Fic "Brighter Days"; No Challenge

Dec 16, 2010 00:33

Title: Chapter One - Awkward
Summary: It's Harry's weekend with his godson.
Characters/Pairings: Harry Potter, Kreacher, Teddy Lupin
Genre: Humor/Family
Rating/Warnings: PG; none really. If you're easily grossed out by pee...
Word Count: 820
A/N: from 25_prompts's Awkward prompt.

He was flying over mountain tops, gliding through the air and soaring through clouds. He was invincible, unreachable, untamable. He was flight and freedom. He was as light as a feather wafting in the breeze.

But suddenly, he took a dive, and was crashing into a lake, drowning in a water fall, trying to escape its freezing clutches.

“Uncle Harry!”

He wanted out of the cold water and back up in the sky, free to fly where he belonged. But he couldn’t leave the water; he couldn’t reach the sandy banks.

“Uncle Harry!”

Suddenly, he was thrust into a pitch black bedroom, his surroundings blurry. Small hands were shaking his shoulder and he wiped his face. “Teddy?” He questioned, his mind clouded.

He could feel his three year old godson peer over his shoulder and look at his face. “Uncle Harry, I peed,” he announced, his morning breath fanning across Harry’s nose.

Harry rubbed his nose and turned his head away, hoping he could fall back into his dream of flying. “Good for you, buddy.”

He closed his eyes and tried relaxing his body. But he couldn’t get comfortable.

His back was freezing.

“Oh,” he said, opening his eyes. “Oh!” He quickly sat up, turning on his bedside lamp and putting on his glasses. He pulled back the pee-soaked sheets and stood, hurriedly stripping off his clothes. “Kreacher!” He called over Teddy’s loud laughter. “Kreacher!”

The house elf appeared in the doorway, rubbing his eyes and mumbling. “Another accident, Master Harry?”

“Yeah,” he answered, picking Teddy up by the arm pits and holding him out at arm’s length. “Get new sheets on the bed, will you? We’re going to rinse off in the shower.”

“Yay!” Teddy exclaimed, awkwardly clapping his hands together as Harry practically ran down the hall in the apartment to get to the only bathroom.

Kreacher hid a yawn behind his hand. “Yes, Master Harry.”

About seven minutes later, Teddy and Harry had rinsed off and changed into fresh night clothes.

Harry sighed at the clock when it read 2:37 and gave his godson a tired smile. “Alright, buddy, off to bed. And this time, you need to stay in your own bed.”

The young boy shook his head, his currently long, blue hair shaking in ringlets around his face, and rubbed his tummy. “I’m hungry, Uncle Harry.”

As if on cue, Harry felt his stomach rumble. He rubbed his eyes underneath his glasses and gave in. “I’m hungry too, Teddy. But just a snack - and then back to bed, okay?”

“Yay!” Teddy exclaimed, running down the hall and jumping onto the couch. The TV was on just seconds later.

“Kreacher?” Harry called, poking his head into the master bedroom. The house-elf was putting chocolate mints onto the pillows of the freshly made bed. “Do we have any leftovers from dinner?”

The house-elf looked slightly offended. “Yes, of course, Master Harry. Would you like me to warm up some pot roast for you and the young master? Or perhaps you’d prefer desert? There’s vanilla ice-cream in the freezer. Or I can have strawberry shortcake made very quickly?” As he had been speaking, Kreacher had gently steered Harry to the living room and made him sit on the couch.

“Ice cream!” Teddy answered, both his hands holding on to the TV remote, changing the channel every three seconds.

Smiling, Harry took the remote from Teddy. “Ice cream should be just fine, Kreacher. Don’t go to any trouble.”

Kreacher gave another slightly offended look before disappearing to the kitchen.

“Don’t change the channel!” Teddy warned. “It’s good now.”

Harry’s smile grew when he realized Teddy had found a cheesy, werewolf movie for the two of them to watch. He grabbed the blanket off the back of the couch and covered them both up.

“Fine, we’ll watch the movie. But just until we’re done with our snack. Deal?”

Teddy nodded and snuggled into his godfather’s side.


He was surfing in the ocean, hanging ten on a long board and riding on a giant tidal wave. There were sharks all around him, just waiting for him to fall off. He had to keep lifting up his hands to block the spray of the ocean from hitting him in the face. For the life of him, he couldn’t remember Hermione’s spell that kept his glasses dry.

“Uncle Harry!”

Harry was violently jerked awake. His glasses were askew on his face and it took him a second to register where he was. He was awkwardly lying on his stomach on the couch that was much too small to handle the full length of his body, with an unusual weight pressing on his back.

He was also very cold.

“Uncle Harry,” Teddy whispered in his ear. Harry realized very quickly that Teddy was the weight on his back. “Uncle Harry, I peed.”

Harry then realized very quickly just why he was cold.


Title: Chapter Two - Mail
Summary: A random package arrives for Harry.
Characters/Pairings: Harry Potter, Kreacher, Teddy Lupin
Genre: Humor/Family
Rating/Warnings: G; None
Word Count: 300
A/N: for 25_prompts's Mail.

"This has to be a trick."

"Master has already checked it over three times."

"Yes, well...maybe it's a magic proof trick."

"Are these muggles capable of such a feat?"

"Erm, probably not. But still..."

"Maybe it's candy, Uncle Harry!"

"I seriously doubt it's anything good, Teddy."

Harry continued to poke the package with his wand, bracing himself for the sure to be oncoming explosion. A muggle mailman had shown up at the apartment door not thirty minutes ago, much to the surprise of Harry's house elf. It was unusual for muggles to make it so far into the apartment complex, considering it was used as Ministry housing for Ministry employees who were all of magical nature. A quick memory charm had been used and the mailman sent on his way before Harry realized what was in his hands.

A package from the Dursley's. Covered in "Merry Christmas!" stickers.

"I don't know," he said with a note of finality. "I think I'd rather have Hermione check it out before I open it. Which reminds me," he snapped his fingers, "we've got to get going! Your gran is waiting for you, Teddy."

The currently green haired boy sighed. "But I want to go with you to the Burrow, Uncle Harry."

"I know. But you need to spend Christmas with your gran. I'll take you to the Burrow some other time. Besides, you get to be with me for a whole week during new years!"

That cheered up Teddy enough that he smiled and hugged his godfather. "I'm ready, Uncle Harry."

He affectionately rubbed to top of the boy's head. "Kreacher, you head over to the Burrow and help out Mrs. Weasley, ok? And take the package with you."

Kreacher nodded and in seconds had apparated away.

Harry and Teddy followed his lead.

Title: Chapter Three - Home
Summary: Harry heads to the burrow.
Characters/Pairings: Harry Potter, Teddy Lupin, Andromeda Tonks, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger
Genre: General
Rating/Warnings: PG; kissing
Word Count: 1,000
A/N: for 25_prompts's Home.

It was always surreal for Harry when he had to drop Teddy back off with Andromeda. Her yard and house brought back memories he tried to suppress - being on the side of Sirius’ old bike with Hagrid, running for their lives, watching Hedwig die and losing Moody…

He blinked and Andromeda was in the door way, wrapped in a fashionable purple sweater. She leaned against the door frame and smiled.

“Gran!” Teddy shouted, letting go of Harry and running to the older woman. She bent down to lift him into an embrace.

“Hello, my little love,” she said, hugging him tight to her. “I missed you so.”

“I missed you too, Gran!” Teddy announced. “But I had so much fun with Uncle Harry. We played trains and ate ice cream and watched werewolf movies and chased Kreature!”

Harry chuckled as his godson recounted their weekend together, raking his fingers through his hair. It always took him a few minutes to get used to the way Andromeda looked - though he knew that she was nothing like her sister Bellatrix, it took his heart rate a moment to remember.

Andromeda set Teddy down on his feet and tossed her hair behind her shoulder. “Well, I just put some tea on. And hot chocolate of course. Would you care to join us for a drink, Harry?”

She often invited Harry inside for a cup of tea; he knew how lonely she must be and rarely turned her down.

“Yes, please Uncle Harry!” Teddy begged.

Getting some extra time with his godson didn’t hurt either.

“Sure, Annie,” Harry smiled, “I’d love some tea.”


It was another hour before Harry apparated just down the road from the Burrow. It was all lit up in the dark, the lights reflecting on the snow covered ground. He at once felt a sense of calm come over him and a sudden nervousness fill his stomach. He hadn’t been back to the Weasley’s home in several months. He hadn’t seen most of the Weasleys in several weeks. And he hadn’t seen his girlfriend since the Quidditch season started. As relieved as he was to be back in one of the few places of the world where he felt safe, and content, and at home, he was excited and nervous for the same reasons.

He could see three figures in the front yard, illuminated by what appeared to be Hermione’s special, portable fire. His heart picked up and he slowed his speed down, so as not to be noticed right away.

“Don’t take it personally, Hermione,” Harry could hear Ginny say, “she’s just a little stressed. I think this time of year reminds her that not everyone is here to celebrate the holidays with us.”

Ron snorted. “So why push us away then?”

“No,” Hermione sighed, “I understand. I just don’t like it very much. No, Ron, this is my snow man. You can make your own snow man look ridiculous.”

Ginny laughed as Ron made noises of indignation.

Harry came to a stop just behind the group. They were building a group of snow people, jars of Hermione’s fire in a circle around them. He cleared his throat. All three of them quickly turned around, wands raised.

Ginny’s guard dropped first, her wand falling to the ground and hitting the snow.

“Hey, Champ,” Harry greeted quietly.

“Harry!” She exclaimed, running at him. He lifted her up and embraced her much the same way Andromeda had held Teddy. “I’m so happy you’re here!”

Harry kissed her.

He only stopped because Ron started coughing very loudly and Hermione was giggling. Ginny was smiling when Harry placed her back on her feet. “I read about the Porskoff Ploy you pulled off to tie the game on Friday.”

She rolled her eyes and smiled. “Well, I just do my part, you know.” She said before giving an over exaggerated toss of her hair over her shoulder.

He laughed. Ron and Hermione were quickly on either side of them.

“Oh, Harry!” Hermione said, giving him a quick hug. “We weren’t sure when you’d get here!”

“Good to see ya, mate,” Ron said with a smile, patting his shoulder.

“Come on now,” Harry said good naturedly, “you two can’t have missed me that much. Hermione, I just saw you three days ago. In fact, I think I paid for lunch!”

She waved her hand as if to dismiss his comment. “But it wasn’t Christmas then.”

“A note of warning,” Ron cut in, bowing his head down conspiratorially, “Mum is in a bit of a mood.”

“Oh, for heaven’s sake, Ron,” Ginny sighed, “she’s only in a bit of a mood towards you two.”

Hermione blushed and pushed her hair out of her face. “It’s true, Ron. She’s really only mad at me, to be honest.”

“Ah,” Harry said with a nod, “she hasn’t gotten over the elopement yet, eh?”

Ron shook his head. “Or the fact that we spent last Christmas with Hermione’s parents. But, really, she’s got to understand we can’t spend every holiday with her. Hermione’s parents want to see us too. Plus,” he said, his voice dropping to a whisper, “last year they took us to Venice.”

Ginny and Harry laughed, but Hermione’s blushed increased. “I can’t help but feel guilty. I suppose we could have had a big wedding…but, we just got caught up in the moment! And now, now she won’t really even talk to me. And I am banned from anywhere near the kitchen.”

“At least you don’t have to do chores,” Ginny offered with a shrug.

Harry put his arm around Hermione’s shoulders and gave a reassuring squeeze. “It’s okay, Mrs. Weasley. I’ll protect you from the other Mrs. Weasley.”

Hermione rolled her eyes, her cheeks still glowing. “Oh, whatever, Harry.”

Ron laughed and messed up Harry’s hair. “It’s good to have you home, mate.”

Harry let go of Hermione and shoved Ron in the chest, a giant smile on his face. “It’s good to be home.”

820/30 = 27.333 = 27
300/30 = 10
1000/30 = 33.333 = 33
27 + 10 + 33 = 70 points for Hufflepuff!

character: ginny weasley, rating: g, character: kreacher, character: hermione granger, character: teddy lupin, character: ron weasley, rating: pg, creator: touchofviolet, character: andromeda tonks, character: harry potter

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