishing her a happy birthday. She loved them, she really did, but she wasn’t sleeping well and so much noise in the morning hurt.

She had just started on her eggs when the owls came in with the mail; two packages landed almost in her lap. Of course, so did her eggs.

Quickly cleaning herself up, Astoria opened the box from her parents. It was stuffed with home baked goods that she knew her favorite house elf had prepared because her mother never stepped foot in the kitchen. There was also some money and a very lovely card that her mother had actually written herself.

Daphne hadn’t sent a card, but her box contained a black and yellow scarf and matching mittens.

“Oooh, house colors!” Samantha cooed, reaching out and touching the scarf in Astoria’s hands.

“Not very useful this time of year,” Olivia said around a mouthful of sausage.

Astoria had to fight back tears. Blinking rapidly, she said, “Yes, but these were handmade, guys. She made these herself.”

“Plus its not like it won’t be winter again one day,” Samantha rolled her eyes.

“But she won’t be in Hufflepuff anymore,” Olivia pointed out.

Samantha snorted. “Once a badger, always a badger.”

Astoria wiped her eyes quickly and went back to her breakfast. She started drafting a letter to her sister in her head; she really couldn’t stay mad now that the Slytherin girl had made a Hufflepuff scarf and mittens by hand.

Samantha cleared her throat. “We got you something too.”

“Really?” Astoria asked, “You guys didn’t have to do anything.”

“It isn’t anything big,” Samantha said, blushing and not looking her in the eyes as she pulled out a small book from her bag.

“We’ve been working on it for a couple of months now,” Olivia told her.

Astoria smiled as she took the book from Samantha’s hands and almost cried for the second time that morning - they had made a photo album. There were dozens of pages of pictures of the three of them together.

“It goes back all the way to first year,” said Olivia.

“And we left a couple of pages blank because there’s still a few weeks left in our seventh year,” Samantha said, pointing out the blank pages at the back of the book.

“It’s beautiful,” Astoria hugged the book to her chest before hugging each of her friends in turn.

Samantha blushed again but assured that it was no big deal and went back to her breakfast; Olivia smiled brightly and kissed her on the cheek.

Having to wipe her face dry again, Astoria picked at her food and flipped through the pages of her new photo album.

To her complete and total surprise, an owl that was at least fifteen minutes later than all the other owls swooped into the great hall and dropped a package on her second serving of eggs.

She recognized the handwriting on the box immediately.

“We better run or we’re going to be late for class,” Olivia said as she stood up. Samantha nodded and joined her and they both looked at Astoria. “Are you coming?”

“Er,” Astoria shook her head and smiled. “I just want to take my presents back up to the dormitory. I’ll meet you all in class in a minute.”

Shrugging, her friends left her with her new package.

Astoria looked to make sure no one was paying attention and quickly tore into the small package. A single piece of paper fell out.

Happy birthday, Tori.

- Draco

Shaking, she opened the box and her breath caught in her throat. She pulled out a small locket with the word “FRIEND” carved on its front and a picture of Draco. He kept rolling his eyes in the picture and shaking his head, but around his neck was a necklace with a pendant of a key.

She laughed even as tears pooled on her cheeks. How could he have known?

Astoria put the necklace around her neck and decided she was going to ditch class. It was her birthday, after all. And besides, she had some letters she needed to write.

487/30 = 16
1076/30 = 35.866 = 36
16 + 36 = 52 points for Hufflepuff! (And I've maxed out for the week)

character: astoria greengrass, character: draco malfoy, character: daphne greengrass, rating: g, creator: touchofviolet, genre: gen, form: fic

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