Care of Magical Creatures - Illegal Inbreeds

Mar 22, 2009 22:48

Activity Name: Illegal Inbreeds Voting

Start Date: 2009-03-22

End Date: 2009-03-26

As you know, Hargrid was fond of cross breeding creatures to make new ones. Some of them, Blast-Ended Skrewts, for example, weren't such a success. The challenge put to you is to design an illegal species by breeding two magical animals together. These can be from the Harry Potter universe or just general mythology. The medium for this is completely up to you; drawings, photo manipulation, or just a drabble describing the creatures.

Entry One:

I would cross a Centaur with a Hippogriff. I think both have great traits that would go well together. It is said that Centaurs are more intelligent than humans. I would mesh it with a Hippogriff so that it wouldn't be attacked by other Centaurs as it interacts with humans because I feel the Hippogriff traits would give it a fierce edge. I see both creatures as being proud creatures which makes them go well together. In terms of the characters appearance, I would say for the face and neck it would be of the hippogriff with the rest of the body being that of a centaur, with the added wings of the hippogriff. I see the wings as being a good idea so that flight can be included as well.

I would call this creature: Centagriff

Entry Two:

Hagrid decided to get a little frisky. This is the Hagryphon.

Entry Three:

The Hybrid Sphinx
Danger: XXXXX

The Hybrid Sphinx is thought to have been invented around 1600 B.C. by Egyptian wizards that made several highly illegal experiments on several animals to create dangerous pets they could use as guardians for their tombs. It has features of a lion, is about the size of an full grown elephant and has some miscolouring on its face that is thought to have come from an accident with a badger during the mutation. It sprouts two great wings and is capable of flying many miles to pursue its victims at great speed without showing any signs of tiredness. Its most deadly features besides its razor sharp teeth and strong paws are its snake-like ears, which can extend for several meters to sting its victims with poisonous, deadly venom.

In up-close combat the faces of its attackers can be torn to shreds by two claws that extend from its nose. However, a close combat encounter with a hybrid sphinx is highly unlikely as it is the only animal besides the Basilisk that has the capability to freeze its targets on sight. Hybrid Sphinxes are said to live for several thousands of years. They are capable of living for many hundreds of years without any nourishment - though they do enjoy feeding on the flesh of their victims on occasion. They also require no sleep and can pursue their victims during both day and night. They have the ability to mate, though due to their solitary and predatory nature only a few offsprings have ever been produced. It's rumoured that they can also speak in a human voice similarly to ordinary sphinxes, but none have lived to confirm this.

The hybrid sphinx is a very rare animal and as it is also one of the most dangerous species in the world, an encounter with such is very likely to result in a swift and gruesome death. There are only a handful of hybrid sphinxes left today and most of them can be found in Egypt where they are kept under strong magical protection from the wizarding community (since no one has actually figured out how to kill them yet).

Entry Four:

My unimercorn is half unicorn half mer-man. Very illegal. Very fun in the lake on hot summer days, also.

Entry Five:

Looks like any other Pygmy Puff but in actuality, the red pigment is the hint of Red Cap that it has been cross-bred with.

This incredibly dangerous animal was a result from Hagrid's efforts to cross a highly dangerous creature with a cute pet in order to make red caps seem less threatening. "Really, they are quite misunderstood..."

Entry Six:

The Acrolisk is a fearsome creature to behold. Formed from an experiment which involved fetilising the egg of a basilisk with a cross of Acromantula and Basilisk.

It's body is long and thick, resembling that of the basilisk. It has many eyes and very sharp, poisonous fangs. It's head is very similar to that of a basilisk, but is covered in the sort of coarse hair that can be found on the Acromantula. It is a particularly violent and bloodthirsty creature, killing for sport as well as food. As with its Acromantula ancestors, it is capable of human speech.

Unlike it's Basilisk ancestor humans will not immediately die if they meet it's gaze, though they will be rendered unconscious. This makes the Acrolisk a fast and deadly foe.

Entry Seven

She was secretly created with the help of the Merpeople of the Dark Lake and Winky the House Elf.

Currently still a baby; this critter has the facial features of Winky. She has big black eyes and a small yellow nose. What stood out are her bat-like ears but only to be covered with a pink bonnet and a flower attached to it by Winky. The lower half of her body is no doubt a contribution by the Merpeople. It is pink because Winky requested for it, only thing she could have ask for her baby.

The picture of

Entry Eight

Entry Nine

occwinder -
This breed comes from a crossbreed of an ashwinder and an occamy. The result is a long, thin plumed snake that can live longer than one laying of eggs. However, the resulting cross-breed is extremely territorial and females often attack while guarding their eggs. Unfortunately, the territorial nature also makes them less likely to breed.

First Place - #
Second Place - #
Third Place - #

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