fic; challenge

Apr 03, 2011 15:40

Title: The Next Great Adventure
Summary: A strange blue box has appeared in Diagon Alley and an odd pair steps out.
Characters/Pairings: Harry, Ron, Hermione, the Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond
Genre: cross-over
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 1614

Fanfic Challenge #12
Prompt: You're going to need to do a cross-over, this can be something large or small. It's up to you.
Word Count: 500+

There was something weird in Diagon Alley. Harry had been up and down this place since the age of 11 but he had never noticed the big blue box outside of The Leaky Cauldron before. He supposed it must be a new addition, albeit a rather odd choice of decor. Maybe Tom was going blind. Or maybe he lost a bet.

Harry had all but forgotten about the strange box after stepping into Quality Quidditch Supplies with Ron and a reluctant Hermione.
"Whoa did you see that?!" Ron grabbed Harry's arm and pointed towards the Police Box as they walked out of the store an hour later with hands full of new quidditch equipment.
"What?" asked Harry and Hermione together.
"The box! The door opened for a second and two people came out - but I saw inside before the door closed. There's an entire room in there! How does it fit in that little space?"
"oh Ron! Honestly do you ever pay attention in Charms class?" Hermione breathed exasperatedly.
"No. Well, sometimes - usually only the practical parts though."
She sighed. "If it wasn't your imagination, it was probably just an undetecable extension charm! You know," she explained at seeing his and Harry's confused face, "it let's something be bigger on the inside than the outside. You act like you've never seen it before. What about that tent your dad borrowed for the Quidditch World Cup? Same principle."
"Oh right. Yeah that makes sense. Still bloody cool though," he quipped. She nodded in agreement.
"Did you see where the people who came out went, Ron?" Harry asked.
"They were headed that way. A bloke and a red headed girl. Thought she was my sister for a minute there."
"Oh honestly Ron, all red heads don't look alike," chided Hermione.
"Oy! Honest mistake. Anyway are we going to see if we can find them or not?"
"Yea let's go. Did they go into Madam Malkins?" said Harry.
"Looked like it before Hermione started lecturing me," Ron joked.

They set off down the alley, navigating the way through the bustling street. Street peddlers offered them the usual odds and ends - dragon liver, clothing patches, potion ingredients. They ignored them all as they headed toward their destination. Harry reached Madam Malkin's first. He slowly opened the door and held it open for the other two. At first they saw nothing out of the ordinary. The shop seemed to be empty. Then from the very back of the shop, they heard voices. One of them sounded familiar - the shop owner, Madam Malkin.
"Don't worry dears, we'll find you the perfect things. You do look a bit old for Hogwarts, though, you sure you meant Hufflepuff robes?" asked the voice of what could only be the shopkeeper.
"Oh yes, ma’am Hufflepuff is perfect, look at the stunning yellow accent. And what’s that animal on the crest on front? Is it a badger? I love badgers!” exclaimed a man’s voice.
Harry motioned for the other two to be quiet and follow him to the row next to the one with the odd customers.
“Badgers? Since when do you like badgers?” said a woman’s voice. This must be the red head Ron had described. Her accent sounded Scottish.
“I like badgers now, badgers are cool,” replied the man off handedly. She scoffed loudly.
“Do you have anything else? Yellow’s not really my color.”
Harry, Ron and Hermione tried to move some of the clothing on the racks as silently as possible to get a look at the pair. The man looked like a Muggle professor to Harry. He was wearing suspenders and a brown tweed jacket was draped over the chair next to him. It was his red bow tie that really gave off the professor vibe. The girl was indeed a very pretty red haired girl. She was also dressed in red, which seemed to be a theme.
“Which house are you in, sweetie?” asked Madam Malkin.
“Uh,” stuttered the girl, quickly looking at the man.
“Gryffindor!” Harry walked out from behind the rack that had been concealing them. “She’s in Gryffindor, Madam Malkin.”
“Right! Yes, Gryffindor, that sounds good. What color is Gryffindor?” she asked, looking at Harry.
“Red. Lion mascot, hopefully more suited to your liking than badgers,” replied Harry.
“Hey, badgers are cool!” said the man.
Madam Malkin bustled into her back room, presumably to get some samples of Gryffindor robes for the girl.
“Who are you guys? You’re obviously not Hogwarts students, though you look like you could be a professor. We saw you guys come out of the new weird blue box outside of the Leaky Cauldron,” said Ron who had joined Harry on the other side of the rack, dragging a reluctant Hermione.
“I’m the Doctor. This is my associate, Amy Pond,” replied the professor.
“I’m Harry,” he said, flattening his hair over his scar like he always did when introducing himself. “This is Ron and Hermione.” They acknowledged each other politely.
“So what exactly is Hogwarts? Sounds like a disease,” the girl called Amy said.
“It’s our school. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.”
“Oooh, is it real magic? No alien creature explanation? That’s usually what happens whenever we find something cool like this. It’s always aliens,” Amy whined.
Ron and Hermione exchanged furtive looks before deciding the girl was dead serious.
“Don’t you know about magic? You’re in Diagon Alley and your police box has an undetectable extension charm on it. And you expect us to believe you’re Muggles?” scoffed Hermione.
“Muggles, no, of course we’re not Muggles!” replied the Doctor matter of factly. “What, uh is a Muggle if you don’t mind me asking.”
“A non magic person. Honestly! How do you explain the magic stuff about you if you’re not a wizard!” she said. She was getting that irritated look she got when not everyone had read all the books she had.
“Amy already explained that bit, I’m afraid!”
“Did she? I must’ve missed it.”
“Indeed. Aliens.”
“She told you. All the weird stuff she sees with me usually turns out to be some sort of alien even though it first appeared to be magic of some kind. Aliens. We can show you if you like. That blue box? It’s my space ship. Called a T.A.R.D.I.S - Time and Relative Dimension in Space, so you can stop calling it “the weird box” now, if you please. I gather you’re witches and wizards? I’m a 900 year old alien known as a Time Lord. Amy, uh. Well yes she is a ‘Muggle’ if you will.”
“Hey!” yelled Amy.
“Sorry, you are!” the Doctor laughed.
“Anyway, I guess you don’t run into our sort very often, hmm? An alien and Muggle pair? Like I say though, we can show you exactly what we mean. Let me take you back to the Tardis. It’s just down the street by that charming pub with the toothless barkeep. Everything will make sense I promise.”

Reluctantly, Harry, Ron and Hermione agreed to accompany the supposed alien and red headed Muggle companion to their “spaceship.” They left the shop quickly before Madam Malkin could return with fresh merchandise to fit them all in. When they reached the telephone booth, Ron took a quick walk all the way around it, just to make sure that it was really as small as it seemed. “Are you ready?” the Doctor asked them, pausing briefly before flinging the door open dramatically. The group stepped inside, the Doctor and Amy last. The magical half of the group seemed speechless. They were used to drafty, stone castles with fireplaces and candles. The technology in the Tardis seemed to mystify them. Harry and Hermione at least were familiar with things like electricity from their Muggle upbringing, but Ron seemed utterly amazed.
Walking up to the center console, he tried touching some of the whirring knobs and buttons. The Doctor did not stop him. He let him explore on his own for a few minutes before interrupting.
“How do you like her?” he asked them pleasantly, like a proud father would.
“It’s… amazing!” Ron announced.
“Is there any literature on this type of technology? Where do those doors lead?” she asked pointing to the branching hallways. “Do you have a library on board?”
“You can look into that later. Now, where would you like to go? Or should I ask when?” the Doctor asked with the excitement of a school boy.
“What? Are we going somewhere?” Ron blurted out.
“We promised you we would prove who we said we were. You need the full experience!”
“Yeah, but make sure you don’t have your heart set on where ever you request,” Amy warned. “He’s very inaccurate. My first trip I asked for 1900 Paris, Moulin Rouge. Ended up in New New whatever England in space on the back of a whale. Don’t ask,” she said, rolling her eyes at their confused faces.
“I’m perfectly capable of controlling my own ship, thank you Ms. Pond,” scolded the Doctor. “To business!” He studied Hermione briefly, then glanced at each of the boys. “Something tells me you lot would enjoy the planet Voltarge. Year 5,300 perhaps. Visited it myself as a young time lord, very pleasant folk. Known for being home to the universe’s second largest library.” Hermione’s eyes widened excitedly. Before anyone could object, the Doctor began pressing buttons and pulling levers. Whorp, whorp, whorp noises started coming from the center of the machine, Harry assumed it was a machine though he couldn’t be sure, and they were off to - hopefully - see the second largest library in existence with a mad man in a box.

1614/30 = 54 points
+ 5 challenge

character: ron weasley, rating: g, character: hermione granger, character: harry potter

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