Title: Twenties
Summary: The not so simple tale of of Albus and Scorpius' relationship. All songs by Jay Brannan.
Characters/Pairings: Albus Potter/Scorpius Malfoy, Lysander Scamander
Genre: Angst, Romance
Rating/Warnings: PG-13
Medium: Fic
Word Count: (not counting lyrics/links/etc) 1250.
Age 20
At First Sight if I could force you to love me, I would
you’d teach me not to be psycho, I know you could
give me one final chance, I’ll be good
never believed in love at first sight, but now I think I might
"Scorpius," Albus snapped. He took a deep breath then, trying to reign his temper in and looked at Scorpius, who was smiling at him vaguely. "I do not like you. Not in that way, not in any way. If I'm completely honest, you're kind of weird."
"Al," Scorpius mimicked. "We'd be great together." Albus said nothing. He took a deep, long swig of his fire whiskey and walked away. Scorpius watched after him, before sighing and sinking onto the sofa in the flat.
"You could always use a love potion," Lysander said, sitting beside Scorpius. "I'm sure you'd get into plenty of trouble, but it's always an option if you're that desperate."
"I am!" Scorpius sighed. He ran a hand through his hair and slumped backwards. "I love him, Lysander. I've loved him for years."
"So don't give up." Scorpius squinted up at Lysander, who was inspecting his nails. "And don't use love potions. I'm not sure his dad would be too happy with you." He smiled, and turned to Scorpius. "I've got a plan."
your text messages were like no-calorie food for my soul
Lysander's plan was working. It had to be working, because Scorpius had done exactly as instructed. He'd pulled away, he'd started to leave Al alone and soon enough, he was getting daily letters from Albus about the most mundane things. They were perfect, amazing, so many different positive adjectives. He could kiss Lysander, he really could.
"Scorpius?" He heard someone call from the floo, and he stood up from the sofa. "Are you in?"
"I'm coming!" He called as a he walked up the hallway, towards the study. "Just a minute." When he pushed the door open, he was surprised, and ecstatic of course, to see Albus. "Oh, come on through." The fire glowed green for a moment, before Albus stepped out. He dusted himself off, not even noticing Scorpius' slight frown and then looked up.
"You're avoiding me," Albus said, leaning back against the mantle piece.
"You told me to leave you alone. Many times, in fact." It was Albus' turn to frown at that, and Scorpius could practically see him trying to formulate a response.
"I didn't think you actually would, really," He finally said. Scorpius raised an eyebrow, hoping it looked as intimidating on him as it always did on his father. "Well, I was kind of wondering if...you wanted to..give us a go?"
"I thought you said we had no chemistry," Scorpius said. Inwardly, he was resisting the urge to run over to Albus and snog him. Outwardly, he crossed his arms over his chest. A Malfoy always resisted silly urges.
"I miscalculated." Albus turned away. "Well, I guess I'll be going. I think I have the wrong end of the stick."
"Don't." Albus' hand hovered over the pot of floo powder. "You don't." Al turned round again.
"So...we're on?" He asked. He blushed, and Scorpius smiled. He had to remind himself to buy Lysander something incredibly expensive.
Age 23
Can't Have It All applying moisturizer in the microwave window
for the tenth time, he should've called me an hour ago
would he be here with flowers if i lived in arizona?
they say there's no love left in the big cities, it's kinda true
Scorpius drummed his nails against his leg, sighing for what felt like the hundredth time. Albus was, as usual, supposed to have floo called him over an hour ago. And, as usual, he hadn't.
They'd been dating for three years now. Three wonderful years, if Scorpius' idea of "wonderful" was being ignored by his boyfriend and barely seeing him. Oddly enough, it wasn't. It had reached the point where he was beginning to agree with his mother that if he wanted romance, he'd have to find a 'nice country boy', as she'd put it.
It hadn't always been like. The first six months were stunning. The first year was passionate. Around the eighteen month mark, it hit a rut, and there it stayed. It was still passionate, still occasionally heart wrenching enough that neither of them were ready to give up but only just.
He stood up when the Floo turned green, and made sure he looked as pissed off as he felt when Albus stepped through.
"I'm sorry," Albus said, as soon as he had recovered. "I was out and I lost track of time, I'm sorry, Scorpius."
"You always lose track of time," Scorpius said, sneering. "Why are your friends always more important than me? Can't I be part of your life too?"
"They're important to me, Scorpius." Albus was already on the defensive, his arms crossed over his chest and his face getting that red tinge it always got when he was angry.
"So I'm the only one who should arrange my friends around the relationship?" He turned away from Albus. "I can't do this by myself, Al. If you say you'll be here at a certain time, be here at that time."
"I'm sorry, Scorpius." Scorpius heard movement, could feel Albus crossing the room to stand behind him. There was a pause, and then Albus' arms wrapped around him. "I'm sorry. I love you."
"You're always sorry, Al," Scorpius sighed as he turned around. Albus' eyes were wide, apologetic and so beautiful that Scorpius felt his will crumbling. "Promise me this time. Promise me it'll be better."
"I promise, Scor." Albus' lips moved against his neck, and he groaned. It wasn't quite pleasant. There was a hint of upset still in it, even as he arched into the touch. He knew he was desperate, knew he was clinging to those rare hints of romance and he knew he should let go but...why couldn't he have it all?
Age 27
Ever After Happily well that’s the way the fairy tale goes
boy meets girl and they wed with roses
but that’s not the way it seems to be
and I’m pissed that they lied to me
cuz boy meets boy and boy runs away
or girl meets girl and she’s afraid to stay
we end up home alone watching court tv
not living ever after happily
Scorpius lay in his empty bed, stretched across the vast space, just to keep it warm. If there was warmth, he wouldn't feel so lonely in a house that wasn't made for just one person.
The light of a tempus charm turned his skin a sickly shade but he didn't care. He didn't care that it was past four in the morning. He couldn't sleep. Every time he shut his eyes, all he could think about, all he could dream about was Albus. He'd tried to get rid of the memories, all of them, by throwing himself into one night stands and pathetic excuses for relationships, but nothing worked. He was still there, at every moment Scorpius didn't want him to be.
He turned onto his side, staring at the curtains that hung slightly open. Albus had chosen them, simply for the red and gold weaving that you could barely see. He made a mental note to take them down and burn them in the morning.
Laying in bed like this reminded him of his childhood. Every night, his mother would read him a fairytale. Every night, Scorpius would lay awake, pondering his own future fairytale. Now, he could truly see them for the lies they were. In fairy tales, everything ended happily. There was romance, love, and endless happiness with the person you loved.
In real life, boy meets boy and then one of them runs away because he's scared. Scared of what? What was there to be scared of after six years? Everything, it seemed.
He rolled over again. On the other side of the bed, on a slightly wonky table, stood photos. In one, Lysander smiled at him before patting his chest, right above his heart. Scorpius' breath caught. Why hadn't he seen it before? Why had he been so blind? He turned to stare at the ceiling.
He was tired of moping, of not sleeping, of being obsessed with someone who'd hurt him so easily. It was time to write his own fairy tale.
Emily//Gryff//47 Points~