Drabble. No Challenge

Apr 02, 2011 16:18

Title: Tupperware
Rating: G
Pairing: SS/HG
Summary: Snape asks Hermione about a Tupperware catalogue.
Words: 100

Snape's cape billowed behind him as he approached his wife, Hermione. He showed her the Muggle Tupperware catalogue he was holding and asked her, "Miss Granger, may I ask what this is?"

Hermione Granger's cheek turned slighlty pink as she said, "Severus, I've told you many times to call me Hermione. Don't make me feel like a student, please. And--" she pause, regarding the Muggle woman that was smiling in the cover of the catalogue. "--our home needs dishes. It's a mail-order catalogue. It would do us some good to actually buy things for our new home, don't you think?"

3 points for Hufflepuff

genre: fluff, rating: g, character: hermione granger, genre: gen, character: severus snape

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