Week 038 - Timeline and Daily Prophet

Aug 18, 2007 23:37

Week 036: Back to the Daily Grind
Saturday, Sept. 2nd, 2006 - Saturday, Sept. 9th, 2006

To most children, going back to school was a thing of excitement!  They'd swing little bags full of brand-new supplies onto tiny shoulders and kiss their Mum's goodbye, skipping up to the doors of their respective places of education.  For the children of Hogwarts, however, the merriment was melancholic at best.  While practically each and every one of them was excited to see old friends, practice magic, and continue their education, the doubt still hung over all.

Would this be the school year we'd not make it through?

It really seemed like things around them were building up to some sort of unwanted climax and really, no one knew when the hammer would drop.  So for the students, it was back to another year of fun mixed with worry and for the Professors, and end to any relaxation they might have earned themselves during the hols.  There was no time to waste; things had to get started quickly!  DA and FUKD found themselves holding the first meetings of the year pretty shortly after arrival.  In the UK, the Order and Death Eaters got to work immediately as well.

Speaking of, it really seemed as if both groups (the Order and DE, that was) now had an up on one another.  Sources, they both had sources.  Good sources, even, the type that told them that each group had gained numbers during the holiday and, even worse, revealed the names of a few key members.  One spy is earnest.  The other?  Not so much.  Only time will tell which group gets led in the very, very wrong direction.

Character relationships are changing and some are even being forced to grow up quickly.  Friendships begin and end.  Relationships come to a quick, unwanted halt or start up with fresh new faces.

We're back at school and back to the daily grind - could it be any different this time around?

Submit Plot Permission!  // Questions?  Suggestions?  Complaints?

Daily Prophet

Week 036: Back to the Daily grind
Saturday, Sept 2nd, 2006 - Saturday, Sept 9th, 2006

Saturday, Sept 2nd, 2006
Hogwarts Express Departure
Weather: Clear and chilly, with overcast skies clearing in the evening.
Daily Prophet Headline: Is the New Minister in Trouble?
Missing / Found Dead: Sam Eddington (M), Adriana Winters (D)

Sunday, Sept 3rd, 2006
Weather: Fog in the early A.M.; Thunderstorms likely in the afternoon.
Daily Prophet Headline: Scare in Diagon Alley -- Should Security Be Tightened?
Missing / Found Dead: Cynthia Whigham (M), Jorge Gonzalez (M)

Monday, Sept 4th, 2006
Weather: Severe Thunderstorms through the late afternoon, clearing in the evening
Daily Prophet Headline: The Price of Being Celestina Warbeck
Missing / Found Dead: None

Tuesday, Sept 5th, 2006
Weather: Overcast with a chilly northern breeze
Daily Prophet Headline: Man Arrested For Flying Carpet Over Muggle Sporting Event
Missing / Found Dead: Seamus McFinn (M), Charle DiOria (M)

Wednesday, Sept 6th, 2006
Weather: 75% Chance Drizzling Rain all day
Daily Prophet Headline: Gambol and Japes Recalls 40,000+ Sneakoscopes
Missing / Found Dead: Winnifred Early (D), Lisa Tucker (D)

Thursday, Sept 7th, 2006
Weather: Breezy with an autumn chill; slight chance for drizzling rain in the evening.
Daily Prophet Headline: Muggle Museum Opening Projected for Summer 2007
Missing / Found Dead: None

Friday, Sept 8th, 2006
Weather: Mild; Sunny and bright all day, little to no wind.
Daily Prophet Headline: Family of Three Goes Missing
Missing / Found Dead: Trevor Cornwall (M), Alicia Cornwall (M), Billy Cornwall (M)

Saturday, Sept 9th, 2006
Weather: Mild; Sunny and bright through evening hours, then 95% chance of evening showers.
Daily Prophet Headline:  Still Doubts Over Hogwarts Officials?
Missing/Found Dead: None
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