6 Drabbles and Challenges

Apr 20, 2011 12:13

#21 - Lord Voldemort/Comedy
Title: Wacky Wednesday
Summary: Voldemort picks the theme for the next Wacky Wednesday
Characters/Pairings: Voldemort & Lucius Malfoy
Genre: Humor
Beta: None
Rating/Warnings: G - Total Crack
Medium: Open Office
Word Count: 100

“Tell me, Lucius, how did everyone enjoy Manic Mask Day?”

“Everyone found it very appealing, My Lord.” Lucius replied. “I especially liked your Britney Spears mask.”

“Really? Well, that's good. I was worried. Now, I'm trying to decide what we should do for the upcoming Wacky Wednesday.”

“What about Hat Day, My Lord?”

“No, no, Lucius. We did that last month. I wore the cheese hat.”

“Of course, how could I have forgotten.”

“I've got it! Bring Your Stuffed Animal on a Raid Day!”

“Indeed, My Lord. I'll tell the others.”

#23 - Seamus Finnigan/Humor
Title: Water to Rum
Summary: Seamus figures out how to turn water to rum
Characters/Pairings: Seamus Finnigan, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley
Genre: Humor
Beta: None
Rating/Warnings: G
Medium: Open Office
Word Count: 100

The doors to the great hall swung open about halfway through dinner. In walked, or stumbled, Seamus Finnigan. He made a jagged line towards the Gryffindor table and nearly fell across Dean's lap.

“I did it!” Seamus exclaimed. “I fin'ly found out how tah tur' my wat'r tuh rum!”

“Seamus,” Hermione scowled. “Are you drunk?”

“Maybe,” he hiccuped. “Just a'lil.”

“Are you gonna tell us how you did it?” Ron asked.

“Yeah, alls ya gotta do is...”

The sentences was abruptly cut off when Seamus passed out into his plate of potatoes.

#46 - The Fat Lady won't let somebody in.
Title: I'm Not Fat
Summary: What happens when you insult the Fat Lady?
Characters/Pairings: The Fat Lady & Ron Weasley
Genre: Humor
Beta: None
Rating/Warnings: G
Medium: Open Office
Word Count: 100

“Come on, please. Just let me in. It's been three hours. I just want to sleep,” Ron begged The Fat Lady.

He'd been standing in front of the painting for two hours, but she wouldn't open no matter how many times he said the password.

“No!” The Fat Lady shrieked. “You called me fat!”

“Your name's The Fat Lady.” Ron protested.

“So? I have been on a diet.”

“You're a painting! How could you go on a diet?”

“You just go find yourself somewhere else to sleep.”

Then, she vanished into another painting.

#52 - OOC Crack
Title: It's a Date
Summary: Draco and Harry plan a date.
Characters/Pairings: Draco/Harry
Genre: Humor & romance I guess
Beta: None
Rating/Warnings: PG (for mentions of kissing lol) - Major OOC
Medium: Open Office
Word Count: 100

Those in the Great Hall stared as Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter skipped, hand-in-hand, through the doors and plopped themselves down at the Slytherin table.

“Let's go on a date, honey,” Draco cooed.

“Anything for you, my love. What should we do?”

“Let's go on a picnic. We can feed each other food by hand.” Draco suggested.

“Well, I do enjoy being fed. Will we be able to kiss a lot?”

“Oh, I definitely think there will be kissing, snookums.”

“Alright, Drakey. Let's go.”

With that they skipped back out of the Great Hall.

#78 - Petunia's Diary
Title: Dear Diary
Summary: Petunia's diary entry the day Lily left for Hogwarts
Characters/Pairings: Petunia Dursley
Genre: Slight Angst maybe
Beta: None
Rating/Warnings: PG (for name calling)
Medium: Open Office
Word Count: 100

Dear Diary,

My freak of a sister went off to that freak school today. I can't believe mom and dad let her stay in our house. What will the neighbors think if they see here. I can't believe I have to share a last name with her!

Really though, I wish I was a witch. I would love to go to that school and learn magic. Why does Lily get to go and I don't. I miss her.

No, that's a lie. Lily's a freak and I'm glad she's gone. I would never want to be something unnatural like her.

#80 - Selecting the Quidditch Captain
Title: Captain Tryouts
Summary: The announcement for the Slytherin Quidditch Captain tryout is posted in the Common Room
Characters/Pairings: Marcus Flint maybe (he signed the announcement)
Genre: Humor
Beta: None
Rating/Warnings: G
Medium: Open Office
Word Count: 100

Attention Slytherins,

Tomorrow we will be selecting the new Quidditch Captain. Everyone knows Slytherin is the most ruthless of all the Quidditch team. Because of this we need someone strong. So, this year, like all the years prior, we will be selecting our new Captain with a cage fight. Each person will be paired up and fight it out. Who ever wins moves on. The last conscious person will be our new Quidditch Captain. The cage matches will be held in the dungeon room next to Professor Snapes potions lab promptly at midnight.

Marcus Flint

P.S. You WON'T beat me!

6 Drabbles * 100 Words = 600 Words
600/30 = 20
6 Challenges * 5 Points = 30 Points
20 + 30 = 50 Points

Jessica/Ravenclaw/50 Points

character: draco malfoy, *challenge, character: voldemort/tom riddle, form: drabble, character: petunia dursley, rating: g, character: hermione granger, character: ron weasley, genre: romance, genre: angst, genre: humor, character: lucius malfoy, character: seamus finnigan, character: fat lady, rating: pg, character: marcus flint, character: harry potter

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