1 NoChallenge Art, 2 Challenge Art+Fics

Apr 13, 2011 20:34

Art No Challenge
Emma Watson Digital Vector
(Excellent, Finished: 100 points)

Art Challenge #18
Prompt: Some sort of cross-over. Anything one can come up with but it should be recognizable as a crossover.
Medium: Manip ([Good: 15 points + 5 challenge = 20 points]+[Basic: 5 points + 5 challenge = 10 points] 20 + 10 = 30 points)
Luna Lovegood and Voldy in Community's Modern Warfare episode.

Drabble Challenge #46
Subject: The Fat Lady won't let someone in.
Genre: Any (G Rating, Ron/Fat Lady, General)
Word Count: 100 or Less (99/30 = 3 points + 5 challenge = 8 points)

“You have to let me in!” Ron shouted at the Fat Lady.
“I do not.” The Fat Lady replied back, not budging.
“Why not!”
“You kids come up to me, some of you during all hours of the night mind you, and shout passwords at me. No one stops to ask me how I am, or even give me a simple thank you!”
“You have got to be kidding me,” he muttered to himself. “How are you today?”
“Oh well since you asked, I’m rather…”
“Nevermind! I can’t.” Ron said turning his back on the portrait and stormed off.

Ficlet Challenge #36
Prompt: Dance party with Fluffy (G Rating, Ron/Hermione/Harry/Peeves/Fluffy, Humor)
Word Count: 100-500 (346/30 = 12 points + 5 challenge = 17 points)

“I’m absolutely starving!” Ron said, patting his stomach.
“Oh you’re always hungry.” Hermione replied, shaking her head.
“Yeah, so? I’m a growing boy- man, okay. I need to eat!”
Hermione just nodded, smirking to herself.
Hermione, Ron, and Harry made their way down to the Great Hall for dinner.
“What’s that?” Harry asked, suddenly.
“What’s what?” Hermione asked in return.
Harry stopped walking forward and instead turned left, Hermione followed after him.
“Um, I wasn’t kidding about starving, guys!” Ron yelled after them, but it was no use, they were out of earshot. He sighed to himself and ran after them.
“Oh I think I hear it now too,” Ron said after catching up. “Is that music?”
“Yeah, I think so.” Harry replied.
Hermione furrowed her brows, clearly confused as to what was going on. The three continued to walk forward, the music getting louder and louder. Finally they reached a door, whatever music was playing must have been on a loop because it ended and then began once again.
Harry looked at them both and they nodded as confirmation that he was going to open the door now.
Who let the dogs out! Woof Woof Woof. Who let the dogs out!
Harry slammed the door shut and faced the other two, both returned his confused and bewildered expression.
“Was that-“ Ron started.
“Peeves and-“ Hermione continued.
“Fluffy? Yeah.” Harry finished.
“Wow. Was it just me, or was Peeves trying to… dance?” Ron asked.
“Oh was that what he was doing?” Harry said. “And what was with that song?”
“I think it’s by a group called Baha Boys or something like that. Some muggle music group, the song was really popular a few years ago. “ Hermione answered.
“Well if ever there were an anthem for Fluffy I guess that could be it.” Ron said.
After finally getting themselves together, they began to make their way back to the Great Hall again.
“You know, after those dance moves I’m not sure that I’m that hungry any more to be honest.” Ron admitted, clearly disappointed.

NIA//GRYFF; TALLY 100 + 30 + 8 + 17 =

Mods, may I have a author tag please? Thank you!

character: fat lady, character: ron weasley, character: fluffy, character: hermione granger, character: harry potter

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