[Poetry] Challenge #6 x 5 (Haikus) AND #13 AND #s19-21

Nov 06, 2010 12:28

Title: Flying So High
Summary: Quidditch
Characters/Pairings: Unknown. Can be anyone.
Word Count: Um, it says there that 5 or more means 15 points. :D

The stars are so bright
I'm flying on my new broom
And I'm winning this

Title: Potions Smell Bad
Summary: Potions suck.
Characters/Pairings: Snape and random student

The potions smell bad
I'm practically dying
I hate Professor

Title: Practicing
Summary: Charms
Characters/Pairings: Unknown.

I am practicing
The wonderful joys of Charms
So I will be good

Title: Believe it
Summary: Dumbledore and Grindelwald?
Characters/Pairings: Dumbledore and Grindelwald.

Dumbledore the 'Good'
With Grindelwald the 'Evil'
Can you believe it?

Title: Obviously
Summary: Ron and Hermione are together--obviously.
Characters/Pairings: Ron/Hermione

Ron and Hermione
They're together now, you know?
I am not surprised

Am I doing this right? =)) i was slightly confused.

Title: No More Voldemort
Summary: Voldemort is GONE. Acrostic.
Characters/Pairings: Voldemort and Harry Potter
Word Count: 88

No more Voldemort
Oh, I am so happy!

Mom is too.
Of course. Duh.
Really. Who wouldn't be happy?
Especially on a day like this?

Vows were broken. But what can you expect?
Of course they'll be broken! In a time like this, they'll always be.
Later though, everything will be forgiven and forgotten. Just wait.
Dusk will come and we will sleep.
Enemies will be caught and be in Azkaban. You know what this means?
More freedom for us Muggle-borns and Squibs! And less burdens on our shoulders.
Oh, and Harry Potter's too! We'll all get ready.
Really, you should prepare. Because...
Tomorrow will be a better day.

Summary: Gryffindor Acrostic
Characters/Pairings: Gryffindors, Godric Gryffindor, Dumbledore
Word Count: 84

Godric's like our father, you know?
Really great, really awesome, he is. I'm seriously.
You know, he has this really great sword.
For real Gryffindors only though.
Fantasies are fulfilled here. By here, I mean...
In our common room, decked with red and gold.
Not just fantasies of robot unicorns or anything like that.
Dumbledore would totally know what I'm talking about.
Or maybe you do, dear friend. I have to go now.
Rum is waiting for me. No, I'm kidding. Activities, I mean.
So, are you a Gryffindor and ready to partay?

Summary: Hufflepuff Acrostic
Characters/Pairings: Hufflepuffs, Helga Hufflepuff
Word Count: 84

Here they are, those loyal people. I see them now.
Under no pressure will they ever betray you. I think.
For really, they are Helga Hufflepuff’s likeness.
Fear no slacking off because they’re really hardworking.
Little by little, they’ll become great. Work will get them where they want.
Enter, dear Hufflepuffs! And rule the day!
People already know you’re fair and just. But that’s really an…
UNDERSTATEMENT. They’re more than that.
Far and wide you’ll find them. Or maybe they’ll…
Find you. I’m totally not joking.
So... Are you a Hufflepuff, or not?

Summary: Ravenclaw Acrostic
Characters/Pairings: Ravenclaws
Word Count: 102

RA RA RAVENCLAW! Do you hear it?
A group of people who want all the knowledge they can get, I mean.
Very cool, they are. Fond of learning for the sake of learning. They can do it.
End ignorance, I mean. Intellectuals like them can and should. It is…
Near. You’re almost there. On to the rest of this poem!
Curious are you? If you are, you better read on.
Logical yet impractical. Does this sound familiar?
Analyzing is probably something you like to do.
‘Wit is a man’s greatest treasure.’ They say. Do you agree?
So this means you are probably a true Ravenclaw if you do. Yes?

Summary: Slytherin Acrostic
Characters/Pairings: Slytherins, Salazar Slytherin
Word Count: 79

Salazar Slytherin knows how you feel.
Loyal to your cause. Why? Because you want it.
You’re in it to win it. Am I right?
The most driven to get the goal are you guys.
Here you are, looking at me. I wouldn’t know what it feels to be a snake.
Especially since I’m not a perfectionist.
Reasoning is used to achieve your goals.
In school, in work, with friends-everywhere.
No unambitious people in your house allowed!
So. How snakey are you, ambitious Slytherin?

Haikus (5)= 15 points
88 words divided by 30= 2.9333333333(and more threes) 3 + 5= 8
84 words divided by 30= 2.8 3 + 5= 8
84 words divided by 30= 2.8 3 + 5= 8
102 words divided by 30= 3.4 3 + 5= 8
79 words divided by 30= 2.63333333 3 + 5= 8
Together= 15 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8= 55


Essa//Gryffindor//If there are any mistakes, I'm sorry. I'm rushing.

character: godric gryffindor, character: voldemort/tom riddle, character: ravenclaws, rating: g, character: hufflepuffs, character: hermione granger, character: slytherins, character: ron weasley, character: gellert grindelwald, character: gryffindors, character: albus dumbledore, creator: baterina_1234, character: severus snape, character: harry potter

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