HGX Membership Changes

Sep 12, 2008 06:38

I made some changes on the HGX (exclusive)membership fees. I've been contemplating this in the past few weeks since I noticed that my new server provider is very generous. So I had to do something again. :P I reduced everything down to about 40% cheaper than they were before.

Last year I had to increase the prices due to the amount of bandwith used on the site and the heavy traffic that it had. I also had some issues with HGX where it was receiving too many new members than what I had liked to have - more members, more exposures - which I didn't want at all. I even found out that a few older members were trying to hack and steal some of the exclusive goodies to share freely somewhere else. So ... something drastic had to be done. Increasing the prices meant to make people think more than twice to join. And it worked. I started to only receive one or two applications every month - which was good for me but I realized now that it's kind of unfair to most people.

I love sharing - I honestly wish that I'm fortunate enough to share everything freely. But unfortunately, I have my own financial situation to worry about and I'm not able to afford sharing my work freely all the time - especially with the interests that this website has received over the past 5 years. I wish I could erase this exclusive membership thing from the site. But it means that I have to sacrifice so much of my time and money for... nothing other than self enjoyment. But I can't do that. I'm 'unemployed' at the moment - people have lost faith in me and I know full well that it's all my fault. With having a new addition in the family last year, everything is just so much harder - physically, emotionally and of course financially. People think that I'm insane to have 4 kids already, yet I know some of them are just jealous cos I'm such a cool and hip mommy. :P I can only do things on this computer at night time till dawn comes telling me to get up and busy with the kids. Some nights I don't sleep at all. 2 hours there, 1 hour here.. I'm screwed, for sure. So unfit it is scaring me lately, to be honest. :(

Anyway, because I know now that my hosting provider is so awesome, I can reduce the fees by about 40%. Still not happy about it because I wish I could bring it down even more.. *sighs* Someday, maybe. This will hopefully be better for some of you... I just hope that from now on people would respect me to keep everything for themselves and not try to steal from me and the site again.

Please check here if you're interested

Current members, your time will be extended - you should know me by now that I tend not to deactivate them until a few months after they're expired - because I don't think it's a big deal at all. And most time I slack a lot. So yeah, no worries. your time will be active a lot longer than what it says on your STAT on the site when you're logged in. When I do get the time to edit them, I will do that. :)

Well, thanks for reading and for continuing your generous support towards my work. I really appreciate it, and will always always be grateful to you all!

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