Saturday Special 1: Turning Into Gods

Jan 08, 2011 19:41

Title: Turning Into Gods
Summary: A kiss between Albus Severus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy unleashes some Old Magic
Characters/Pairings: Albus Severus/Scorpius
Genre: crack
Beta: none
Rating/Warnings: PG
Medium: literature
Word Count: 1065

Ever since he was born on the first day of January in 2006, people had consistently compared Scorpius Malfoy to a Greek god. But which Greek god was he to be? At birth, he was of course compared with Eros - but as his form filled out, he saw a lot more comparisons to Ares (due to his handsome features), Hermes (due to his speed, which would later make him an even better Chaser than his grandfather Lucius - and being the first person to ever score a thousand points in Quidditch for Slytherin House by himself in a single season), and even Hades (due to his dark and devastating sense of humour). A few people even disagreed and figured that since the Malfoys had more of a Roman tradition than a Greek one (with names like Brutus, Abraxas, and Lucius - with Draco being the sole exception), he really was meant to look like a Roman god instead. However, no one could agree or have any idea as to which god Scorpius REALLY was supposed to represent until a certain Yule Ball in December of 2020, which was Scorpius's fourth year at Hogwarts.

Scorpius's date for the evening was, of course, fellow fourth year Slytherin (and world class Quidditch Seeker - better than both of his parents combined, which would be impossible to believe for those who had ever seen Harry or Ginny play until they caught a single glimpse of a guy on the pitch) Albus Severus Potter: the only person at Hogwarts who could even begin to compete with Scorpius in an attractiveness contest. They both had instant chemistry with each other from the moment they met on their first Hogwarts Express in 2017 and became best friends from the moment they became roommates in the first-year Slytherin dorm. The only thing that had complicated their friendship was the fact that both had tried to hide their sexuality from each other; each fearing that the other would not respect them if they knew the other's secrets. Being Slytherins, this involved a large number of concealment charms around their reading materials, glamour charms over their hardons, dark sunglasses over their own eyes so that no one could detect the way their eyes wandered, and so forth. In fact, the only reason this sexual tension ever ended at all was that the preceding August, both Albus Severus and Scorpius had snuck out of their parents' respective homes at midnight to the back area of Flourish and Blotts (which featured all of the erotic magazines), each disguised so that no one would recognize that they were not of age. Albus Severus, glamoured into Albus Dumbledore, was looking at a magazine featuring blond young-looking men while Scorpius, glamoured into the Greek god Ares, was looking at a magazine featuring dark-haired, green-eyed men. Trying to avoid the gaze of the store clerk, Albus Severus and Scorpius bumped into each other; each recognizing the other by the way their bodies felt (not anticipating the other, they had merely glamoured their looks; not their scents or the way their bodies felt). Knowing Scorpius's fetish (and knowing that Albus Severus knew his own), Albus Severus immediately asked Scorpius out - to which Scorpius said yes... and their plan was, of course, to keep the relationship secret until that Yule Ball (no one could really criticize them when they were the best-looking dancers on the floor).

So, as the clock struck midnight, the spotlight shone down on Albus Severus and Scorpius - who had previously been dancing far enough back as to not attract any attention. On the seventh strike, Albus Severus snogged Scorpius passionately (the first same-sex kiss for either one of them; although both had kissed a number of women to avoid arousing suspicion) which unveiled a form of Old Magic. You see, it turned out that both Albus Severus and Scorpius were actually reincarnated Greek gods: Scorpius was actually a reincarnated Apollo and Albus Severus was a reincarnated Hermes. Upon that kiss, both of them temporarily reverted to their true forms and the rest of Hogwarts was stunned to see Hermes making out with Apollo. Naturally, being gods (and suddenly realizing their true powers) there was nothing for them to actually learn at school - and they were not going to sit around wasting more years hiding their true forms either. Instead, they both realized the reason they were brought back to life in twenty-first century England as opposed to any other time: they needed to take over the Ministry of Magic!

The Minister of Magic had long been a corrupt figurehead; never having any actual power or influence and being in control of the special interests. So, it was time for Apollo and Hermes (back in their original forms as Scorpius and Albus Severus, respectively) to simultaneously Apparate from the dance hall to the Ministry's building in London where they would establish a new form of government by the time the Ministry workers returned to their office in the morning. (And you may wonder how they Apparated out of Hogwarts being both too young to legally apparate and with the wards: the answer is, of course, that as Greek gods they were able to bend the rules of magic at will!)

They began by removing the position of Minister of Magic entirely (after all, the Ministry would henceforth be headed by Apollo and Hermes: more competent and MUCH better looking than any past ministers) and then instated a meritocracy in which promotion and demotion were largely based on skill; not on any stupid political games like the ones that had let the Umbridge family get so close to the top. Finally, they made it so that the new ordering was posted on every wall in the Ministry so that when the workers arrived, they knew exactly what their assignment was.

At nine o'clock the next morning, the workers began coming into the Ministry and were greeted by all these announcements and that Apollo and Hermes had taken over the Ministry. While everyone was scared at first, they were all happy to have their jobs back - and when they saw how amazing Apollo and Hermes looked (especially when the two were kissing each other), they knew that they would be much better than any Fudge, Umbridge, Scrimgeour, or even Shacklebolt as heads of the Ministry of Magic!

William/Slytherin/36 points earned (1065/30 = 35.5 --> 36)

character: scorpius malfoy, character: albus severus potter, rating: pg, creator: mmailliw, !saturday special

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