Fic; No Challenge

Mar 11, 2011 22:37

Title: Moody, Alastor Moody: Hogwarts Years
Summary: Alastor Moody's Hogwarts experience. A coming of age story. Rating for future chapters. Contains domestic violence/child abuse, character death, and sexuality.
Characters/Pairings: Alastor Moody
Genre: Drama/Mystery/Friendship/Romance
Rating/Warnings: R
Medium: fanfiction
Word Count: Ch. 9: 2107 | Ch. 10: 1557

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Stephan of Slytherin

1 fic; Ch. 9: 2107 | Ch. 10: 1557
Total: 122 points for Slytherin

character: original, rating: r, character: alastor moody, form: fic

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