Shutterbug Society|41.3 Lost & Found Part 2 Voting

Jun 15, 2018 13:47

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Activity: Lost & Found Part 2
Points:: 1st/2nd/3rd/Participation Only: 50/40/30/10 points.
Deadline: Thursday, June 14 10pm UTC Voting till Tuesday, June 19 10pm UTC
Details: So what happened?

Super quick voting. Usual voting rules apply.

Both picked this poster to write a drabble for.

Entry A

It was nine o'clock at night and Irma Pince finally had the library to herself. With no students blocking the library, she could finally clean it up and prepare it for the next day. But just before she finished, she saw something interesting under a table: although it was dark enough to blend into its surroundings, it was clearly made of metal. Madam Pince picked it up and observed that it was a candle holder (what was it doing in the library in the first place?) with stars around the edges!

Entry B

The last thing Hannah Abbott expected was to trip over something as she was walking with her fellow Hufflepuffs down by the lake. She had been giggling at something Justin said when - boom - she was suddenly on the ground, her toes in great pain.

“What was that?” she said, looking around.

And there, barely visible above the grass, was a clear candle holder decorated with stars and adorned with a white candle.

“Ughh,” Hannah said, picking it up to take back to the castle. “People need to stop leaving their Divination stuff out where the Giant Squid can hide it.”

First place:
Second place:

Name&House or Sigtag

voting, shutterbug society

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