Poetry Challenge #6: 22 Haikus

May 01, 2011 04:10

Title: Same question as always; do haikus need a title? xD
Summary: Haikus about some Magical Creatures (and two cats :D)
Characters/Pairings: Crookshanks, Mrs Norris, Norbert, Buckbeak, Aragog (OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE I WROTE ABOUT ARAGOG, I HATE SPIDERS >.<), the Basilisk
Genre: Poetry
Rating/Warnings: G/none? IDK.
Word Count: under 30 each


You are very proud
Seem to know about your grace
Know you're beautiful

You know who is good
And you know your enemies
You know everything

They want to kill you
Although you are innocent
They're more powerful

Been sentenced to die
Although you just answered back
But you have been saved

Did you enjoy it
That they allowed you to fly
When you gained freedom


You have been alone
Knowing that something was wrong
No one believed you

You have caught the rat
Sensing it was not a pet
You were always right

Your fur like her hair
Only she seemed to love you
But you found more friends

You're spying for him
Seem to be his other eyes
You are his best friend

He thought he'd lost you
When you met the basilisk
But you were revived

11-15: NORBERT

He really loved you
Really wanted to raise you
But could not keep you

He called you Norbert
Norbert, a little dragon
Do you like your name?

Sometimes Hagrid asks
If you like Romania
So, tell him: Do you?

They sent you away
You don't know that you are missed
Do you remember?

He was your father
Hatched your egg in the fire
Waiting for your birth

16&17: BASILIK

You're feared by spiders
Only few people saw you
They did not survive

Did you ever know
Why you were supposed to kill?
Have you asked him why?

18-22: ARAGOG

Bigger than your friends
Feared by everyone

Born so far away
Living hidden in the woods
No one visits you

You were brought to him
From a country far away
Still being a child

They did not believe
When he said you're innocent
They thought you had killed

He tried to raise you
In the castle of Hogwarts
But you both got caught

22 poems for challenges x 5 = 110 106
Total: 106 points for Hufflepuff!

form: poetry, *challenge, character: mrs. norris, rating: g, creator: flyingharmony, character: crookshanks

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