May 20, 2015 23:43
I am wondering if anyone has a link/pdf/copy of Tyger, Tyger by bloodcult? All of the links I had bookmarked are broken. I Googled as well, and didn't see anything that suggested the author intentionally took it down - I know it's bad form to ask for something the author wanted removed - so I'm thinking maybe since it's an older fic the links are simply oudated? It was my favorite fic of all time back in the day and I'm so sad I can't find it anymore. :( My e-mail is Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Looks like the author did take it down, so I have to rescind my request.
I am freaking out going over my old fan-fiction links, though, as it looks like Obscurus Books as well as Digital Quill are both down. I am missing a big pile of fics, although Googling alt links is replacing most of them.